Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1275: barbarian

There are still many people looking at Jiang Cheng with unkind eyes. Jiang Cheng is seen a little innocent. Isn't this the problem with the man in the Taoist robe? Jiang Cheng thought. How come these people are targeting him.

The man just met you. "A boy next to him said with a little disdain in his eyes. There was also a girl chatting on the side. Jiang Cheng didn't plan to pay attention to them, but just wanted to go back first.

Do you have any brains?” Zhao Shuai looked at these picky people, thinking, Brother Jiang can bear it, I can’t bear it. “You saw it in the second round just now. He finished it in three minutes. He is correct. "

After Zhao Shuai just finished speaking, the person next to him continued to say that Jiang Cheng had walked through the back door, but no matter what, the rules were the rules. He just got eliminated.

I care about your rules and know how much you weigh.

Qi Rongfeng said annoyingly.

At this moment, Qiu Qingqing in front also turned around. The people next to him were not bothering Jiang Cheng for a while. Jiang Cheng also looked at Qiu Qingqing who had turned around. This time it was not through someone else. The master who really saw that indifferent back.

Jiang Cheng was really amazed, and I feel that this girl's looks and temperament are really not like a mortal

Qiu Qingqing just turned around and walked out slowly, without looking at anyone, just walked out without squinting.

"Let's go." Jiang Cheng said, and walked out. After walking for a while, he found that Zhao Shuai did not follow, only Qi Rongfeng and Yun Duo behind. Jiang Cheng turned around and took a look, Zhao Shuai ran after him.

Huh? You people, why don't you wait for me. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Don’t want your old people who are fascinated, just immerse yourself in your own world no matter how you call it. "The cloud said coolly.

Zhao Shuai couldn't refute for a while, and his face flushed, "However, she is really beautiful. She feels like a fairy." Zhao Shuai smiled very much.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhao Shuai like this, really helpless, "Brother Jiang, just say, is she good-looking.?

Now it was Jiang Cheng's turn to be stunned. Looking at the clouds, Qi Rongfeng, Zhao Shuai had some hopeful eyes, "Eh, it's good." Jiang Cheng said for a long time.

You see, even the pure-hearted brother Jiang said so, it can be seen that it is really good-looking. Most people don't look at Brother Jiang. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Jiang Cheng is really a little bit dumbfounded, since when did he have a pure heart in Zhao Shuai's mouth?

Let's go, let's go back first. "Qi Ruifeng said with a smile. The clouds on the side were a little unhappy. They also followed behind.

What's wrong with Yunduo? Did you feel ashamed when you saw the true beauty of the flourishing age?" Zhao Shuai said after seeing Yunduo in a gloomy manner after getting in the car.

Yun Duo just glanced at Zhao Shuai and ignored him. Turned his head to the other side. Zhao Shuai had to say something more, but Qi Ruifeng blocked him and Qi Ruifeng glared at Zhao Shuai and motioned him not to say any more.

Zhao Shuai was also a little confused, how did he provoke Yunduo. Isn't it common to make jokes like this? Qi Ruifeng looked at the careless Zhao Shuai really a little speechless.

Jiang Cheng and others arrived home soon, "Brother Jiang, when did you get Li Bin. I don't know at all." Zhao Shuai asked in a daunting manner on the sofa.

This morning. "Jiang Cheng replied.

Brother Jiang, it wasn't me who said you, can you take me with this kind of thing in the future? It's not enough to go alone. "Zhao Shuaibian said a little aggrieved.

The more people go about this kind of thing, the greater the danger. "Yun Duo glanced at Zhao Shuai and said.

That's right, don't talk about it again in the future. "Qi Rongfeng said.

But after this happened, Jiang Cheng felt that Li Bin would not give up so easily. Since he insisted that he did it by himself, he would probably continue to trouble him. Jiang Cheng thought, "Li Bin is not a threat, but the people behind him must still be careful." Qi Ruifeng said.

Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement, but it seemed that the people behind Li Bin didn't want to care about him. That's why he hurriedly jumped over the wall today to find those guardians~.

Just as Jiang Cheng sat down on the sofa, he heard a very anxious knock on the door. Zhao Shuai mumbled as he walked, "- Come in.

As soon as he opened the door, he was shocked. Standing at the door were Li Bin and four or five Ullah disciples. Li Bin's expression was still fierce, and several Ullah disciples who followed were still wearing Ullah uniforms, and they also looked very uncomfortable.

"Where is Jiang Cheng?" said Li Bin, who was about to squeeze in. Zhao Shuai was busy blocking the door from entering. "Huh? You guy, I can sue you for a private house.

Jiang Cheng and others also heard the voice and quickly walked to the door. Li Bin was very anxious when he saw Jiang Zai. "Jiang Cheng, I want to sue you!

Tell me what? "Jiang Cheng is a little funny.

Sue you for stealing other people's residences and hacking other people's computers and phones!" Li Bin said. His face was angry and arrogant.

"Don't spit people! What evidence do you have?" Yunduo said.

Evidence? Do you think I don't have it?" Li Bin pulled a person from behind to front of him, "it is him, he is the witness!

Witness? What did you see? "Jiang Cheng looked at the boy who was used as a witness, and he looked like a very young disciple of Marathi.

Right, what did you see?" Qi Rongfeng also looked at the man and asked.

Boys are looked at by many people like this, a little scared. He was hiding behind Li Bin in a solitary manner. "Me, me." The boy looked timid.

Li Bin was a little angry when he saw this, and pulled the boy out from behind.

What are you afraid of? Just say what you see. I am here. What are you afraid of? "Li Bin said angrily.

The boy slowly teased him when he heard Li Bin's words, but he still looked scared, "I saw him enter Li, Captain Li's room that day, that day.

That's it?" Jiang Cheng said slowly. He didn't care at all.

What do you mean by this? What are you doing in my room? "Li Bin looked at Jiang Cheng's appearance and was furious.

I entered your room? Do you think you're looking for someone to come and that means someone will believe me when you see me in your room?" Jiang Cheng said.

Huh? "Li Bin still has to argue with anger.

Wait a minute, you are also a private house now, are you now just pulling someone over and framing us?" Zhao Shuai sneered.

Yes, your Ullahs have monitoring, right? Call it out to see. "Yun Duo said.

Is he still standing here if there is monitoring? This is what Qi Rongfeng said, looking for faults.

Everyone said Li Bin's face is getting worse and worse.

But what are you doing today?" Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked. He also looked at some of the Ula disciples behind Li Bin, "Are you here to fight? Or do you lock us up?

You still know how good I am," Li Bin said with a smile, "I thought you were not afraid of it.

But I am here today. Of course, I am not here to fight with you. I just remind you to make you aware. It is best to wake up now. "Li Bin continued.

Shen Wu? "Zhao Shuai was very angry after hearing this, "Who do you think you are? We are really afraid of you?" Zhao Shuai finished speaking like rolling up his sleeves.


Li Bin hurriedly stepped back a few steps when he saw this.

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