Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1262: pack

Jiang Cheng looked a little funny at Zhao Shuai like this. "Yes. Let's go.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian and said with an unhappy face.

How to get in? It won't be the same way again. "Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's not entirely true. You are holding my hand right now. Remember, don't open your eyes later no matter what happens. Keep your eyes closed and don't stop, just follow me." Zhang Tian finished Just muttering something in my mouth.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian's approach and understood. He wanted to force through the fantasy stage.

Before long, Jiang Cheng felt that he was no longer in the desert. Light underfoot. The whole body felt a little floating, but Jiang Cheng just followed Zhang Tian silently, paying no attention to anything.

Brother Jiang, why am I?" Zhao Shuai whispered. "Don't talk. "Jiang Cheng interrupted him. Even if Jiang Cheng didn't look at it, he knew it would consume a lot of spiritual knowledge to do this. Zhang Tian couldn't be disturbed at all.

After a while, Jiang Cheng felt a gust of wind in his ear.

There was also the sound of the car Nie Ming, everything was chaotic, and people cried. Jiang Cheng didn’t know what he had encountered, but after a while, he felt that everything around him was quiet, only the rustling wind. . Others were talking, "Hawk, did you see the kid in her family? You don't cry." Yeah, my god, my mother can still be so calm after death.

"Hey, who said no? It's really not easy for you to talk about that woman. Finding a man and abandoning herself and her son. Now the son is still cold-blooded." "Don't say it." This feeling It was so real, it made Jiang Cheng feel that he was among these people, but Jiang Cheng faintly felt as if he was talking about Zhang Tian.

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that Zhang Tian was holding his hand tightly, and squeezed himself. Jiang Cheng realized that Zhang Tian's palms were all sweat now. Jiang Cheng could clearly feel Zhang Tian's tension and anxiety.

Jiang Cheng just shook Zhang Tian's hand back, and there was sorrow and joy in his ears, but there was no crying, nothing, but Jiang Cheng now truly felt Zhang Tian's sadness and loneliness at the time.

After a while, Jiang Cheng felt that the wind seemed to be bigger. The voices around me are gone, everything is gone. It was empty, and then suddenly felt dark again. It should be the feeling of darkness. Although Jiang Cheng could not see it, because of his own system, the sensitivity and other feelings were more accurate than ordinary people. He still felt as if there were street lights, but now there was no wind around him suddenly, and with it a warm feeling, more like indoors.

Let the young master go back first. The boss will be busy for a while. "A man's voice sounded. When Jiang Cheng heard the boss, he felt that this should be Zhao Shuai. Is it possible that everyone's illusion was released one by one? Jiang Cheng could not figure it out.

Alas, this is really pitiful, don’t talk about him, I’m the boss’s bodyguard, I’ve only seen the boss this month, he’s really too busy, another man said

Yes, the young master comes to this door every day to wait for the boss. He often falls asleep after waiting here. ""The young master's mother passed away early, so pitiful.

After listening to Jiang Cheng, he felt that Zhao Shuai next to him was a little changed. He seemed to wrestle away from his hand. Jiang Cheng hurriedly clenched Zhao Shuai's hand-. Did not let him move.

"I don't want to apply for science." Member Jiang Cheng felt that this should be Zhao Shuai's voice, but it seemed to be younger. At this time, it seemed to say angrily.

What do you want to take the test? "The boss's voice sounded, "Don't engage in those that don't, your brain is not bad, now there is really a shortage of scientific researchers in China. It wasn't necessary for you. But, don't forget whose son you are! You must set an example.

I don't want to do it, I don't want to do a role model, what if I am your son? I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it. This is my own school. Why do you force me?" Zhao Shuai's tone was angry.

Am I forcing you? I'm doing it for your own good! "The boss seemed to stand up and walked a few steps.

"Good for me? Ever since I was young, what did you do for me? You work all day, busy, country, and you can't see it several times a year.

Now you still want me to bury my youth for this country, for the so-called role model?" Zhao Shuai said, choked up.

You blame me so?" the boss asked. There was a deep weakness in his tone.

Yes, I just blame you. I don't want to be your son at all!" Zhao Shuai said that he couldn't help himself.

Snap! "Jiang Cheng heard that this was the sound of a fan. It should be the boss who hit Zhao Shuai with his hands, Jiang Cheng thought, after all, he really said something very confusing.

The whole air seemed to freeze for a while. There was a feeling of depression in the air. After a long time, "Ashuai, Dad is not alright, I know, can I report it." Zhao Shuai left after saying

"I just beat him! I really didn't mean it just now, I, my boss, was still talking to myself.

Jiang Cheng felt that now Zhao Shuai was holding his hand more and more cold. From just now Jiang Cheng seemed to feel that Zhao Shuai seemed to be shaking.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect that Zhao Shuai and his father were so stiff at the time.

Before he recovered from the incident just now, Jiang Cheng felt that the scene around him had changed again, this time it was himself, Jiang Cheng thought. Suddenly someone ran into Jiang Cheng's side. Jiang Cheng was pushed by the person just now, but still did not open his eyes, still closed his eyes, and did not move forward. Slowly feel what is happening around me.

"What should I do now. The door is locked. How can we get out." How do I know that when she looked for me, she just said that I would give them color quietly.

Then you have made such a big deal, what if you are found out? You don’t want to die!" "I don’t know, I didn’t do it. I just blacked the computer connected to the display. I didn’t expect so many viruses what. ""How can you commit such a problem. And how can you do such a big thing. I was still weird just now. "I think that woman is borrowing a knife to kill someone!

Jiang Cheng listened to it for a long time and didn't know what it was about himself.

Huh? You see someone is up. "Just him. Can he do it?" "Jin knows, I haven't seen him at all. Who is he?" Look again, I don't think he can do it. "

Jiang Cheng just felt that the people around him were stubborn and could not hear anything. Has been arguing. Jiang Cheng feels that everything is so unreal, even if curiosity is really overwhelming people now, he can't open his eyes.

What to do, if this virus cannot be eliminated, we really can't get out. "I'm afraid it's not just a matter of being unable to get out. We might be quarantined alone." Ah, so serious? God. "Yes, it is so terrible, so someone must remove this virus.

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