Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1266: acting

Zhao Shuai also put away the imitation he had just heard, and looked at Zhang Tianyan angrily. This person is really incomprehensible.

Just follow me, now this illusion has been broken by us, in fact, there is nothing left. It was easy to get out. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng responded and followed Zhang Tian. As the last Zhao Shuai walked out of the hotel, the entire hotel suddenly disappeared. "I'm not going to bring such scary things. What?" Zhao Shuai patted Hun Yan, "I really can't stand this kind of accidents one after another without warning.

This is not an accident, it is inevitable. I just said it is dangerous here. "Zhang Tian said.

Then, I..." Zhao Shuai looked at Zhang Tian and said something else, but he felt as if it was really what Zhang Tian said. He followed.

A few people walked quietly in the desert like this. Everyone felt that the desert at this time was more like a dead city, where there was no sound.

How long will it take to go out? "Zhao Shuai asked.

This オ walked a few steps, it won't be five minutes. "Qi Rongfeng said.

It took three minutes. "Jiang Cheng looked at Ta Yang, a green side of the desert, at this time the sun was about to set. I must leave here early.

God, I always feel a little scared. "Zhao Shuai looked at him and couldn't see anyone

Stop thinking about it, just follow. "Qi Ruifeng turned around and said to Zhao Shuai.

Just a few steps after the 737 walked, Jiang Cheng heard the footsteps of other people, not one person, but a group of people! Logically speaking, there should be no one here. What's the situation? Jiang Cheng thought to himself.

There are people in the distance! "" Jiang Cheng said after discovering that Zhang Tian and the others were not aware of it.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Tian was taken aback.

Before Jiang Cheng could think of a solution, he saw a group of people coming in front of him. To be precise, it was a group of people riding horses, just like the horse bandits riding horses in a TV series!

This is someone! Boss!" One of the leaders pointed to Jiang Cheng and others and said to the people behind.

Jiang Cheng heard that he was speaking in the national language, and it seemed that there were many of them. Jiang Cheng watched more and more people think about him.

There are almost ten people from Jiang Cheng and others. These people are dressed in ordinary clothes, all in black, but they don't have any weapons in their hands. Jiang relieved his nervousness a little bit,

"Who are you?" The heads of these horse bandits slowly rode out from behind. They appeared to be just ordinary men, not more than thirty years old, but they looked fierce, from their foreheads. There was a scar at the end of his right eye, which made him look a bit more fierce. At this moment, he was looking at Jiang Cheng and the others unhappy, as if Jiang was waiting for his territory.

"We are people from the hotel in front. Just now our shop suddenly disappeared, so we came out to take a look." Jiang Cheng said, still looking terrified, as if he was really frightened by the scene just now.

Zhang Tian watched Jiang Cheng pretending to be a solemnity, and he did not lose any sense of disobedience. The horse bandit headed by him seems to have believed a little bit. The look in their eyes was not as hostile at first.

The hotel in front? How come I haven't seen you before. The three of you are very strange. "The leader of the horse bandit continues to ask. His eyes are narrowed, and he looks a little bit awkward.

"The three of us are all new waiters. Today is our first job. Who knows that this happened. Alas." Zhao Shuai said regretfully and fearfully. I have to say that Zhao Shuai is still very good at acting, at least Jiang Cheng thinks that he has taken a stab at himself.

Boss, I think it should be true. I knew that there was a waiter in the shop. He stopped working a few days ago. Besides, you see, they were shocked by the small situation just now. They should be wrong. What lies. "A young horse bandit next to the leader of the horse bandit said that what the man said just now obviously worked. Many people looked at Jiang Cheng and others' gazes from initial warning to disdain. "Haha, I also think, forget it. , You go. Seeing that you can't do anything. "The horse bandit is talking.

Jiang Cheng really let out a sigh of relief when he saw this, winked at the people behind and walked forward.

Huh? Wait! "Just as a few people were relieved, the horse bandit leader just stopped Jiang Cheng and the others. Jiang Cheng took his entire body and slowly turned around at this time." What's wrong?

You all came out, where is your boss. Disappeared together?

Jiang Cheng felt that this question really couldn't be answered. When I was thinking about how to get out of these people as soon as possible, I didn’t expect the horse bandit leader just now to suddenly say, “Oh, why did I forget, he had something to leave yesterday.” The horse bandit leader said to himself. Turned around and greeted the brothers to leave.

I went, it was really a false alarm, it was scary. "Zhao Shuai wiped the sweat from his head and said.

It's strange, that person just now! It feels like a different person all at once.

Qi Ruifeng felt a little unusual.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian, ​​whose face turned paler behind. He just guessed that Zhang Tian should be bewitching the two people just now, so he asked them to change their words one after another. Seeing Zhang Tian seemed weak and unable to stand. . Jiang Cheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him.

"It's okay. Let's go, hurry up." Zhang Tian said, his voice was low, he knew that Jiang Cheng must have noticed it, and of course he didn't want to buy it either.

Yes, hurry up, those people may come back again!" Jiang Cheng said.

"Go ahead for a few minutes, and you will be there. There is a hole and we can get out from there!" Zhang Tian said as much as possible.

Well, I see, don't talk anymore. "Jiang Cheng felt that Zhang Tian was really fighting for himself and Qi Ruifeng this time.

After walking for a few minutes, Jiang Cheng saw that there was a mirror like a four-dimensional mirror in front of him, thinking that it was Zhang Tiankai.

It's the one in front. Let's just go in and go out. "Jiang is asking.

Yes, "Zhang Tianying.

Jiang Cheng and others quickly walked into the mirror. Jiang Cheng stepped in first, followed by Zhao Shuai, Zhang Tian and Qi Ruifeng.

As soon as Jiang Cheng stepped into this place, he remembered that when he first came to Lebanon, it was exactly the same as it was then.

How long is it going to go? Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian as if he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Just a few steps away" Zhang Tian had to say something, but suddenly the scene passed.

Zhao Shuai and Jiang Cheng caught Zhang Tian immediately, "Why did he faint," Zhao Shuai asked anxiously.

Too tired this time. "Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian, ​​who was pale, and he must have been unable to hold it long ago.

"Come, let go, I am carrying him!" Jiang Cheng said to Zhao Shuai.

"Let me come, brother Jiang, you are also very tired this time." Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng without withdrawing his hands.

Looking at Zhao Shuai's insistence, Jiang Cheng compromised, and he was really tired.

Zhao Shuai didn’t walk slowly with Zhang Tian on his back, and he could quickly follow Jiang Cheng’s step. Jiang Cheng looked at the exit in front of him, thinking that he had finally come out. There were so many things that happened this time. Must be clear one by one. Jiang Cheng thought.

Soon Jiang Cheng walked out of the exit. Jiang Cheng just came out and looked at the street in front of him. Where did he go? He took out his mobile phone and checked that it should be near Zhang Tian's home.

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