Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1285: virus

Jiang Cheng found that there were not many people here. He looked around and found that there was still a while before the game. It turned out that he came too early. Jiang Cheng walked forward without thinking about anything, visiting the items here by the way.

Jiang Cheng came along and found that the level of technology reached here should not be much different from his own. He just saw the mustard storage bags and a series of polymer products. These things are placed on the earth, and you can do it yourself. from.

Jiang Cheng saw that this is a three-story building. Generally speaking, the competition should be placed on the first floor, but it seems that the first floor is still the same, still a science and technology museum. Jiang Zai went up to the second floor. When he got here, he saw a lot of computers. To be precise, this is a very large room. It looks like there are many tables. Each table has a computer. Jiang Cheng looked at it and saw that there was a high platform and a large screen with the 5th Hei Chuang Technology Competition written on it.

Jiang Cheng smiled, it was already the fifth. He just simply signed up online and found that this Bizerte registration is not so strict and will not conduct a public preliminary test. Although this is completely unfair, Jiang Cheng did not feel that he could not pass the first test.

Jiang Cheng walked to the third floor and saw that it was the same as the science exhibition on the bottom floor, but it seemed to be very monotonous, with only a few items on display. Jiang Cheng stepped forward and found that it was a robot. Whatever you see is different. These robots don’t look like humans at all, and of course they are not ordinary robots. These robots look more like Transformers. Jiang Cheng saw this science and technology museum at this time. The door just opened, but there are already many children here with these robots turning around. But Jiang Cheng thought of clouds. If she saw these, she would definitely be happy.

I don't know what's going on with them, and I can't contact them. Jiang Cheng is a little worried, but looking at the palm of his hand, he should also ensure the safety of these people.

Jiang Cheng looked here again. Suddenly his phone rang. Jiang Cheng looked at the text message of the original test he had passed, and he was already able to participate in this competition.

Jiang Cheng looked at this simple text message and didn't know how he was going to get out of the competition this time, but now that he has no clue at all, he can only do something he can do. Including the previous criminals, Jiang Cheng has never regretted it. Everyone should do such a thing. Jiang Cheng thought.

It didn’t take long before Jiang Cheng went downstairs to see that many people came in. It seemed that they were all people participating in the competition. These people were all decently dressed. Jiang Cheng saw that he was obviously incompatible with these personalities. Dress. Some regret that I did not buy a few unobtrusive clothes.

Jiang Cheng stood in an unremarkable place, ignoring the unbridled look of the people next to him. "Hey, the clothes this man is wearing are from decades ago." "Yes, he is embarrassed to come out.

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, and he would be talked about here for a while if he didn't wear well. A person came in from the door. At this time, the whole scene was quiet, and his eyes gathered on the person who came in. Of course Jiang Zai saw it too, it was Qiu Qingqing. It seems that she has entered a world with herself. Jiang Cheng thought. The people next to him began to talk about Qiu Qingqing, "He has a great throat, my God." "Yes, look at this place, there are not many women in her own right." "But I have never seen her so beautiful. Passed.

It seems that the aesthetics of the people here is still similar to that of the Li people. Jiang Cheng thought, watching Qiu Qingqing walk to the first row without squinting, standing on the side, cold face all the way, at least not seeing him so many times. After she laughed, Jiang Cheng didn't know what it means for these people to pursue such cold people.

After Qiu Qingqing came in, the eyes of many boys were completely entangled with her, and there were many people who came forward to ask for contact information. For a while, the whole stadium was quiet a lot.

It’s just that Qiu Qingqing completely ignores anyone here, and doesn’t say a word, "Isn’t it that I can’t speak." "Yaba?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Qiu Qingqing, and he really felt a sense of independence.

After a while, a few people came in at the 123 gate. They looked very formal. Jiang Cheng saw two men, and they all looked over forty. The leader first came in and saw Qiu Qingqing, his eyes kept sticking. On Qiu Qingqing's body, he looked like a **** Mimi. The man at the back moved him with his elbow, and the man seemed to recover and coughed, "Attention, it's starting!

He speaks vocally, and his appearance can be said to be awe-inspiring. Jiang Cheng thinks this is not a good thing at all.

Is he the candidate? God, I still don't want to take the exam. "Yeah, I heard that he has been fired, why is he still here!" You don't know, his background is very hard.

When Jiang Cheng heard the person next to him discussing the candidate, it all sounded negative. Speaking of it, the look in Qiu Qingqing's eyes just now was a bit disgusting.

Now the computers are all carrying viruses in front of your eyes. It depends on the length of time to remove the virus as soon as possible," the man who just spoke continued. As if he could not hear the criticisms against him, but his eyes never left Qiu Qingqing. It’s just that the person concerned looked at the front face all the way as if he hadn’t noticed it.

Jiang Cheng looked at the people around him as if he had already started to act, and immediately opened the virus in front of him. Jiang Cheng checked the virus-infected port of this computer and found that this time was completely different from the last time Canglan virus. More troublesome. Jiang Cheng is also focusing on the virus in front of him. Jiang Cheng heard that there was no movement at all, I am afraid the people next to him are also helpless.

After the boy next to Jiang Cheng realized that he couldn't get rid of the virus at all, he looked a little bit ashamed to see Jiang Cheng next to him. He could only see that the boy next to him was not old, but he looked calm and calm, as if he knew everything in front of him, his fingers were constantly flying on the keyboard. Eyes have been staring at the computer screen and don't know why he just thinks he can.

Jiang Cheng didn't have time to take care of other things at this time. He stared at the virus in front of him, no matter how troublesome it was, it was almost impossible now. Jiang Cheng thought, his subordinates were able to operate faster, and it was done! Jiang Cheng was a little frustrated when he saw the computer returning to normal. .

The boy next to Jiang Cheng also seemed very excited, "Okay, isn't it! You are so cool!

Jiang Cheng only then saw the boy who had been looking at him next to him. The boy also looked younger, dressed very fashionable, and looked a little handsome.

Jiang Cheng just nodded, and said nothing. But the person next to him still continued to talk to Jiang Cheng enthusiastically. "I can't make it out at all, you are too good. I have just been watching you operate, you are really good." The boy looked at Jiang Cheng with admiration.

Jiang Cheng was also embarrassed by the praise, and smiled. "...But still can't say anything. Just look at the boy and smile.

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