Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1260: Ion cannon

Zhang Tian knew that Jiang Cheng couldn't see himself at all. Just walked to his side. Watching him imitate. Jiang Cheng was proud of the probability of encountering a black hole, and Zhang Tian was a little speechless, but after thinking about it, it was in line with Jiang Cheng's style.

Zhang Tian just watched Jiang Cheng sitting by the side and doing the calculation. After almost ten minutes, Jiang Cheng had been doing this one action, sitting the same thing repeatedly. He even felt that Jiang Cheng had to sleep for a while.

Just when he was drowsy, Zhang Tian felt a violent impact and shook himself almost to the ground.

Chang Tian looked up, Jiang Cheng also stopped the calculation at this time, looking at the outside situation through the front display. Zhang Tian didn't see anything, just felt that something had hit him. The first feeling may be Yangshi.

Jiang Cheng also walked to the hatch at this time. Go out without hesitation. Zhang Tian looked at such a righteous Jiang Cheng, thinking about when this man was really so fearless.

Zhang Tian also followed Jiang Cheng out. I went out and saw a dilapidated spaceship in front of me. It looks very big and luxurious before it breaks. But now I can't see the original look at all.

Jiang Cheng walked in without hesitation. Zhang Tian went in and found that the spacecraft was very similar to the spacecraft of his own country. Although he had never boarded a real spacecraft, he still knew a little bit. Seeing such a similar spacecraft in front of him, Zhang Tian was also a little confused. Is it really himself? The country’s spacecraft, how could it be so broken? And why is it left here.

The cabin door and the inner wall of the spacecraft were broken in many places, but the basic facilities seemed to be complete. It seems to be a very advanced level. Zhang Tian thought. Watching Jiang Cheng in front of him walked from back to front and walked the entire spacecraft.

Chang Tian didn't see any animal remains. It seems that the pilot of this spacecraft should have left before the spacecraft broke. Zhang Tian thought about it. In recent years, it seems that only one astronaut has disappeared.

Jiang Cheng walked to the energy outlet in front. Zhang Tian also saw that the energy source of this spacecraft was the universal energy zijinshi of the national spacecraft, but there were a lot of zijinshi on this spacecraft. He saw that there were a lot of unused amethyst stones in the energy port, and it was really tiring to see.

But now I can't get those purple gold stones at all. I could only watch Jiang Cheng take a few yuan.

Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng in front of him. He was adjusting the additional information on the spacecraft. Zhang Tian saw Jiang Cheng very quickly. It's as fast as if you didn't watch it at all!

After a while, Zhang Tian saw that Jiang Cheng was learning the language of Kaeo. And after only one chase, it seemed to have already met. Then look at the history of Kai country.

Chang Tian thinks of Jiang Cheng's things before, and suddenly feels that he should have discovered something extraordinary

Zhang Tianqiang suppressed the excitement in his heart and saw that Jiang Cheng should have made some decision in his heart at this time. He walked out of the broken spaceship and returned to his spaceship. Zhang Tian looked at the unfamiliar spaceship in front of him at this time, why didn't he expect it at first. Jiang Cheng is not a person from this planet at all. As long as he thinks this way, many things can be right. Zhang Tian thought

When Jiang Cheng returned to the spaceship, he turned on the spaceship again, and headed towards Kaio

Go in the direction. Thinking about this, Zhang Tian felt more and more weird.

The spacecraft can be determined to belong to the State of Lebanon, but the materials Jiang Cheng saw are all about the State of Kai Ao. What is going on. Zhang Tian thought.

It felt like a few minutes later, the spacecraft landed on the ground. Zhang Tian looked at the surrounding scenes, it was still a desert. Oh my god, I can't get along with the desert. Zhang Tian was speechless for a while.

Jiang Cheng seems to be planning to change the means of transportation here and then go to Kaiao Country. Zhang Tian saw Jiang Cheng's intention clearly.

Jiang Cheng put away the spacecraft and took out a car. Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng's mustard bracelet. He was really admired at this time. The big spacecraft said that he put it down and put it down.

Chang Tian has been following Jiang Cheng in his illusion. It can also be said that looking back on Jiang Cheng's past, he has never found the right time to bring Jiang Cheng out. Zhang Tian knew that if he couldn't find the right time to bring Jiang Cheng out, he might be in danger.

After Jiang Cheng arrived in the town of Kai Ao Country, Zhang Tian felt that the picture before him had changed.

There is a tunnel in front of me. Zhang Tian looked at the familiar tunnel in front of him, and he couldn't remember it for a while. Jiang Cheng seemed to be being chased at this time, looking a little serious.

Zhang Tian watched Jiang Cheng run past him before thinking about going. Jiang Cheng couldn't see him at all. He felt that he was really too nervous.

Jiang Cheng ran over, and Zhang Tiancai saw Li Pu chasing after him. This person is really not a good thing. Zhang Tian thought, how did Jiang Cheng provoke him.

Zhang Tian saw that Jiang Cheng and Li Pu were about to work, and for a while, they were a little confused. Why didn't the two of them start a fight after a while?

Zhang Tian really didn't calm down when he saw Li Pu's cation cannon. That's the time, Zhang Tian thought. Now La Jiangcheng is the wisest choice.

When the illusion is the weakest, that is, when a person's mood fluctuates the most, pulling him out of the illusion at this time is the least dangerous and the easiest to break the illusion.

"Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, wake up, this is not true!" Zhang Tian came to Jiang Cheng and shook him and shouted.

Jiang Cheng did not move at all, but was immersed in his own scene Jiang Cheng! "Zhang Tian shouted, but Jiang Cheng still did not move.

Zhang Tian was really panicked at this time. It seemed that he couldn't wake him at all. Jiang Cheng is different from himself. He comes from a different planet. What does he have that he doesn't have? Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng and thought.

Suddenly Zhang Tian saw the mustard bracelet on Jiang Cheng, right? He brought it from his planet. Only that can make him sober. Zhang Tian walked to Jiang Cheng and turned the mustard seeds in his hand.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly looked at his bracelet. Zhang Tian also noticed, and continued to turn the bracelet on Jiang Cheng's wrist. "Jiang Cheng, can you hear it?

Jiang Cheng actually looked at his face, "I know you can see me now, listen to me, what you are in now is an illusion. Get out with me!" Zhang Tian said to Jiang Cheng.

After listening to Jiang Cheng's puzzled expression, he might be distrustful. Jiang Cheng's expression was very suspicious, and he seemed to distrust Zhang Tian.

"I know you may not believe me, but I know that you are not from this planet-"! "As soon as Zhang Tian finished speaking, he saw Jiang Cheng grabbing his wrist, widening his eyes, and looking at himself.

I can't explain so much now, you go with me first. It's dangerous here. "" Zhang Tian said with the last glimmer of hope.

Zhang Tian looked at Li Pu who was on the opposite side, and seemed to be so angry that he was going to deal with Jiang Zai. If you don't leave anymore, you will be here too. Zhang Tian thought.

When Zhang Tian saw Jiang Cheng suddenly let go, he looked at himself and nodded. Before Zhang Tian had time to be happy, he saw Li Pu launching a cationic cannon. Zhang Tian hurriedly took Jiang Cheng and ran to the other end. In this case, he obviously couldn't run to the original place. Zhang Tian had no choice but to meditate on Buju in his heart, and then to his dream, he went out from the opening that appeared in front of him.

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