Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1279: Second palm

The boy nodded. "I'm stupid, I didn't pass the last assessment, but in order to stay here, I agreed to what Captain Li asked me to do. I..." The boy had a guilty expression on his face.

Don't blame you, you can just take us to his room, and what he asked you to do is illegal. "Qi Ruifeng said warmly.

The boy looked at Jiang Cheng and the others who looked kind and nodded, "You follow me.

Jiang Cheng was also embarrassed. This is the second time he lied to this little boy. I don’t know why, but there is always a feeling of crime. He clearly knows where Li Bin lives, but he still has to make a mistake. If I knew it, I had to pretend to find the guy in front of me and take myself a few steps, and then I arrived at the place, "Here, do I have to go in?"

no need. Don't worry, he has no chance to threaten you again in the future.

Yun Duo said, the boy looked at Yun Duo with gratitude, "Thank you Yun Duo for feeling that he is full of maternal brilliance. What is going on. The boy walked away, Jiang Cheng knocked on Li Bin's door, Li Bin opened the door and saw It was Jiang Cheng, and his expression immediately became stubborn.

Li Bin's clothes were very formal, and his uniform was properly dressed, as if he had just gone out to do business. "? Is it here?

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, but just looked at Li Bin.

Li Bin was a little hairy when he was seen, "I just exposed you to the second palm sage. I was going to catch you later, but you sent it to the door yourself?

It was the first time Jiang Cheng heard the name of the second palm, "Well, I have come to admit it.

After listening to Jiang Cheng's words, Li Bin was stunned for a while. What happened? Looking at Jiang Cheng's eyes, it seemed as if Jiang Cheng had some kind of evil lesson.

Admit that you hacked my computer?" Li Bin asked with some uncertainty.

Oh, this man is so funny. He has been pestering Brother Jiang, insisting that Brother Jiang has hacked his computer, and he is here again. "Zhao Shuai looked at Li Bin with disdain.

You, who said I was persuaded? I just don't think you can easily admit it. "Li Bin struck his neck and said.

Let's go, stop talking nonsense. "Jiang Cheng is a little impatient.

Li Bin looked at Jiang Cheng and couldn't figure out what he was going to do. "Go now?

Jiang Cheng didn't say a word, raised his eyelids and looked at Li Bin lightly, and went straight to see Palm Sovereign. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Heh, do you think that Palm Zun can be seen by someone who wants to meet?" Li Bin glanced at Jiang Cheng.

"It means that you are not qualified to see it, so don't talk nonsense, see someone who can take care of things." Qi Ruifeng said.

"In fact, it's not that this matter can't be discussed. Bi I have always disliked being uncomfortable," Li Bin said after a pause, as if waiting for Jiang Cheng to ask him.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Cheng didn't see any movement. On the contrary, Jiang Cheng didn't care at all.

You can fix my computer directly, fix everything as it is and talk to me, I won’t be held accountable. "Li Bin said with a large number of adults.

Jiang Cheng did not laugh hard. Did he think he did it? He repaired the computer in a low voice, and then waited for him to avenge himself again.

No need, let's just admit the mistake. Didn't you just say something about the master? Go see him. "Yun Duo said coldly.

Li Bin looked at Jiang Cheng and the others, "You really are toasting and not eating or punishing wine. Would you like to find it?" Li Bin said.

If I can't fix it well, I can leave if I want to. If you don't want to, I just leave. "Jiang Cheng said.

Li Bin is a little bit unable to get off the stage, and the second palm does not want to care about his own affairs. The computer is hacked and it is trivial, but if the documents of the Ulla Church are leaked, he will not be able to pay for his own life.

So it's best to find someone to solve this problem, and now I have found many people, but there is no way at all.

You don't need to pay, but you should recover, so I won't pursue it. How about?" Li Bin gritted his teeth and asked.

Jiang Cheng looked at Li Bin's original appearance and became completely scared now. Still did not speak, he did not want to waste time with Li Bin here, he was looking for someone else,

Do you have to see the palm master? The palm master is in retreat!" Li Bin became a little bit irritated.

Anyone, just take care of things, we are here to confess our sins.

Zhao Shuai almost understood Jiang Cheng's meaning, and said something arrogantly.

Zhao Shuai really angered Li Bin in this way, and Li Bin's eyes became angry when he looked at Jiang Cheng and others. Jiang Cheng admired Zhao Shuai in this respect. He was really good at angering others.

Well, since you all want to find hardship, then I will take you there. Ha ha. "Li Bin smiled terribly

Jiang Cheng directly ignored him like this, just nodded, Li Bin locked the door angrily and walked ahead angrily.

After walking a few steps forward, Li Bin saw the boy just now, and Jiang Cheng saw it from a distance, but the boy soon lowered his head, looking a little scared.

Even so, Li Bin recognized the person, and Jiang Cheng saw him walking in front of the boy, "You go too. Know how to be a witness." Li Bin smiled maliciously. About to pat the boy's shoulder.

The boy shrank his neck in fright, but his imaginary hand did not come up and opened his eyes to see a pair of slender and white hands holding Li Bin.

Jiang Cheng grabbed Li Bin's sleeve, pulled his hand down, took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his hands, as if he had sold something.

After a series of actions, Li Bin was anxious and frustrated. He raised his hand to wave to Jiang Cheng, but was easily grasped by Jiang Cheng. "I have already pleaded guilty, so I don't need any witnesses." Jiang Cheng said slowly.

"If you're chatting like this, it's hard to guarantee that I won't be impatient and leave." Jiang Chengjing glanced at Li Bin like a report.

Li Bin slowly took out his hand, not reconciled but dared not to glaze at the boy-and walked forward.

Jiang Cheng looked at the unfamiliar road in front of him, and was a little curious. The place where the palm master Jiang Cheng lived before was not in the opposite direction. How could this second palm master, who had never heard of it, be on the other side. Jiang Cheng thought about it but didn't speak.

After walking for ten minutes to reach the place, Jiang Cheng looked at the house in front of him. Compared with the cave-like house of the palm statue he had seen before, the small western-style building in front of him was obviously normal, and it looked exquisite. It looks more like a simple rich man's living.

Before Jiang Cheng saw Li Bin, he seemed to have called for instructions. But when he was about to knock at the door, Li Bin seemed hesitant. Jiang Zai felt that he guessed the same. The patron behind him is afraid that he doesn't want to admit what happened before, but this is best. Jiang Cheng thought.

Li Bin looked at Jiang Cheng and the others behind him. He walked slowly to the door and knocked on the door. Zhao Shuai smiled when he looked at him, "I have never seen someone like this. Brother Jiang.

Jiang Cheng felt that this reflected that the people inside were really not easy to mess with. What can he make Li Bin so jealous? Jiang Cheng thought.

After a while, a very young Ulla disciple came to open the door. Jiang Cheng looked at the face of the person who opened the door. The face was still very immature. He couldn't help looking at himself and the people next to him, "The second palm said let you in." Jiang Cheng and others watched Li enter.

After Jiang Cheng entered the house, he looked at Zhou Tian. The decoration inside looked completely different from the outside, and the inside could be described as a palace section. Even Zhao sighed, "I really enjoy it. Living in this kind of room" Yes, I feel that the floor is gone. "All to be honest.

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