Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1276: Let the past go

Get out," Jiang Cheng said lightly.

You, if you fix it for me now, I won't tell you. Otherwise, Li Bin pointed to Jiang Cheng to speak.

I let you go, don't let me say the third time. "Jiang Cheng was a little impatient and interrupted him.

Li Bin didn't know why, looking at Jiang Cheng's cool eyes, he suddenly panicked. "You wait for me, we are not finished!" He ran away after speaking.

Jiang Cheng watched the aggressive man at the door just run away. He also closed the door with a sneer.

Alas, this disgusting garbage. "Zhao Shuai said." Brother Jiang, I still feel too light. He hurt us so badly before.

He didn't do it mainly because he didn't have this ability. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Yeah, you can't even look at him," Qi Rongfeng said.

I'm afraid that he has been pestering us like this," Yun Duo said with a little disgust, frowning.

This time, I will give him a long sacrifice, mainly to draw out the people behind him. If he is still so entangled, I have my own way to cure him!" Jiang Cheng said.

"But how do we catch the person behind him?" Yun Duo asked.

"Yeah, I always feel that the people behind him are now clearly doing nothing, and let this Xinhuo toss himself." Zhao Shuai said.

Don't make any moves, just wait, he will come out sooner or later. "Jiang Cheng said slowly.

"Hey, I can't guess what Brother Jiang is thinking about now." Qi Rongfeng patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder and said.

"In fact, I don't know what to do." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Suddenly there was silence. "Hahaha. Brother Jiang, why are you cold now? Be silent." Zhao Shuai said with a smile.

The remaining three people have been laughing Jiang Cheng.

Several people casually ate a meal at home. Jiang Cheng was still a little sleepy. Just about to lie down for a while, the bell rang suddenly. Jiang Cheng looked at the phone that he didn't recognize. Jiang Cheng still picked it up

Jiang Cheng hung up the phone and looked helpless and surprised. "What's wrong with Brother Jiang?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

Said that I was asked to bail Wu Hao. "Jiang Cheng is a little confused. What is the situation. Why did Wu Shan call herself to bail her in jail?" Zhao Shuai asked with a frown.

Looks like it is. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Why let you go on bail?" Yunduo asked.

Will there be any conspiracy? Brother Jiang or don't go.

Originally Wu Mu was also..."Qi Rongfeng originally wanted to say that Wu was a bad guy, but he looked at Zhao Shuai by his side and didn't say anything.

Forget it, even if there is any conspiracy, I still have to check it out.

Jiang Cheng stood up as he spoke.

Surprisingly, Zhao Shuai didn't say to follow along. He just went to his room without saying a word.

When Jiang Cheng just left, Qi Ruifeng asked Zhao Shuai, "A Shuai, why didn't you say you want to go?

In case she really has any conspiracy, I will drag Brother Jiang if I go. "Zhao Shuai looked nonchalant.

Just think clearly, what's so good about that kind of woman. "Yun Duo gave Zhao Shuai a look.

Zhao Shuai's eyes dimmed suddenly, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

Jiang Cheng went to the team that he said on the phone. Walking in, two young team members walked up to Jiang Cheng at the door, "What do you do?" one of the team members asked with a weak tone.

I come to bail. "Jiang Cheng said.

Go that way, you'll be at the very end, don't walk around. "That team member seems to have encountered something annoying, and Jiang Cheng's tone was angry and he walked in the direction he said without caring. Jiang Cheng turned around and heard the team behind him say, "It's all these jumbled things. Those who have suffered cannot leave work on time all day long. Too annoying. "The other seems to be comforting," Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's no way, right?

Jiang Cheng shook his head a little speechless, just because he wanted to go home on time, he wouldn't work as a errand and lose his temper casually.

Jiang Cheng walked to the last house. Knocked on the door, and soon the door opened. Jiang Cheng saw two players sitting at the door, and then it was indeed Wu Shan sitting behind a table.

At this time, Wu Shan looked bored, and didn't seem to be nervous or disturbed at all. The corners of his lips curled when he saw Jiang Cheng mailing in. Jiang Cheng suddenly regretted it, it seemed that she was fine at all.

Are you here to bail her?" a female team member asked.

Yup. "Jiang Cheng should.

Register first. Come with me. "The female team member asked Jiang Cheng to sit with him on the other side. She took out a notebook and wrote something. Jiang Cheng saw that there was a computer next to him, and he didn't know why he had to write by hand. Jiang Cheng was a little confused. But nothing Say what.

Name, who are you her?" the female team member asked.

"Jiang Cheng." Jiang Cheng said and handed his ID card to the female team member.

I'm her friend.

"Well, do you know what she committed?" the female team member asked. Good eyes.

Jiang Cheng looked at it, and it seemed that Wu Mu was the only one here. He thought it was because of the demonstration before he came. But it looks like it should not be.

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng said.

She hacked the computer of our team, but fortunately, it was discovered quickly and not very serious. But it still had a serious impact. "The male player next to him said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Wu. This kind of thing was done like her, but why was it so easy to be discovered. Jiang Cheng was a little suspicious.

"You don't have to doubt, we all have evidence monitoring. You can come and have a look." said the female team member.

Is this equipment still useful?" Jiang Cheng asked. He walked to the computer screen they were talking about and looked at it.

Yes, fortunately, it was discovered early. It was only the computers in our office that suffered. Now someone has been found to contain it. "The female team member said.

Jiang Cheng looked at the person on the screen. It was indeed Wu Shan. It seemed that she entered the team in the black clothes she is wearing now. Maybe because of a problem, it looks vaguely monitored, but she can still watch. It was Wu Hat who came out. But this is even more strange. Wu Shan wants to black the computer, why not destroy this monitoring. Isn't this an explicit request for someone to catch her?

Jiang Cheng looked at Wu Shi at the back, her face was indifferent, neither sad nor happy. But his face was pale, and it seemed that he hadn't taken a good rest for many days.

Can I be released on bail now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It stands to reason yes. Now she has been locked up for one day and she can be released on bail. It is enough to pay the bail as a guarantee." The female team member said.

Jiang Cheng went through the formalities as they said and took Wu Hao out. Wu Shan was expressionless throughout. There is no change, as if it has nothing to do with her. Jiang Cheng always felt something was wrong with Wu who was so calm.

After coming out of the Jing team, Wu Shan followed Jiang Cheng and walked quietly. Just as Jiang Cheng was about to turn around and ask Wu Hao questions, he saw Wu Shan as if he was about to faint, and fell over. Jiang Cheng hurriedly caught her. I smelled the smell of disinfectant coming from her body.

Jiang Cheng picked up Wu Shan, walked to the side of the road to block the car, and when he really hugged her, Jiang Cheng realized that Wu Shan was so light. It feels like bones.

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