Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1263: Analyzer

Jiang Cheng understood a little bit now, these people in front of him should be from the Kai Ao country. At that time, the virus broke out in the Academy of Sciences in the Imperial Capital of the Kingdom. After so long, Jiang Cheng could also feel the anxiety in his heart at that time.

Even the most powerful scientific community in our country can't do it. Can he do it? "Yes, it's just going to show off." Puff, forget it, let it down.

Jiang Cheng didn't know that there were so many controversies when he went up to remove the virus. Do these people have so many complaints and abuses against themselves? Jiang Cheng was a little bit chilly.

Oh my god, it worked, you try. Hurry up! "Ah, it's true. He can really do it!" "I go, it's clear, I thought it was just a sense of existence!

Let me go, awesome, this man, I really took it. "Yes, that's awesome, he looks pretty handsome, my god." Oh, come on, who is it?

Say he is just a little white-faced, now he won't slap his face? "It seems like a couple is talking next to him.

Only then did Jiang Cheng determine that it was the virus in the Kio country. Listening to the sudden stop of the wind next to him, he knew that the illusion in front of him was shattered. What appeared before me was another scene.

Suddenly a bright and cold breath came to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng felt as if he was in a cold cellar. The surroundings are very quiet, as quiet as no one is. "Brother Jiang!" The voice of clouds came from the side. Jiang Cheng felt that he should be in the tunnel of the Qi family last time.

Jiang Cheng heard his own voice, "Don't worry, you can definitely go out." Jiang Cheng felt that he was in this tunnel. He seemed to be able to fully feel the coldness of sitting on the ground. And I study the tangled feeling of those words on the wall. Jiang Cheng felt that he really felt it. Jiang Cheng didn't feel it at that time, but now that he was outside the incident, he felt that he was very scared at the time. Although he had been comforting Yunduo with his mouth, he was still a little scared in his heart.

Jiang Cheng felt the footsteps of another person at this time, and he didn't know why he could hear it now. It was exactly the same as he expected at the time, except for him and Yun Duo, there were other people in the tunnel at the time.

Jiang Cheng heard the sound that seemed to be pacing. He really wanted to open his eyes to see who it was. As long as he opened his eyes, he could see what he wanted to know all the time. Just because his will was extremely weak. At the time, Jiang Cheng felt that both his left and right hands were shook. Jiang immediately became sober. What's in front of me is not the real scene. Opening your eyes is really dangerous.

Jiang Cheng remembered the scene just now and was still afraid for a while, and Jiang Cheng felt that the cold feeling just now had gradually disappeared. What followed was a warm and dry feeling.

Open your eyes. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng slowly opened his eyes to adapt to the sudden light in front of him.

Damn, my hands are sore. "Zhao Shuai waved his hand and said. "Where is this now!" Zhao Shuai asked.

Still in that desert, it is just the most bordered place. I have broken all the desert illusions before, and now I can be sure that Qirong Peak is here. "Zhang Tian's face seems better than before, not so pale." Fortunately, none of you opened your eyes just now, so you broke the illusion just smoothly.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and remembered the illusion of Gang "Three Nine Zero" Gang, presumably the last thing in his heart was his mother's death. This is the heart demon every time, and every time there is a scene torment him.

Where is Ruifeng?" Zhao Shuai asked.

"It's such a small circle now, it's easy to find, let's find it separately." Zhang Tian said.

Okay, let's find them separately. Jiang Cheng said. "Here you are. Hold it and you can contact and locate each other." Jiang Cheng took out three locating phones and handed them to Zhang Tian and Zhao Shuai.

You still have a way, Brother Jiang, haha. "Zhao Shuai turned over and took a look.

Okay, let's go. "Zhang Tian installed the locator and said.

The three of them split up to find Qi Ruifeng. Looking at the yellow sand in the sky, Jiang Cheng felt this desolation for the first time, and walked straight forward. Jiang Cheng, who was far away, saw an inn. He looked around and felt that Rong Feng might be the most likely to be there. Jiang Cheng did not hesitate, but said to the locator, "I went to the hotel in front to find Rongfeng.

Jiang Cheng walked into this hotel and found that it was very ordinary, just like the most ordinary small hotel on the streets of Liguo. It had only two floors. It seemed that the first floor should be a restaurant, and the second floor was a place to stay. Jiang Cheng took a look and went into the hotel in front of him.

As soon as he entered Jiang Cheng, he saw four or five people eating, and no one noticed when he came in. It was just that the waiter next to him came over and introduced Jiang Cheng. "Sir, do you stay in a restaurant or eat?" the waiter said with a smile, looking very kind.

Jiang Cheng didn't see the person he wanted to meet on the first floor, "stay at the store." Jiang Cheng said.

"What do you want to live in?" the person at the bar asked.

The standard room is just fine. "Jiang Cheng said, "There are still a few rooms left.

Alas, you really came here just right, there is only one room left. "The waiter said, pointing to the room upstairs" Here we are, the place is only seven or eight rooms. Admonish. "

Ao, is that so busy?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Usually I'm not so busy. Even today, I will tell you that someone who came in the morning has been in the house and has never been out." The waiter said to Jiang Cheng.

Really, what kind of person? "Jiang Cheng thinks this person is probably Rong Feng.

It means "The waiter was interrupted by someone at the bar when he was half talking, and you are fine. What is the root of your tongue here!

The waiter said flatly and went to one side.

Jiang Cheng turned and took the bar counter and walked to the second floor with his room card.

Jiang Cheng always feels that there is something abnormal here, and it can't be said that it is different. He just feels that there is a feeling different from ordinary hotels.

Jiang Cheng slowly walked up to the second floor. He planned to visit these rooms one by one. But this is too risky. If Qi Ruifeng is really here, he is most likely the weird man who has never been out, then why is he like this? Is there something here that prevents him from coming out. Although it is unthinkable, this is the only thing Jiang Cheng can think of.

Jiang Cheng's room is the innermost. Walking all the way in, he saw that the door in front was locked tightly. He looked at the people below again. Fortunately, no one looked at him. Jiang Cheng took out an ultrasonic analyzer from the mustard seeds. He didn't know if it could be used in the illusion, but there was only one way to find someone. Jiang Cheng looked at the display on the analyzer and walked around. Fluctuations. Jiang Cheng thought, indicating that there are people in these rooms now. When he reached the last room, Jiang Cheng saw that the sound waves on the analyzer had not fluctuated at all. Explaining that although there were people, this person was completely motionless, Jiang Cheng looked at the closed door in front of him. I want to push it away impulsively.

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