Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1306: Loquat Tree

There is a dangerous situation ahead. You wait here first. I went to see. "Jiang Cheng said.

Qiu Qingqing subconsciously wanted to refute, but she had never seen Jiang Zai look so serious, and she still didn't say anything against it. Just nodded.

Jiang Cheng walked forward slowly. Getting closer to the gunfire. But just as he reached a corner, the gunfire stopped abruptly. Jiang Cheng quickly hid behind a big tree next to him.

"Hurry up and deal with him. It's breathtaking!" There seemed to be a sound of smashing, clothes dragging and rubbing on the ground. Jiang Cheng saw two people walking in front of him, carrying a person one after another. Both are young boys. Looks young and strong. There was blood on the clothes of the man being carried, and it seemed that he was delirious or even possibly dead.

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt palpitated. These are all desperadoes. Regardless of their purpose, you must be careful based on the fact that they hold weapons and imitate others.

Jiang Cheng kept hiding behind the tree until the two of them returned from in front of him. No sound was heard again. Jiang Cheng turned around and went back to find Qiu Qingqing.

But when Jiang Cheng returned to the place, he found that Qiu Qingqing was not here!

Jiang Cheng's mentality collapsed at this time. He couldn't imagine if Qiu Qingqing fell into the hands of the group just now, would there be any sacrifice. Jiang Cheng was anxious to call Qiu Qingqing's name. I looked for it nearby, but didn't see Qiu Qingqing at all.

Jiang Cheng really panicked at this time. do not know what to do with it. Just walked in place to find Qiu Qingqing for 0.5 minutes. Qiu Qingqing is still no one. Jiang Cheng felt that he should go there just now. It seemed that it was only there now. Jiang Cheng was ready to turn around and saw Qiu Qingqing behind him.

Jiang Cheng was also taken aback. "Where have you been?" Jiang Cheng asked Qiu Qingqing anxiously.

Qiu Qingqing looked blank and didn't know what was wrong, but watching Jiang Zai holding his hand was not as sick as others. And he seemed to be very scared and anxious. "I, I just went to the side to see if there is anything to eat." Qiu Qingqing whispered.

I just thought you, alas. "Jiang Cheng looked at Qiu Qingqing and was really scared. I was afraid that she would be taken away by those people. There was no way to fight back in front of those desperate people. He was afraid that Qiu Qingqing would really have an accident.

At that moment, he really wanted to go to those people to find someone.

Qiu Qingqing looked at Jiang Cheng who was not calm. Some are scared, although I don't know why he is so upset, but he should be worried about himself. "I'm fine. I also took a few fruits. See if you can eat them." Qiu Qingqing said.

Jiang Cheng calmed down, feeling that the fear just now disappeared.

オ looked at Qiu Qingqing, "What fruit?

"Oh, here." Qiu Qingqing earned a hand, and Jiang Cheng found that he had been holding Qiu Qingqing's hand, his whole expression was not very natural. Quickly let go of Qiu Qingqing's hand.

Qiu Qingqing stretched out his palm, Jiang Cheng saw a few small yellow fruits in Qiu Qingqing's thin white palm. It looks yellow and full of appetite. But this kind of fruit is mostly poisonous. Jiang Cheng picked up one and looked at it. Ling reached the tip of his nose and smelled it, "You can't eat this. Don't you eat it."

Ah, no, no, I was afraid of being poisonous, so I didn't eat it. "Qiu Qingqing waved his hand.

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. He himself didn't know why he was so worried about her, maybe because he was involved in this illusion together. In fact, Jiang Cheng now increasingly feels that this illusion may not really be a common illusion.

Are you hungry?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Qiu Qingqing nodded, blushing a little, and embarrassedly threw away the fruit in her hand.

"Here you are." Jiang Cheng took out a box of cakes from the mustard spring. "You eat first, we'll see if we can find any edible fruit later." Jiang said.

Qiu Qingqing took it and nodded. She actually wanted to ask why Jiang Zai was so worried about herself just now, but she didn't say anything when she saw Jiang Cheng still didn't want to mention it.

Jiang Cheng took Qiu Qingqing in the opposite direction, hoping to find the white stone as soon as possible, Jiang Cheng thought. It’s really dangerous to bring Qiu Qingqing here.

The two people walked in the other direction for almost twenty minutes. Zhou Guo has always looked like green mountains and green waters, peaceful and quiet. These roads are all mountain roads. It's not easy to walk. Jiang Cheng is fine, but it seems that Qiu Qingqing must be a little unable to walk.

Take a rest in front. Jiang Cheng pointed to the small river in front of him and said Qiu Qingqing nodded. He looked really tired. Some were panting.

When he reached the river, Jiang Cheng took off his coat and threw himself on the ground, "Sit down." Jiang Cheng just felt that it had rained here before. The ground is still very humid.

Qiu Qingqing was not polite, went to the riverside to wash his hands and sat on the ground.

Seeing the sky is getting late. Where do we live. "Qiu Qingqing asked.

Go ahead, maybe there is a house. "Jiang Cheng said that he had made a mistake. Forgot to come out with a tent. In a situation like this, you can't just sleep casually. Jiang Cheng just looked at these rivers, the trees are dense, and there are no large animals.

eye. "Qiu Qingqing answered and said nothing.

Jiang Cheng feels that Qiu Qingqing now has a human touch, not the coldness and insensitivity of the first meeting. It seems that I am willing to talk to myself.

Jiang Cheng noticed that there seemed to be a loquat tree next to him. Jiang Cheng walked under the loquat tree, looked at these fruits, and picked one down. I put a pad in my hand, and it stopped. "This can be eaten." Jiang Cheng walked to Qiu Qingqing and said.

Qiu Qingqing smiled, looking a little surprised, went to the river to wash, Jiang Cheng saw Qiu Qingqing happily eating a loaf. Can't help but smile. I also picked a loaf and ate it.

After the two people finished eating, they walked a few steps to the front and saw a village. Jiang Cheng found it more and more strange. You could see the village here, and Jiang Cheng actually saw someone coming out of the village. With a few pots, it seems to be going to the river over there,

Jiang Cheng saw that the two girls over there were still looking at him, as if they were still discussing something. When they got very close, "Are you from this village?" Jiang Cheng asked.

The two girls looked very young, only eighteen or nineteen years old. They were dressed in plain clothes. The look in their eyes was a bit scornful. One of them, with white skin, saw Jiang Zai's face suddenly turned red. The one next to him seemed to be still laughing. Jiang Cheng didn't know what was wrong.

Well, we are. "After a while, the one with Lun Xiao raised his head and looked at Jiang Cheng, and slowly said, Jiang Cheng discovered that she was not speaking in Mandarin, but in dialects.

Do you come to live in our village? "The white-skinned girl was still red, but she raised her head and looked at Jiang Cheng, and asked in a low voice.

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