Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1283: Desert Fantasy

Jiang Cheng's mood is also a little bit unhappy. I don't know why, the feeling this man gives to himself is always depressed. It looks so gloomy.

Master Palm has been in retreat some time ago. Until yesterday, Master Palm had not come out, so this time the final selection was one by one. "One person came in before I said the door.

Oh my god. "Before Jiang Cheng saw it, he heard the first person at the door marveling.

These people make fuss all day long. ... before Zhao Shuai finished speaking, the man walked in completely. The boy was tall and wore a Ullah uniform that looked completely different from others. Regardless of his looks, he wore a uniform like a model. As for the face, Jiang Cheng looked at Zhou Guo's girls and all had fallen.

"The long one is really handsome." Zhao Shuai said after watching for a long time.

I'm going to be so handsome. ""Legs are still so long!" "Good figure!

I also want to wear a Ullah uniform! ""

The appearance of this strange man completely attracted the attention of most people present. Jiang Cheng was no exception. Jiang Cheng saw the outstanding young man in front of him, but he still did not miss the second palm on the stage. Calm, and squeezed out a smile, but his hands firmly grasped the wheelchair armrest.

Slowly the boy walked to the stage, "Second palm master?" The boy's voice was clear but somewhat shaya. It may be the result of recovering from a serious illness.

Master Palm, I don't know that you are already..." The second Palm Master slowly smiled, but the smile seemed reluctant to look at.

Please worry, I'm fine. "The boy smiled and said.

Is this the master? I'm too happy too" "Yes, I would be very happy to see him every day.

Most of the people in the audience did not pay attention to the undercurrents on the stage, but were immersed in the fact that the handsome young man in front of them was the palm of the hand.

When Jiang Cheng saw the false smile on the face of the second palm, he couldn't sustain it until it collapsed.

Hello, everyone, "The young man said, the audience is completely silent, I am the current Ullah Sect Master. I am very happy to meet you, and I can choose this year's disciple." said the palm.

Everyone in the audience listened quietly to the boys, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but laugh, and sure enough-the face is still more important!

If there are no objections, start now. "Palm Master said to the people in the audience.

No..." Everyone in the audience responded.

When I first came in, a string of beads in my hand suddenly broke, and the beads rolled to other places. You can help me find it. "Said the palm. After speaking, I sat down.

Is it so simple? Jiang Cheng couldn't help but wonder in his heart. It stands to reason not. Anyone with eyes can find these beads. Besides this kind of thing, Jiang Cheng looked at the people around him, and his expression wasn't pretty at this moment.

what. This test. What does he think of us. "Yeah, the price is too low. Even if we are Ula disciples, we will be bullied and run errands all day long.

Jiang Cheng looked at the resistance of these people around him, and he understood the meaning of this palm master. Look at the clothes they wear. Many of them belong to wealthy people. Jiang Cheng thought, letting them do such a thing might feel shameless.

You can start now. "Zun Zun smiled and said.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything. He looked at Zhao Shuai and others next to him. They didn't complain about coming. He turned around and walked out first.

Zhao Shuai Yunduo and Qi Rongfeng also followed out. Many of the remaining entrants are still unwilling. All stood still and didn't move.

I saw the girl in the front also slowly walked out. "That's Qiu Qingqing. She is still willing to do this kind of thing?" "Yes, her family has been dignitaries for generations." "Let's go, Qiu Qingqing is gone, why are we still here? Er. "A large number of people came out afterwards.

Jiang Cheng first came out to find that the entrance of the hall at this time was no longer the same. At this time, four exits appeared in front of Jiang Cheng, just like the illusion that he entered at that time! Jiang Cheng looked at these illusion entrances and didn't know what to do.

Brother Jiang, how do we get this in? Are we going to get one together?

Zhao Shuai asked, looking confused.

Jiang Cheng was also a little confused, "Go in separately!" I don't know when the boy who was threatened by Li Bin was behind them.

Jiang Cheng looked at the boy wearing the uniform of Ullah, as if he was still panting. "That's right, I don't have time to make it clear." The boy looked at Jiang Zai and said earnestly, his big eyes flickering.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but nodded, "Let's go in separately.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng said to the boy. The boy's face suddenly blushed, as if he had not been so thanked. "Then I will go first." The boy said and ran away.

Don't panic when encountering things, and stay steady. It may be very smooth to get in. Bring that locator, maybe it might be useful. "Jiang Cheng said.

We all pay attention to safety!" Zhao Shuai also said seriously.

Yun Duo and Qi Ruifeng also agreed and walked in.

Jiang Cheng also entered towards the entrance in front of him. According to the boy, maybe the first one to go in has an advantage. Jiang Cheng slowly collapsed in, feeling as if there was a strong suction right there. I feel very uncomfortable just getting in.


Jiang Cheng looked at it and found out that this is a very advanced world. It is mainly because of the flashing screens as far as he can see. There are few cars on the road. Jiang Cheng looked at the crowds of cars around him. A bustling street, Jiang Cheng thought.

But these people look almost the same as themselves, but the clothes they wear are completely different from what they have seen. In fact, they should be more beautiful. And they are not driving motor vehicles, and many of the transportation tools they use are live. This is a very advanced world, no doubt.

Jiang Cheng walked forward and found that the shops here rarely looked like salespersons. Jiang Cheng casually entered a shop next to him and saw a robot that looked almost the same as a human being and was also very skilled. Sir, what do you need." said the robot.

If Jiang Cheng hadn't seen the person in front of him as if he had no life at all, he would really think he was a real human being.

Jiang Cheng looked at this shop, which was a simple supermarket, although there was no clerk. But it looked neat, Jiang Cheng took a bottle of water casually, looked at the payment method, and found that the currency used here is also the currency of the country, which is not very numb, Jiang Cheng thought.

Jiang Cheng walked out slowly and looked at the clean and tidy street in front of him. There was no crowdedness of the earth at all. Everyone was in good order. Jiang Cheng always felt that this illusion can be said to be more than a simple illusion. This world is compared to the desert before. The illusion is completely different, this can be said to be a complete world. As Jiang Cheng walked forward, he could still see a huge electronic screen on the building in front. The advertisements on it are just as prosperous, Jiang Cheng thought.

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