Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1264: Hallucination

It's just that Jiang Cheng is still resisting hesitation. What if someone else is sleeping inside?

Although this is an illusion, there is still something to do if you are good at using someone else's room. Jiang Cheng looked at the stalemate in front of him, thought about it, and walked into his room. It didn't take long for the waiter who just came up. Jiang Cheng opened the door and saw the waiter he had just met. Is this the only one in this hotel? Waiter? Jiang Cheng thought.

The meal you want has been delivered by the helper. "Of course Jiang Cheng is not for dinner, he just wants to ask about the situation in the next room. "Thanks.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he tipped the waiter in front of him.

The waiter immediately became grinning, "Thank you. Hey.

When I just came here, I heard a loud noise from the next room. "Jiang Cheng said.

Really? No way. When I went in before, there was only one person sitting on the bed blankly, as if I had lost my intuition. "The waiter said

Just sitting there? Why!" Jiang Cheng asked.

I didn't know if it was right, but the man seemed to lose consciousness when I entered, and sat blankly, and then I didn't see him come out today. Really weird. "The waiter said with a puzzled look.

Isn’t it weird if it’s long? "Jiang Cheng said.

No, the long one is pretty good. It looks like a human.

Said the waiter.

Jiang Cheng is almost certain that the person next to him is Qi Rongfeng. "Oh, I can't take care of other people's affairs, so I will leave first. You have a good meal." The waiter smiled and said and went out.

it is good. "Jiang Cheng responded casually.

Jiang Cheng watched the waiter go out and walked to the next room. Jiang Zai knocked on the door. He didn't hear a little movement. He knocked again. At this moment, there was footsteps. Jiang Cheng now mentioned his throat in his heart. He hoped Ruifeng was not in any danger. He can follow him safely and smoothly.

The door opened, and the person inside was really Qi Ruifeng! Qi Ruifeng was stunned when he saw Jiang Zai, "Jiang, brother Jiang!

It's me, go in first. "Jiang Cheng said.

Don't come in," Qi Ruifeng said hurriedly, "If you come in, you can't get out!" Qi Rongfeng said seriously.

It's okay, I have a way to come out, don't panic" Jiang Cheng said. Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Ruifeng and felt that he was a little broken.

Qi Ruifeng looked at Jiang Cheng's relaxed look before letting Jiang Cheng come in. When Jiang Cheng came in, he saw the room in front of him pulling the curtains, and the whole room felt depressed. Because it is daytime, the light can still see through the curtains. It's not too dark.

Why don't you draw the curtains, so dark?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Don't pull! I feel like I'm crazy now, Brother Jiang. "Qi Ruifeng held his head in his hands, very tangled. Sitting on the bed.

Jiang Cheng walked to Qi Ruifeng and pulled his hand down, patted him on the shoulder, "What's the situation? Tell me about it.

I said if you think I'm sick. "Qi Ruifeng said and looked at Jiang Zai." After I came in, I couldn't get out. I saw the waiters come in and out, but I couldn't get out at all. It was like that kind of enchantment. I opened the door completely. I could see the situation outside, but I was bounced back whenever I wanted to go out. Then my mobile phone has no signal. I'm really going crazy, Brother Jiang!" Qi Ruifeng said with a pained expression on his face.

Listening to Qi Ruifeng's description, Jiang Cheng really felt sorry for him. He knew everything that happened outside and could see everything that happened outside. He was the only one who stayed in place and watched everything. This feeling of powerlessness tortured him all day.

So, I stopped the window emperor, because I just felt my energy stunned for a while. Then I want to jump out like crazy.

Qi Ruifeng said that his emotions began to move, "So Brother Jiang, am I really crazy?" Qi Ruifeng is completely emotional now.

Don't worry, it's not your problem, it's someone doing things. "Jiang Cheng tried his best to comfort Qi Rongfeng's emotions. "You are not crazy. Someone did something to you in your room, do you understand?" Jiang Cheng said.

Qi Rongfeng still buried his head in the swish, still refused to look up, his shoulders trembling slightly. When Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Ruifeng like this, he hated the people who shut Qi Ruifeng in here even more. When he goes out safely, I must make them pay! Jiang Cheng thought.

After not long, Qi Rongfeng gradually calmed down, raising his head, really? Brother Jiang, am I really okay?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

Really no problem, I will take you out, as long as you go out, you won't have this kind of illusion. . "Jiang Cheng said. "I'm pulling the window, are you okay?

May I?

Well, you pull it. "Qi Rongfeng nodded and agreed.

Watching Qi Ruifeng's mood become stable, Jiang Cheng walked over and opened the curtains. Watching the sun shine through, it seemed that the whole room was not so dark. Jiang Cheng opened the door and looked at Qi Rongfeng beside him. There was no movement.オRelaxed.

Jiang Cheng took out the positioning phone and gave Zhang Tian and Zhao Shuai a message, "Are they here too?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Ruifeng's eyes, and it seemed that he had recovered from the original Qingming. It looks like it really recovered. "Yes, they are all here." Jiang Cheng said.

"Zhao Shuai came in with you, but he was outside. After I found him, I came in to look for you," Jiang Cheng said.

Alas, I don't know what's going on. Who got me in and also separated me from Ashuai. "Qi Rongfeng is sorry to think of everything up to now. He really doesn't know what happened.

It's okay. Let's go out first, and the people behind the trouble will always pay the price. "Jiang Cheng said.

But I really can't get out. "Qi Ruifeng said helplessly. Jiang Cheng looked at the door and couldn't see anything special. Besides, his naked eyes would definitely not make any difference.

Jiang Cheng felt that it was best to go out now, otherwise, waiting for Zhao Shuai and Zhang Tian to come over and don't know how many changes will happen.

You follow me out now and see if you can succeed. "Jiang Cheng said to Qi Ruifeng.

I said, "Qi Rongfeng hesitated a little, but still stood up and walked up to Jiang Cheng, "I will try.

Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Rongfeng and nodded, yes, this is the Rong Feng he knew. Jiang Cheng walked over to open the door and pulled Zhang Tian. Just as Jiang Cheng stepped out, it looked smooth, but Qi Rongfeng went to the door When the time came, the hands all bounced away. Qi Ruifeng was bounced away, really like an enchantment.

Qi Ruifeng's expression became stunned, "Look, Brother Jiang. It really is!

Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say, it seemed that it was not easy to get Ruifeng out.

It doesn't matter, there is always a way. "Jiang Cheng walked in and comforted.

Jiang Cheng looked at the enchantment in front of him, and it seemed that this only had restrictions on Qi Rongfeng, is it really going to jump from the window? Jiang Cheng was a little bit dumbfounded.

Brother Jiang, go out first. Otherwise, I won't be able to get out later. "Qi Ruifeng sat on the bed and said calmly, "but thank you, Brother Jiang, if you don't come, I might really be crazy.

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