Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1265: Virtual fantasy

What are you talking about? Since I'm here, I must take you out. "Jiang Cheng said, "Furthermore, who am I, why can't I take you out?" Jiang Cheng used this kind of teasing tone to speak to someone for the first time.

Qi Ruifeng looked a little funny at Jiang Cheng like this, and the atmosphere didn't seem so serious. "Brother Jiang, it's okay to say it again, it's nice to stay here. I'll be with you." Jiang Cheng said seriously.

After a long time, Qi Ruifeng didn't speak. He just lowered his head and raised his head again to find that his eyes were red. "Brother Jiang, you brother, I admit it!

Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Ruifeng, who was emotional, and didn't say a word. "We are buddies!" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Qi Ruifeng suddenly burst into laughter, "Haha, yes, I'm really stupid.

Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Ruifeng who was smiling, and felt that he was finally back.

That's right, there is always a way to get out. "Jiang Cheng said.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng’s locator heard a sound. Jiang Cheng leaned to his ear and listened. It was Zhang Tian’s voice, "Jiang Cheng, I have arrived!"

Arrived so soon? Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, and then said to the locator, "I'm in the last room on the second floor, you come in.

Qi Rongfeng heard the conversation between Jiang Cheng and Zhang Tian, ​​"Zhang Tian is here?

Well, he should have a way, he is more familiar with this. "Jiang Cheng said that it didn't take long for someone to knock on the door, and Jiang Cheng opened the door and let Zhang Tian in. "You came so fast. "Jiang Cheng said.

I didn't go far. "Zhang Tian answered. After Zhang Tian entered the door, he looked at Qi Ruifeng, "You are fine.

People are fine, but he can't get out of this door at all. What's the situation?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Can't get out? What do you mean? "Zhang Tian was a little confused. Then he walked to the door and opened the door to go out. However, when Zhang Tian was about to step out of this door, he was bounced back. Just like Qi Ruifeng!

Zhang Tian was shot and sat on the ground for a while and did not react. He stared at the door blankly. After a while Zhang Tian got up by himself, "I see, you are in the same situation as me?" Zhang Tian asked Qi Ruifeng.

Yes, I'm like this, but Brother Jiang wouldn't be like this. What's the situation? "Qi Rongfeng said.

Jiang Cheng looked at the situation in front of him a little bit, can it be that he is the only one who can come and go freely?

There is an enchantment at this door, so you can't get out when you come in. "Zhang Tian said lightly.

As for why Jiang Cheng can go out, it should be because of him, not a normal person. "Zhang Tian continued.

Not an ordinary person? "Qi Feng looked at Jiang Cheng with some doubts. Jiang Cheng almost had an idea in his heart. It may be because of his system, and the reason is that he is not from this planet. Jiang Cheng thought.

Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng, and was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Zhao Shuai’s voice came from the locator, "Brother Jiang, I’m here too.

You can drink tea and eat something on the first floor. "Jiang Cheng said to the locator, "We are on the second floor, but don't come up first.

Ah, Brother Jiang, are you in any danger?" Zhao Shuai said anxiously after hearing Jiang Cheng's words.

Yes, there are some problems now, but don't come in now," Jiang said.

Jiang Cheng felt that it was very likely that Zhao Shuai would not be able to get out after coming in. So we still didn't let Zhao Shuai come in. If there was a problem, we couldn't let everyone take the risk here.

Zhao Shuai agreed and never came up again. Zhang Tian walked to the door at this time, holding a stone-like object in his hand, as if he was testing something.

what is this. "Qi Rongfeng walked to Zhang Tian and asked.

I am trying to dispel this virtual illusion. I can't stay here forever. "Zhang Tian said.

Or tell me the way you just destroyed the illusion. Anyway, only I can go out. I will try to break the illusion directly. "Jiang Cheng said

Now the situation is different from just now. You go out and break this virtual illusion now, and we will stay here forever," Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian and didn't seem to be lying to himself. I also feel that this method should not work. Jiang Cheng watched Zhang Tian holding an old stone, but once he held it close to the door, there was a pink light glowing, looking very dreamy.

What kind of stone is this?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Don't you know?" Zhang Tian asked back, his tone was a little bit teasing.

I don't know everything. "Jiang Cheng is also a little helpless. It seems that I have had some expenses since here, especially in this situation, I feel like I often rely on Zhang Tian.

"This animal quality that can detect illusions can simply break the door in front of you." Zhang Tian now puts all his energy on this stone.

Not long after Jiang Cheng watched, the stone in Zhang Tian's hand suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Tian also closed his eyes and muttered something in his mouth. Through Zhang Tian's mouth, Jiang Cheng could almost tell that he was meditating on the wall penetration technique he had tried at the time. Is it through this stone

Jiang Cheng felt that his brain was a little big, but Jiang Cheng hadn't seen it when he saw the stone disappear. The door in front of him has not changed.

Okay," Zhang Tian said.

Is that all right? "Qi Rongfeng saw that nothing had changed, but he tried to walk to the door. First he stretched out his foot and found that he really went out, and then he went out as a whole. "God, I It really came out. Hahaha. "Qi Rongfeng stood outside the door and said with a smile, and then went in and tried many times.

Zhang Tian, ​​do you also try?" Qi Rongfeng asked after confirming that he could really do it.

No more. "Zhang Tian said lightly." Let's go. "Turned around and said to Jiang Cheng.

Qi Ruifeng didn't care too much, but walked happily. It seems that a big stone in my heart has been put down.

Individuals went down the stairs one after another. Jiang Cheng saw that the people who were eating and drinking on the first floor just now disappeared, leaving only Zhao Shuai.

People stood there blankly, and the waiter next to him and the people behind the bar were gone. There were only three of himself left in the entire hotel, "Brother Jiang? Ruifeng, Zhang Tian. God!" Zhao Shuai quickly ran to Jiang Cheng.

You don’t know how terrible it was just now, but I was only after everyone disappeared. "Zhao Shuai was really taken aback.

It's okay, originally I couldn't get out, and then Zhang Tian helped me out and broke this illusion. Of course, the people inside were not real.

It's normal to disappear. "Ruifeng explained.

Zhao Shuai suddenly reacted now, and suddenly hugged Qi Ruifeng, "Ah, Rong Feng, I want to kill you. You have suffered a lot for so many days."

No, it's just being trapped and unable to get out. Isn't it good now? "Qi Ruifeng was a little bit dumbfounded, and he was not doing well, Zhao Shuai was so excited.

"I'm really worried to death." Zhao Shuai glanced at Qi Rongfeng, really looking worried about him. "Go first, it's not safe here." Zhang Tian said.

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