Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1274: Retest

I have no such ability. It was just eliminated by you. "Jiang Zai was talking and looked at the guardians on the stage. Those guardians bowed their heads and stopped talking. They didn't look like they just took for granted.

Jiang Cheng said that he was about to turn around.

Don't go!" Li Bin grabbed Jiang Cheng's Yiyou again. "Oh! You guys, I don't have to say anything, look for evidence, spitting blood. "Zhao Shuai also came over and took Li Bin's hand away and said.

Of course I have seen it, but if the monitoring is clean, you must have erased it. "Li Bin is already a little crazy, speaking very loudly.

What you said are all your own conjectures. If you don’t have any evidence, you will bite people indiscriminately. I will sue you for harassment. "Jiang Cheng watched Li Bin and spoke slowly.

You!" Li Bin said to Jiang Cheng, "My computer has a lot of internal Ulla teaching documents. You must be trying to steal those things. Jiang Cheng, who I won't let you go, is a little impatient. He didn't expect Li Bin to be such a person, looking at the person in front of him with a little boredom. Slowly pulled Li Bin's hand holding his sleeve away, and looked at Li Bin impatiently.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's chilly eyes, Li Bin couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He was able to stabilize his mind, thinking that this is his own territory and what he can do with himself. Also looked at Jiang Cheng sideways.

"Has the third round of assessment started?" There was a nice male voice. Everyone looked at the stands. It turned out that it was a man in a Taoist robe who had been sitting. He didn't know when he stood up or looked at the corners of his clothes. , I looked at the audience with some unknown reason. "The audience is silent, I don't know what to say.

Gu Huhuo, my computer and mobile phone were hacked by this person, and a lot of Ulla teaching documents were lost. Li Bin pointed to Jiang Cheng and said.

The man on the stage just glanced at Jiang Cheng, and then looked at the other guards who closed, "What's the situation? Is the third round of assessment finished? I went back to sleep after it was over." Dao hugged the man and yawned lazily. , Looks very sleepy.

The people in the entire hall were stunned. So did the people on the stage, and the male guardian hurriedly glanced at Li Bin, "You go out first, let's talk about something after the test is over.

What else did Li Bin say? Several Ullah disciples came over and let Li Bin out. He walked with Jiang Cheng angrily. A look of bitter feud.

Oh, this person is really disgusting. "Yun Duo said, looking at Li Bin who was going away.

Okay, there was just a small episode, I would like to say sorry to everyone here, and now the third round of assessment officially begins.

Brother Jiang, the man who pierced the road was very powerful, as if he had the final say. "Zhao Shuai looked at the Dao Hug man on the stage and whispered to Jiang Zai.

At this time, everyone in the audience was looking at the man in the Taoist robe, expecting how he would single out twenty people. "The throat? He is so handsome.

Yeah, so young, and his voice is so good," "Yes, it's yuppie, so cool."

Many girls looked at the man in the Taoist robe with adoring eyes without knowing it. "Hey, these girls, don't they look at the inner things, just look at the risks?" Zhao Shuaibian (of money) said Bianzui.

You look at girls, don’t you look at their faces?” Yun Duo withdrew his mouth and looked at Zhao Shuai, can that be the same? Man, the most important thing is inner.” Zhao Shuai patted Xiongkai, “Look at me, look at me again. Brother Jiang.

After Zhao Shuai finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Cheng and touched his head with some guilty conscience. "But Brother Jiang is not bad. Haha.

Jiang Cheng and Qi Ruifeng wanted to laugh when they saw Zhao Shuai like this. Jiang Cheng's good mood just broken by Li Bin for no reason was better.

Jiang Cheng looked at the Dao Pao man in the stands, and for the first time he was so uncertain about people. I don't know if he is really so used to not remembering things, or if he has another picture lesson.

But what to do now is that Brother Jiang didn't go in the first two rounds, and now the third round," Yun Duo said with frown.

Nothing, don't worry. "Jiang Cheng looked at Yunduo and smiled.

Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng looked at Jiang Cheng's relaxed look, as if they didn't take this matter seriously. But they don't know why, they just feel that Jiang Cheng has his own plan in his heart.

Okay, I'm starting to pick people. "Dao hugged the man and said something, then started to nod, "You, and you, yes, it's you!" His finger pointed at the person underneath.

The people underneath were stunned, but no one made a sound, just looked at him quietly and clicked.

Jiang Cheng looked at him randomly ordering people, he probably didn't know the names of these people, and he didn't take the exam, right? And he didn't watch their performance before.

you. And you. "The man in the Taoist robe is still lighting people, he is very casual. Unknowingly, Yun Duo and Qi Ruifeng were both spotted and passed the retest.

There were still some clouds when they were spotted, so it passed the retest? Yunduo walked to the front with Qi Ruifeng with some regret. Jiang Cheng looked at the people who were spotted. Among them was Qiu Qingqing. There are almost nineteen people now. Jiang Cheng thought that he had paused when he saw the Dao-robed man on the stage, hesitated for a few seconds, and looked at himself, "And you," the Dao-robed man pointed to Jiang Cheng and said. The people next to him looked incredulous, especially the boy next to Jiang Cheng, who thought he was referring to him, and was excited to run to the stage.

It's you. That Jiang Cheng, if I remember correctly, right? Said the man in Dao Robe.

Jiang Cheng nodded and walked to the front, "What? He was eliminated?" "Yeah what. No one can choose him." The people next to him kept pointing at Jiang Cheng and kept pointing. Discussion work.

Jiang Cheng ignored no one, just stood in front, and Qi Ruifeng and the three quickly walked to Jiang Cheng's side, "Wow, Brother Jiang, this person really has vision, haha." Zhao Shuai said with a smile.

Yes, I knew I was going to choose Brother Jiang in the end. "Yun Duo said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing. "No. He has been eliminated, why should I choose him?" "Yes, it doesn't make sense." "Yes." The voices of protest below one after another, and many people echoed them, expressing their disapproval of Jiang Chengjin's retest.

The man in the robes looked at the people underneath, "Dare to ask what criteria did you choose?" Jiang Cheng just now boldly stepped up and questioned the self-serving boy next to him.

Sneer," Qiu Qingqing in front of her suddenly smiled, Jiang Cheng saw her shoulders tremble.

Many people also started to laugh, laughing at the absurdity of men.

Such an important matter, you choose people based on standards?" The boy just now continued to question.

Many people below expressed their complete dissatisfaction. Have been protesting.

Dao Hugging the man pinched his eyebrows a little irritably, and walked straight away without looking at the person underneath.

The guardian on the stage seemed to be used to him, and watched him go away without saying anything. Looks helpless. "All the candidates who entered the re-examination today have come out, thank you for your cooperation. Those who entered the re-examination will take the final exam three days later." The people on the stage also left after they finished speaking.

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