Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1282: Kizuna

No matter what, we should proceed with caution when the time comes. "Qi Ruifeng remembered the look in the eyes of the second palm.

But that protector is easy to get along with. Looks like a good person. "Yun Duo said.

Zhao Shuai glanced at Yun Duo, "A flower will buy you? The more such a talent, the more you have to be aware of it?" Zhao Shuai said.

Be jealous. "Yun Duo withdrew his mouth. "The one who is jealous of the parents is handsomer than you, and more capable than you.

Who said this. He is better than me. More handsome than me? Are you blind?" Zhao Shuai looked upset.

Brother Jiang, tell me, which one of us grows well. "Zhao Shuai asked.

he. "Jiang Cheng said.

Hahaha. "Jiang Cheng said, everyone laughed

Brother Jiang, you have changed. "Zhao Shuai withdrew his mouth and said nothing.

Okay, what's the point of this. "Qi Rongfeng said, looking at Zhao Shuai who was sulking.

Zhao Shuai glanced at Qi Rongfeng, but still did not speak.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhao Shuai like this and smiled without saying a word. When he got home, Zhao Shuai shut himself in the room as soon as he patted the door.

I'm so angry. "Yun Duo glanced at the closed door and said to Jiang Cheng and Qi Ruifeng.

It's okay, it will be fine in a while, clamoring to eat something delicious. "Qi Ruifeng said.

Too. But, Brother Jiang, do you want to call Zhang Tian?" Yun Duo asked

Who is it for? "Jiang Cheng was a little confused, "What do you call Zhang Tian for? Do you have anything to do. "Jiang Cheng asked.

"No, but didn't he say this? Should we call him and tell him." Yunduo said.

Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

He thinks Zhang Tian may be worried," Qi Ruifeng said.

That's how Jiang Cheng understood. "No need. He should know." Jiang Cheng said Li.

Too. "Qi Ruifeng remembered Zhang Tian's expression when he left, and he was sure that Jiang Cheng could do it.

Two days passed quickly before the final exam of Ullah Teaching. Compared with the previous days, the two days were very calm. Nothing special happened. So Jiang Cheng spent all day eating and sleeping at home, almost nothing. Go out.

"Brother Jiang. Should we go for a walk or not, I need Zhao Shuai and shouted.

You want to go out by yourself. "Yun Duo is sitting on the sofa looking at the tablet, biting with an apple in his hand.

We are going to take the final exam soon. Of course, I have to relax completely in these two days. "Qi Rongfeng said.

That's how it is said, but I think you are all very successful. Do you think you can get in in the end?" Zhao Shuai asked.

"What is this? Of course there is self-confidence, but I think I don't have absolute hope. If you can't get in, then just forget it." Yunduo said.

Yes, and we don’t know what preparations we can do. We also saw the exam that day. Those exams were really big. "" Qi Ruifeng said.

Brother Jiang, what do you think. "Zhao Shuai said while looking at Jiang Cheng who was reading intently.

"I, let the flow go."" Jiang Cheng said.

Alas, I don't really want to go in. But if you are all in and only I am 530 staying here, I feel bored.

Zhao Shuai flapped his mouth and said.

Hahaha, you really are. "Yun Duo said with a smile.

When the time was up, Jiang Cheng and others were ready to go to the Ulla religion.

Today, the entrance of the Ula Church still looks very lively. The relatives of many people come to cheer for their selected relatives. It looks like the college entrance examination I took before. Jiang Cheng thought. These people have made the doorway of the Ulla religion impossible.

Not after a while. The doorway became suddenly quiet. Zhou Guo's people looked in another direction. "Who's here again?" Yun Duo asked, looking at the way that was automatically let go over there.

Everyone watched the movement over there. Jiang Cheng only saw a girl in a white skirt stepped off a luxury car. Then a few people in black got off the car, who seemed to be the girl's bodyguard.

"Qiu Qingqing," someone next to him said. "Yes, it's really good-looking.

"Don't think about it, it's a fairy.

The girl said a few words to the man in black next to her. Those people drove the car and left.

These people really regard Qiu Qingqing as a goddess. "Yun Duo sighed and thought.

Oh, it's really good-looking, if I could talk to her, I would be happy to die. "Zhao Shuai had already squeezed forward to look at Qiu Qingqing.

Let's go. Let's go in too. "Jiang Cheng smiled and said. Although everyone loves to watch beautiful people, Jiang Cheng thinks that the most important thing is that person's quality.

After arriving in the main hall, obviously there are already twenty people here, which means that these people have already arrived. Jiang Cheng also saw the twins he saw that day. It turns out that they also passed the final exam. Jiang Cheng thought.

At this time, there is no Palm Sovereign in the hall, it seems that only twenty people have arrived. "Brother Jiang. A lot of people are watching us." Zhao Shuai looked at Qiu Qingqing who was standing in front of him with excitement.

Qiu Qingqing stood alone from start to finish, looking out of tune with these personalities. The whole body exudes the aura of keeping away from strangers.

Jiang Cheng heard Zhao Shuai's words and looked around, and found that many people were indeed looking at him. "Maybe it was Li Bin's thing that day." Yun Duo said.

Yes, Li Bin made trouble regardless of whether Bi Jing was true or not. "Qi Rongfeng doesn't like being looked at with strange eyes.

Ji? Have you ever seen Palm Sovereign? "Fortunately, the people next to him didn't keep watching. Jiang Cheng and others started to chat about gossip before long. "Yes."

"How does it look? Say it quickly." I didn't see it clearly. But very young should be younger than you. "Really. God.

It didn't take long before Jiang Cheng saw someone he was familiar with. Why did the second palm master also come?" Zhao Shuai whispered.

Today's second palm is wearing the uniform of the Ullah, and he was pushed in by a Ullah disciple. It looks more energetic than yesterday.

After he came in, he just casually took a look at Jiang Cheng's side, and said nothing to the front. "This is the palm-sovereign?" No, the palm-sovereign I saw last time is obviously very young. And isn't it stubbornness? "The whole thing became noisy for a while, and many people were talking about this second master.

This second master is dealing with things in the teachings, and the disciples here should be familiar with him, but it seems that people outside the Ulla religion are still not very clear about these people, at least still very mysterious.

Hello everyone, I am the second master of the Ulla religion, and I handle the ordinary affairs of the Ulla religion. "The people on the stage are introducing themselves to the second palm?" It seems that he is the biggest besides the palm. ""Can't walk, what exactly does he have?" For a while, people talked about Fen Jiangcheng and found that this man didn't say his name when he introduced himself, and every time he just said that he was the second master. Somewhat strange.

Is it possible that today's selection is also him? God, I still want to see the palm. "Yun Duo said disappointedly.

Yes, it's his words, it is inevitable that we won't stumble upon us. "Zhao Shuai whispered.

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