Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1281: Heinous

Haha, aren't you complimenting me? I'm over forty. "The man smiled and said, this may be after Jiang Cheng entered the door, he smiled most sincerely, Jiang Cheng thought.

But you are really big. Speaking of what Li Bin did to you, you might also blame us Ullah for teaching. I also feel bad in my heart. I didn't expect you to take our exams. It's really Xin. "The man said.

Although he said guilt, Jiang Cheng didn’t see any guilt at all.

"We have long admired Wu [] to teach for many years, and of course we can distinguish right from wrong, Jiang Cheng said.

"That's good, then pay it, Li Bin, I will deal with him today, and then I will tell Master Palm Sovereign, you may not know, now almost everything in the teaching is handled by me first, after all, Palm Sovereign is in retreat recently. "The man said.

"Second hand, you are fair and equal, and I am also very happy." Jiang Cheng said.

"Where, I should do it." The man said.

Jiang Cheng watched as the people in front of him had been arrogant to himself, and now he was talking about the same thing, "Then let's go first, or disturb the second palm.

Sorry. "Jiang Cheng stood up and said.

Where and where. "The man watched Jiang Cheng stand up

Then we will leave first, and we will visit when we have a chance next time. "Jiang Cheng said

okay. "The man said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng and others all stood up and walked out. "Come here," the man in the room called.

Wipe the floor of the living room well. "After speaking, the man's face became gloomy. The Ulla disciple who was summoned carefully lifted the floor.

Jiang Cheng came out of the house and felt that the air outside was much better.

Brother Jiang, how come this goes so smoothly. I feel abnormal. "Qi Ruifeng frowned Qi said.

I think he looks very gloomy, but he is really cautious about laughing. "The cloud trembled to express his discomfort.

Certainly will not give up. "Jiang Cheng said, remembering that the man said that he was the true eldest man of Ullahism. Although the words did not sound threatening, he still told himself.

It seems that the water of Ullahism is not so deep. "Zhao Shuai said.

Several people were walking forward. Suddenly a person Jiang Cheng came out of the front turning and looked intently. It was the man in Taoist robe.

Huh? That protector? What should I do? Brother Jiang. "Zhao Shuai looked at the protector and felt nervous about what he did today.

Jiang Cheng looked at the man in Dao Pao and seemed to see his side. "It's okay, relax. I have already seen it." Jiang Cheng said.

Jiang Cheng and the others walked casually. He ran into the Dao Hug man in front of him without taking a few steps. "Hawk? You guys?" The Dao-robed man pointed at Jiang Cheng and the others and couldn’t tell who it was, just looking at Jiang Cheng. Et al.

Oh, you guys entered the retest that day. "Dao hugged the man and said.

Yes. "Jiang Cheng replied, thinking about what reason I would choose when he waited. They are all good-looking. Hahaha." The Dao-robed man said with a smile.

You must continue to cheer, and hope to see you finally come in. "The Dao Pao man said that a flower was transformed from his hand

Jiang Cheng didn't understand, so he didn't ask himself why he came? But after thinking about it, he was like this when he first met that day. Also a little funny

Come on, come on. "The man in the Taoist robe handed the flower to Yunduo. He said with a smile.

The cloud caught the flower blankly, blushing for a long time.

The man in the robes smiled and left.

"This person is better at hooking up with a little girl than I am. He looks so enchanting," said Zhao Shuai, looking at the back of the man in the robes.

Why didn't you ask us. "Qi Rongfeng said," Jiang Cheng and the others, who was really strange, also continued to walk forward. While walking, I saw the boy who was bullied by Li Bin again. He was sitting on the flowerbed beside him, as if waiting for someone.

"Isn't that the boy? I won't be bullied again." Zhao Shuai said, pointing in the direction of the boy.

Unexpectedly, the boy saw Jiang Cheng and others coming, and he ran towards this side. He ran to Jiang Cheng and exclaimed, "You guys, you have come out. Are you okay." The boy ran a few steps, and Bai Zhe's face oozes sweat.

Huh? I said you are a boy, how come you look like a little girl, so thin and thin,"" Zhao Shuai patted the boy's shoulders.

Not to mention, don't think, Jiang Cheng found that the boy in front of him really seemed better than the girl. It seems to be too thin. Unconsciously glanced at the boy's neck, which was graceful and slender, and had a Adam's apple.

Jiang Cheng felt that he must be stunned, how could he think that the boy in front of him was a girl.

I’m just a little weaker.” The boy said weakly.

"The voice is like that of a girl." Zhao Shuai said.

Okay, Zhao Shuai," Jiang Cheng said. Looking at the boy, "What's the matter with you?

I was thinking, thank you. "The boy looked at Jiang Cheng.

Ah, it's okay, I already said it, it doesn't matter to you, and you just paid back the favor, don't feel embarrassed. "Yun Duo said with a smile

Well, thank you very much. "The boy said.

Jiang Cheng remembered that the selection of disciples in the Ulla religion was indeed very strict. But how could such a disciple be recruited? It looks so weak and windy. Could it be that there are other specialties... the boy seemed to feel a gaze on his head, and his body suddenly shrank, not looking up.

Jiang Cheng felt that he really thought too much. "But how old are you, why are you so short?" Zhao Shuai asked.

"I'm nineteen." The boy said slowly.

Nineteen, you are also very young. Eat more, now that Li Bin is gone, no one will squeeze you. "Zhao Shuai said.

Ah? Not there anymore? Captain Li, dead, dead? "" The boy seemed to be scared, his body began to tremble, and slowly looked at Zhao Shuai.

Zhao Shuai looked at the boy in front of him, as if he was about to cry when he mentioned the dead. Suddenly I didn't know what to say.

I don't know yet, but he won't bully you anymore. "Jiang Cheng said in the softest tone possible.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right. In fact, Captain Li didn't do any unexplainable bad things.

"The rest of you don't know what to say.

"Then we will leave." Jiang Cheng said.

OK, bye. "The boy said with a smile.

So simply? Jiang Cheng laughed, thinking he would like to thank him again.

I really think my heart will melt when he smiles. It's really pretty. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Yun Duo looked at Zhao Shuai disgustingly, "Men and women take it all?

What? I'm a straight guy. "Zhao Shuai took a look at Yun Duo and said to go back." Jiang Cheng said. It's finally over.

But is something wrong with the palm master of the Ulla religion? Have been in retreat?" Zhao Shuai said.

"It's not clear to say, isn't it personally selected in a few days, you can definitely see it then." Qi Ruifeng said.

But listening to the words of the second palm, it seems that the palm is very small?" Zhao Shuai said. "Second palm, in fact, I can laugh with this name for a year.

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