Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1261: stubborn

On the other side, Zhao Shuai really waited anxiously. Looking at the two people in front of them, their expressions were calm, but they were too late to come out. His heart was really anxious. Suddenly he saw that the two people in front of him were moving. He quickly looked at the facial expressions of the two people, only to see Zhang Tian as if his eyes had turned and Jiang Cheng was still the same.

Zhao Shuai was a little confused. Just now, Zhang Tian just said that if Brother Jiang's expression is wrong, he should call him quickly, but he didn't say what to do if he was wrong. When Zhao Shuai was in a hurry, Zhang Tian and Jiang Cheng opened their eyes at the same time.

As soon as Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, he saw the desert in front of him, his eyes shook, and his body shook unconsciously. I felt uncomfortable for a while, staring blankly at the desert in front of me.

Zhang Tian also seemed to wake up suddenly, and after looking at the familiar scene before him, he realized that he was really out of Jiang Cheng's illusion. "Jiang Cheng? What do you think?" Zhang Tian asked.

Me, what happened to me just now, did I fall into an illusion? "Jiang Cheng was a little confused. Looking at everything, I felt unreal. It seemed like he fell asleep suddenly and then had a dream. Jiang Cheng thought.

You just fell into the illusion. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Illusion? "Jiang Cheng still didn't understand the situation before him. He just looked at the endless desert and wanted to stand up. Suddenly he felt as if his legs were numb, and he couldn't stand up. He looked at his calves and feet completely covered by SARS. Living.

Brother Jiang, are you awake now?" Zhao Shuai tried to ask, and walked to Jiang Cheng's side and pulled all the sand off his legs with his hands.

Can you try to stand up?" Zhao Shuai asked cautiously.

I'm fine, "Jiang Cheng was made a little funny by Zhao Shuai's tone. He stood up slowly. Feeling dizzy for a while, thinking that fortunately his physique is different from ordinary people. Otherwise, he would really fall. Jiang After a while, Cheng was afraid, if he didn't wake up at that time, then he would really die there.

Jiang Cheng thought about seeing Zhang Tian next to him. His face was pale now, he looked very weak, and his lips were not bloody. Jiang Cheng knew that he must have wasted a lot of energy just now. "How are you? It's okay." Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's okay." Zhang Tian said lightly, not a little different from his usual tone, but Jiang Cheng still heard fatigue in his tone.

Zhang Tian also slowly tried to stand up, but he just got up a little before he fell. Jiang Cheng hurriedly walked to his side to support him. Looking closer, Zhang Tian's face was really pale at this time. Not a little bit angry.

Jiang Cheng's expert probed Zhang Tian's head and felt very cold.

You are not sick. "Jiang Cheng asked.

No. I was just tired. "Zhang Tian said weakly.

You continue to sit and rest here. "Jiang Cheng took out the bottle of vitamin C water from the mustard bracelet and handed it to Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian took a sip of the water and sat down on the spot. "Yeah. Then wait a moment.

I originally wanted to find Rong Feng, but I didn't expect to fall into a illusion. "Jiang Cheng tapped the old acupoint and said. It's really a headache. Jiang was thinking.

You are too dangerous, do you know?" Zhang Tian said. "You just died accidentally like that.

Throat, let's go, Brother Jiang, isn't Rong Feng sincere. "Zhao Shuai looked at Zhang Tian who was a little angry and said.

Always pay attention to the method, just go in casually. Really. Zhang Tian still looked very angry, but suddenly started coughing if he wanted to say something.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything but patted Zhang Tian on the back to help him follow his breath.

I know that I owe consideration to my approach this time,

Zhang Tian kept coughing, coughing very badly, "Are you really sick?" Zhao Shuai couldn't help asking.

"You, you are sick." Zhang Tian said irritably, thinking that Zhao Shuai was scolding him on purpose.

Huh? You guy, I care about you. What do you mean, Zhao Shuai said.

Zhang Tian glared at Zhao Shuai and didn't say anything. He just sat and looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhao Shuai looked at Zhao Shuai's flat mouth and stopped talking. Jiang Cheng looked at the two people and didn't know what to say. For a while, the atmosphere became a little embarrassing, and no one was talking anymore.

How do you find Ruifeng now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

You can't even do it, Brother Jiang, I don't know. Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng and started to cry.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Tian also turned his head and looked at Jiang Cheng, "What? I don't know. I just know we'd better go out now. Otherwise, we might not be able to go out.

Jiang Cheng looked up at the sky that seemed to have begun to darken, if he didn't hurry to find Rong Feng now. It becomes more difficult after dark. It's just that now it's very dangerous to force yourself into other people's illusions.

And Zhang Tian already knows his own history, right?

We won't go out first, Rong Feng is still here. How can we leave him, if you are afraid, go out first. "Zhao said to Zhang Tian.

But, now I am going out alone? If I was afraid, I would not go in just now! "Zhang Tian was a little angry, "There is only one way now. "

What?" Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng asked in unison.

I went in to destroy this illusion, but once this illusion is broken, you will be very dangerous. "Zhang Tian said, "Once you don't have this illusion, you probably won't be able to return to the original place. You really don't know where you will go.

It's okay, as long as there is a way to find Ruifeng, try. "Jiang Cheng said.

To Ming, no matter what, I must find Rong Feng. "Zhao Shuai said firmly.

I’ll go with you, you’re not in good health, I can take care of you even if I go, Jiang Cheng said

No, I went by myself. "Zhang Tian said he was about to stand up. It's just that he was really strong and lacking. Just when he wanted to stand up, he fell to one side. Jiang Cheng hurriedly helped him, "Look at how you look. . "Jiang Cheng said.

That doesn't need you either. "Zhang Tian waved Jiang Cheng's hand away.

Don't be stubborn, it's enough to be sorry for pulling you in, and I will definitely follow you in," Jiang Cheng said.

Just have Zhao Shuai watching here, I'll follow you in. "Jiang Cheng said.

Let me here again? No, you don't know how uncomfortable I am here alone, knowing nothing will not help me. I want to go with you! "Zhao Shuai also didn't agree.

"Oh, forget it, let's go together." Jiang Cheng said.

Zhang Tian was really annoyed by the words, "Should I go or you? Do you make the decision?" Zhang Tian asked.

Zhao Shuai sighed, looking a little melancholy, "You should also be considerate of us. Rong Feng is our best friend. His whereabouts are unknown and his life and death are still unknown. How could we sit here and wait. I am now I'm really too anxious." Zhao Shuai was a little choked up at the end.

Looking at Zhao Shuai like this, Zhang Tian couldn't bear to say, "Is it true?" Zhao Shuai jumped up after saying that, and the expression of tragic imitation disappeared suddenly. Happy.

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