Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1284: New world

Jiang Cheng walked forward and saw a lot of residential buildings, standing on both sides of the road. Jiang Cheng thinks that these houses are not different from those on the earth, but they don't seem to be that tall. It seems that there are only five or six floors at most.

Jiang Cheng walked forward slowly. I feel that I suddenly don’t know where to go, and I suddenly lost my direction. The world in front of me is too ideal. It seems that what I have always been expecting is such a world. Jiang Cheng thought, it seemed that I wanted to be here. The idea of ​​permanent residence.

Jiang Cheng hurriedly stood up, looked at everything around him, yes, this is the world he has always been expecting. This is what I expect in my heart. What I just thought was so dangerous, this is not a place to stay for long. This is the world in my heart, the desire in my heart, that is, my greed. Jiang Cheng couldn't help oozing cold sweat. My top priority now is to go out and...find the beads.

Jiang Cheng seemed to suddenly understand the purpose of Palm Sovereign asking him to find beads. He allows everyone to enter the world they want, depending on how many people can hold it, and how many people still remember their original purpose.

Jiang Cheng slowly looked at the world in front of him, it was too real, Jiang Cheng really felt the floor, felt the blue of the sky, there was no pollution at all, everything looked so clean and bright

Suddenly there was a quarrel in front of him, and suddenly Jiang Cheng saw a man running by his side, holding a leather bag in his hand, and someone chasing him behind.

Jiang Cheng realized that this should be a robbery, and hurriedly ran after him.

The people in front ran really fast, Jiang Cheng thought as he ran. It has been twenty minutes after running. The people in front of him have been running desperately, and Jiang Cheng has gradually become somewhat powerless.

Seeing the person in front of him turned around into an alley, Jiang Cheng followed closely. Unexpectedly, going to the front is a wall, which just blocked the people in front. Jiang Cheng also blocked behind.

The thief in front also turned and looked at Jiang Cheng viciously, and took out a gun in his hand! Jiang Cheng was a little startled, did ordinary people wear guns in this world. Jiang Cheng felt that he might be really reckless, but it was a fake gun, Jiang Cheng forcibly settled himself.

If you let me out, I won't move you. "The thief looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

Jiang Cheng also saw the madness in the eyes of the person in front of him, and slowly moved to the side, raising his hands to indicate that he would not act rashly.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's actions, the culprit was somewhat satisfied, and slowly walked towards the outside, looking a little relaxed. Jiang Cheng seemed to relax looking at the gangster. Okay, now! Jiang Cheng thought. Quickly took out a first knife from the mustard bracelet and flew towards the hand of the gangster holding the gun.

The person on the other side had no idea of ​​Jiang Cheng's move. He threw away the gun in his hand in fright, and Jiang Cheng's knife made a cut in his hand.

Jiang Cheng ran over to subdue the gangster first. The man in front of him wore a hat and mask, only showing a pair of sulky eyes, and he was kicking Jiang Cheng bitterly at this time.

Nosy!" the man said.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, but just looked at the man indifferently, and looked at the leather bag he threw aside. What's so special about this bag that could make him grab it so desperately! Jiang Cheng didn't understand.

At this time, the owner of the bag also came over. It was a middle-aged woman who seemed to be out of breath, and seemed to be chasing herself constantly.

Oh my god, I was scared to death. "The woman looked at the gangster being subdued by Jiang Cheng and patted her mouth. She looked a little lingering, "I have already reported it, thank you so much. "The woman said to Jiang Cheng, and picked up the purse on the ground.

Sure enough, the team members came, Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, the team members here came so fast.

The team members immediately detained the gangster, "Mr., can you go to the well team with us. Some situations require your cooperation." The team members said to Jiang Cheng.

The woman next to her was also taken to the car, and she seemed to have to cooperate with the investigation.

"This gentleman, thank you so much. If I really lose this, I'll be over. I really don't know what to do." The woman choked up when she said, Jiang Cheng saw her eyes seem to be red, look It’s really important things,

It's okay, it's fine if you haven't been snatched away. "Jiang Cheng said.

Your surname, sir. I really want to visit in the future. "The woman said.

Jiang Cheng looked at the person in front of him with a grateful expression, a little funny, can't he say that he just arrived here, is he from another world?

This is ridiculous.

It's okay, no need. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

The woman didn't say anything, just looked at Jiang Cheng gratefully.

When they arrived at the Jing team, the team members didn't ask Jiang Cheng much, but only asked how Jiang Zai subdued the gangster. After speaking, I also thanked Jiang Cheng. However, Jiang Cheng had to show his ID card in the middle of the journey. Jiang Cheng had no choice but to prevaricate by himself because he did not bring his ID.

The team members let Jiang Cheng leave without saying anything.

As soon as Jiang Cheng walked out of the well team, he saw the woman just waiting at the door, saw Jiang Cheng came out and greeted him, and looked at Jiang Cheng, "I thought about it, sir, I still have to thank you.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing, how could he be so stubborn. Jiang Cheng looked at the person in front of him, "I really don't need it, it doesn't matter, I just came here today.

Ah, it turned out to be a foreigner. That's even better. The first time you come to us, you must be unfamiliar with your life. So let me leave you a phone number, and you can come to me if you have anything in the future. "The woman said heartily. She must leave Jiang Cheng on the phone.

Jiang Cheng seemed unable to get through, so he had to leave his phone number.

Jiang Cheng took a few steps, and suddenly remembered something. He took out the locator and saw the display on it. As expected, there was no signal, Jiang Cheng thought.

But it worked when he took out his mobile phone. Jiang Cheng tried to call Zhao Shuai, but couldn’t send it out. Jiang Cheng found a coffee shop and sat down, surfing the internet to see the world he was in. It really was a whole new world. But this country is a name, it's really simple and rude, and Jiang Cheng, the country of science and technology, thinks this name is really hard to describe. Jiang Cheng looked at this country as history, and found that this country has been established in a short time, but it is now developing very well. It is true that Jiang Cheng looked at everything that is real in front of him. Alas, this illusion, I have to say, it is really very Really.

Jiang Cheng knew that the place where he was now was the capital of this country. Jiang Cheng looked at the information about the virtual country in front of him, but felt that it was very unreal. This kind of life was indeed what he wanted, but it was too false. Impenetrable weakness.

Jiang Cheng walked forward and saw a game on the big screen in front of him. Jiang Cheng took a look and found that this Bessebi was operated by a computer? Jiang Zai thought he might try it, but he couldn't find a way back here anyway.

Jiang Cheng looked at the location in the Science and Technology Museum, not far from here. Jiang Cheng soon arrived at the Science and Technology Museum. He looked at this place and found that it was actually a place for people to visit. The appearance looks very novel, and after entering, I found that there are many novel furnishings here.

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