Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1278: Worship

I have never seen a mother who is more ruthless than you when I grow up. "Jiang Cheng glanced at Mantasha and said.

Mantasha didn't turn into anger, as if she didn't take this to heart at all. "Naturally I care about her. But it is on the premise that she is obedient." Mantasha walked slowly to Jiang Cheng's side, "but I still think you care about her too much. When you get a bite back, don't say anything. I didn't remind you. But hehe.

Don't bother you. "Jiang Cheng left after speaking.

Although the relationship between Wu Shan and Mantasha does not look like an ordinary mother and daughter at all, they are definitely related. Jiang Cheng was curious, but couldn't do anything. I hope Wu Shan has to survive. Jiang Cheng thought.

Here Jiang Cheng hasn't come back, Zhang Tian has already arrived at Jiang Cheng's house, Zhao Shuai always thought it was Jiang Cheng, and soon opened the door and said, "Brother Jiang?

"Why are you here?" Zhao Shuai asked, looking at Qi Rongfeng in front of him.

I have something to do with you. "Zhang Tian said and walked in.

Huh? You guy, now treat this as your own home. "Zhao Shuai closed the door and said.

Where is Jiang Cheng?" Zhang Tian looked around and asked.

out. sit down. "Yun Duo poured a glass of water for Zhang Tian.

Is there anything wrong?" Qi Ruifeng looked at Zhang Tian and asked, it seemed that something was going on.

"You know the Li Bin taught by Wula." Zhang Tian said.

I know, it's the one who has been pestering Brother Jiang. What kind of demon is he doing?" Zhao Shuai asked arrogantly.

There is someone behind him. "Zhang Tian took a sip of water and said, "What does it mean to keep him troublesome! Why can't I understand?" Zhao Shuai asked.

"After you join the Ullah Sect, he will definitely make you just give up on this matter~," Zhang Tian looked at Zhao Shuai and said.

How do you know? Could it be that what he did?" Qi Rongfeng asked, looking at Zhang Tian confidently.

I don't know what he is going to do at the moment, but it is certain that he will not let it go. Zhang Tian said.

Do you mean to start first? Do him? "Zhao Shuai made a wipe of his neck.

Before Zhang Tian spoke, Zhao Shuai said anxiously, "It's definitely not possible, Brother Jiang won't agree.

What do you think? "Qi Rongfeng glanced at Zhao Shuai, "Surely not." It must be a lesson for him and ring a bell for him," Zhang Tian said.

How to fix it, I still don't understand. "Zhao Shuai looked confused.

"He must know what to do after Jiang Cheng comes back." Zhang Tian said.

But Brother Jiang shouldn't want to shoot first. I think. "Qi Ruifeng said.

Zhang Tian looked at Qi Ruifeng and didn't say anything. Of course he knew Jiang Cheng's thoughts, and he also knew that he certainly didn't want to be too public, but the reality was forced to this point, and it was not a matter of willingness or unwillingness.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng came back, and just walked in to see Zhang Tian sitting on the sofa, he was taken aback and smiled, "Why are you here?

"He said let us rule Li Bin first." Qi Rongfeng said.

"Did Li Bin do anything?" Jiang Cheng asked.

I haven't done it now, but I don't know when to do it. "Zhang Tian said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Tian's firm expression, lowered his head and thought for a while. Zhang Tian should have any basis for saying this. But it might be inconvenient for him to say this. but

"Brother Jiang, what did you think?" Yun Duo asked, looking at Jiang Cheng's entanglement.

It turns out that I didn't plan to do it first. After all, we are unfamiliar with the place of life here. If we really choose something, we can't do anything to others. "Jiang Cheng said.

You have me," Zhang Tian said word by word.

I'll go back first, you can figure it out. "Zhang Tian looked at Jiang Cheng and left.

Jiang Cheng was a little shocked by Zhang Tian's words. Don’t just say, there is him

What does Zhang Tian mean, is he going to be on our side?" Zhao Shuai looked at Zhang Tian going out, also a little stunned.

"It should be." Jiang Cheng said, suddenly sighing, when did he feel so useless. I was bullied by others, and I still gave in here blindly. Really is

Go, let's go to Ullah to teach!" Jiang Cheng said.

The remaining few people were stunned, "Now, now?" Zhao Shuai asked, God, Brother Jiang is so handsome, haha. This is Brother Jiang. "Qi Rongfeng also smiled. He then stood up.

Yun Duo also smiled, with a look of admiration, "Yes, Brother Jiang is so cool.

Jiang Cheng smiled, really thanks to Zhang Tian, ​​if people in the world only know that they can protect themselves and just give in, then it really doesn't make sense.

Jiang Cheng and others soon went to the Ulla Church together, "Brother Jiang, do you have any good ideas?" Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng and asked.

Confidential now? You will know when you go. "Jiang Cheng said with a dizzying expression that there are no special activities in the Ulla religion. The recent recruiting of the new first son also takes three days before the final exam. Now both the courtyard and the hall are people who come to worship and make wishes.

Let's go directly to Li Bin. "Jiang Cheng said and walked behind the hall.

"Why can their backyard always come and go at will?" Qi Ruifeng

This kind of pope must not hide their residence. "Jiang Cheng also thought about this issue at the beginning. Later, when he saw their pope by chance, he discovered this rule.

No wonder, it's good, saving us the time to find a way to get in. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Don't go to the backyard, Jiang Cheng saw the boy who had come to his home to testify before, and he was dragging a broom to sweep the floor.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, walked to the boy's side, hello

After the boy heard the sound, he quickly turned around and saw Jiang Cheng suddenly excited, "You? You are not the one..." The boy looked scared, Jiang Cheng was a little helpless, he looked so bad. ?

"Don't be afraid. Didn't Li Bin ask you to testify last time? I'm looking for him now to talk about the last time. If I say it clearly, nothing will happen to you.

Jiang Cheng said and looked at the boy's hand in front of him. He looked very young in his twenties, with a childish face, big eyes, a little cute, and white skin, so that Jiang Cheng could clearly see what he was holding in his hand. A cocoon was formed on the broom.

The boy still looks a little scared. I didn't speak, I just looked at Jiang Zai and I was looking for him now, but I didn't know where he was. You take me there. "Jiang Cheng looked at the boy's appearance, unexpectedly involuntarily gave birth to some pity. He couldn't help but relax.

But Jiang Cheng can be sure that no one saw him when he went to Li Bin's room that day. This boy should have been intimidated by Li Bin, so that he was so panicked when he went to his home that day.

The boy thought for a while and looked up at Jiang Cheng, "I didn't see you in his room at all, and I believe you, but I was really forced to do it last time. I, I really can't help it." The boy said The eyes are red again.

Jiang Cheng touched his nose. He did it. The boy in front of him suddenly issued a good person card, and he couldn't get off the stage.

Yun Duo and Qi Rongfeng next to him also laughed at Jiang Cheng like this.

The boy in front of him was so cute that Jiang Cheng wanted to protect him. In fact, Jiang Cheng did the same. Jiang Cheng touched the boy's head, "Do you have any handle in his hand?"

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