Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1280: Fight in the nest

Jiang Cheng saw that the Ullah disciple in front of him was supposed to serve that second family. I was led to the meeting room, speaking of meeting guests,

It's actually just a long table with many barrels. On Jiang Cheng's desk is a computer, and a man sits behind him. From Jiang Cheng's perspective, only the top of his hair can be seen. It looks gray and looks It was an old man Ming, Jiang Cheng thought. I just can't see the lower body that Zi is blocking. Jiang Cheng slowly walked to the front. The whole room is strangely quiet

After a while, the people behind pointed their heads. Seeing Jiang Cheng and others just passing by, there was not much fluctuation, he looked at Li Bin behind, "Is this the person you are talking about?

A voice that was completely incompatible with his image, sounded thick and sandy, and sounded just over 30 years old, Jiang Cheng thought, but he also seemed to be 30 years old, and it didn't seem very harmonious. You sit first. "The man said.

Jiang Cheng pulled out a chair and sat down. Qi looked at the man in front of him, every move was completely in the same place and never had a place, suspicious

Feeling, also sat down behind Jiang Cheng. Li walked slowly to the man’s side and stood beside him without sitting down.

Just whispering something in the man's ear. I saw the man's eyes kept watching Jiang Cheng and others, and finally looked at Jiang Cheng without speaking.

After Li Bin finished speaking, he still looked like a prisoner. No more movement from standing aside.

"Did you do it?" the man said.

I don't know why, Jiang Cheng always feels that the person in front of him only needs to say something to make people feel unconscious.

What do you think of the second palm?" Jiang Cheng said.

I think? "The man smiled and looked at Jiang Cheng, with some unkind eyes?

Jiang Cheng thought to himself, when the time comes, he will wait for you to ask this sentence.

We accidentally went to the desert once before. I don't know why, it feels like an illusion. Everything is incredible. Of course, it is also dangerous. Several of us almost died there.

Jiang Cheng said.

The man's expression was still calm, as if he was listening to Jiang Cheng's narration very calmly. It's just that Jiang Cheng saw that the look in his eyes was stunned. Jiang Cheng was almost certain that the person in front of the environment was undoubtedly the person in front of him. It is just such a person, why should he get rid of himself.

Then you still came out accidentally, right? "The man said lightly

Jiang Cheng looked at him completely indifferent, and couldn't help clenching his fists. At the time, he really felt the pressure that he had never felt before, but the instigator was a high-level posture. Obviously regardless of the means, the bright and dark arrows are imitating human beings, and the lives are clearly cursed!

Jiang Chengsheng suppressed the memory in his heart, "Yes, but then I learned that it was Li Bin's copy at the time, so it might be improper.

Jiang Cheng said lightly,

The man glanced at Jiang Cheng and said slowly, "Then you fix it, we won't embarrass you again.

I don't know how to repair. Li Bin said this before, "Jiang Cheng said seriously.

Zhao Shuai also silently ruined Jiang Cheng's face without blushing at all when he said nonsense.

The man looked at Jiang Cheng, still looking calm, "Then how to solve it?

Jiang Cheng looked at the man and said word by word, "I just want to figure out what happened last time. Bi Jing that was my motivation and the reason why I did it.

The last time, of course, "Li Bin stood up, a little embarrassed and angry. But he was interrupted by the man behind him. He gave Li Bin a look and Li Bin gave Jiang Cheng a hard look, and some reluctantly stood aside.

"I originally wanted to disturb Master Xuezun, but it seemed that I heard that he was closed, so I came here." Jiang Cheng said slowly. The eyes are firm.

Master Palm is really busy lately. "The man said slowly.

But this matter, I can also call the shots. "The man smiled suddenly. It's okay to fake it. He waved to the side, and the people outside the door came in, "You go with them first. "The man said to Li Bin beside him.

Li Bin's face suddenly became very exciting, scared and incredibly afraid, "Second Palm Master, I," before he finished speaking, he was taken away by the person next to him.

Jiang Cheng looked at Li Bin's desperate face, his mouth bends unconsciously, and his goal was achieved. Jiang Cheng thought, looking at the man in front, really fierce.

"I almost understand, Li Bin, I usually use private power without authorization. I think you are responsible for this matter. So don't worry." The man said, his hands kept rubbing under him.

Jiang Cheng found out that this person seemed to have never moved, and his hands were always underneath. Is it?

Sure enough, the man slowly moved ahead.

Let me go?" Zhao Shuai said when he was born suddenly. "Brother Jiang!

Of course Jiang 06 Zai also noticed that this man was in a wheelchair.

Of course Jiang Cheng didn't expect it, but looking at the man's proficiency in pushing a wheelchair, he was afraid that he would have been familiar with such a life long ago.

Make you laugh, my legs have always been like this. "The man smiled and got closer to Jiang Cheng

It's okay," Jiang Cheng also smiled.

Zhao Shuai watched the interaction between these two people. Although they seemed to be smiling, he really felt the gunpowder.

Jiang Cheng looked at the man in front of him. He really knew that he only wanted Li Bin to stop pestering him, and he was going to completely cut off the conspiracy that Li Bin wanted to do. Only by letting these people fight in their dens and the dogs bite the dogs can the best solve.

Speaking of this matter, our Ullah education disciples are not in place, but I heard that some of you have passed the retest recently?" the man said

Ok. "Jiang Cheng responded, he felt that the person in front of him would never let him go so easily.

Then you guys are all very capable. "The man said, looking at Zhao Shuai and others behind him.

It's mainly luck. "Said Zhao Shuai.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, this kid, how strict our Ulla teaching is and how difficult it is to come in, I know very well." The man said with a smile, "Don't be humble anymore.

Jiang Cheng and the others had no choice but to stop talking. Jiang Cheng wanted to leave, but it seemed that the person in front of him would not let him go. Jiang Cheng sat quietly and watched the man's fingers keep rubbing the wheelchair armrest.

I am still very optimistic about you. If you become the lucky nine people, we may be able to meet frequently in the future. "The man said.

Master Palm will test us personally when the time comes. "Yun Duo said.

A strange color crossed the man's eyes, "Yes, it seems that you are looking forward to meeting Master Palm.

Yes," Zhao Shuai said, looking forward to it.

"Haha, in fact, he is just as old as you, and he is easy to get along with, you will know by then. Unlike me, he is already very old, and all his youth is dedicated to Ullah's teaching." Some men Regret to say.

You look so young too. "Zhao Shuai started the flattering mode again.

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