Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1307: remuneration

Similarly, she spoke in the same dialect as the girl next to her. Although she was not as clear as Mandarin, Jiang Cheng could still understand it.

"Huh. Is that okay?" Jiang Cheng asked.

It can be, but where do you come from? It looks like it's not ours. "The girl looked at Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing behind, and there was some surprise in her eyes.

We came from a nearby city and are totally unfamiliar with this place.

Jiang Cheng said.

Then you can, you can live in my house. "The girl said, she lowered her head, embarrassed, her exposed ears were red.

The girl next to her was still smiling and she didn't know what she was talking in her ear.

Thank you so much. Where is your home, I can go by myself. "Jiang Cheng said.

Ah, let me take you there. You should not find it.

The girl said with a smile.

Well let's go. "Jiang Cheng said, "Let's go. "I also said to Qiu Qingqing behind. Qiu Qingqing didn't know when he became that cold look again. He didn't say a word during the whole process. He just watched Jiang Cheng nodded, and then followed.

The two girls also separated, and one continued to walk towards the river. The white-skinned girl took Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing towards her home.

"My name is Xiaoqing. How about you?" the girl said.

Jiang Cheng was stunned, and looked at Qiu Qingqing next to her. Her face was a little embarrassed at this time, but she still didn't speak, "Qiu Zi." Qiu Qingqing said suddenly.

Jiang Cheng did not expect Qiu Qingqing to suddenly change his name.

Jiang Cheng?" Xiaoqing yelled silently, smiling and bending his eyes, "Sister Qiu Zi, you are so good-looking. I have never seen such a good-looking person. "Xiao Qing said to Qiu Qingqing next to her.

You are also very cute. "Qiu Qingqing said. Xiaoqing was praised, and smiled at Jiang Cheng, then smiled embarrassedly.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect Qiu Qing to speak, and Qiu Qingqing would generally ignore this kind of sentiment.

It’s the front!” Xiaoqing said, pointing to an ordinary house in front of him. Jiang saw this village in a very ordinary way on the road. It looked like the kind of self-sufficient, beautiful and beautiful village. The world is really like a paradise.

Throat? Xiaoqing. What are you going to do? "An aunt who walked across from the other side asked, and she couldn't help looking at Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing next to Xiaoqing.

"Ah, Aunt Li, this is my cousin and cousin, come here to play for a few days." Xiao Qing said.

The aunt still looked at Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing, and didn't plan to leave, "Oh, they look like people from the city, they all look so pretty.

I don’t know where it was. "Auntie looked at Jiang Cheng and said...

Qiu Qingji looked impatient. Still cold but looking completely angry. Jiang Cheng didn't know why this aunt was stuck here to keep people away.

"Auntie Li, let's go first, there is something else, let's talk about it another day." Xiaoqing said

Only then did the aunt let go, "Okay, you go and work first." Although the aunt has gone far, she still muttered in her mouth.

"Our people here are like this. If you don't say that you are my relatives, it will be more troublesome..." Xiaoqing looked at Jiang Cheng timidly, and said with some embarrassment.

Jiang Cheng nodded, thinking Xiaoqing was still very smart, and it seemed that she didn't understand her and Qiu Qingqing's intentions that much.

Xiaoqing looked at Jiang Cheng not blaming herself, and smiled shyly with a happy look. "It's here. I'll go and open the door first." Xiaoqing said and opened it.

"There is a problem with this Xiaoqing, so be careful." Jiang Cheng said to Qiu Qingqing.

Qiu Qingqing smiled suddenly, "It seems that you are not fascinated. Don't forget my name is Qiu Zi."

Confused? What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It means it literally? You can't tell that the little girl is interested in you?" Qiu Qingqing said.

"Where to go, don't you think she has a problem? I ran into it by such a coincidence, and told others that we were her." Jiang Cheng said.

Oh, got it. "Qiu Qingqing shrugged helplessly. He said he knew.

Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing also arrived at Xiaoqing's house soon. Xiaoqing's house was bigger than expected. There was a small yard with green vegetables in it, which seemed to be well taken care of.

The yard is also very clean. While Jiang Cheng was looking at it, I saw Xiaoqing walking out of the house directly opposite to a woman who looked like Xiaoqing’s mother, who looked a little like Xiaoqing, except for the appearance There are deep wrinkles, but the look in people's eyes is as timid as Xiao Qing.

Mom, this is the one who wants to stay in our house. "Xiaoqing said.

Xiao Qing's mother looked at Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing behind her, her eyes paused on Qiu Qingqing, she didn't know what she was thinking, and she didn't speak for a long time. Just looking at Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing.

We just want to borrow for one night and leave tomorrow, and we will give you corresponding rewards. "Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaoqing's mother as if hesitated and said.

Mom? What's wrong with you? Xiaoqing pushed the mother next to her. She didn't know what to say in her mother's ear, and her mother's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed. "Ah, okay. It doesn't need to be paid, just stay here." Xiaoqing's mother suddenly said to Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing, with a big smile on their faces.

Jiang Cheng looked at Qiu Qingqing behind him, and saw a clear look on her face. Of course Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, "I will trouble you.

No trouble, no trouble, let's come in for dinner, it's really good dinner is cooked.

Xiaoqing's mother said.

Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing didn't give up, so they went to the house, and Jiang Cheng saw that the furnishings in front of them were simple, they were ordinary farmhouses. There seemed to be a few dishes on the table, which looked a bit hearty.

"Sit down first. I'll cook some dishes." Xiaoqing's mother greeted Jiang Zai and Qiu Qingqing.

it's okay no problem. No need, enough to eat. "Jiang Cheng said quickly.

Xiaoqing's mother insisted on going to the kitchen to cook. Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed. "You eat first. Brother Jiang. And sister Qiu." Xiao Qing said. He also poured two cups of tea for Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing.

Jiang Cheng hasn't heard anyone call himself Big Brother Jiang for a long time. It was Yunduo that I called myself before, and I don't know how it is now. Jiang Cheng was still very worried about Ming.

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a while, then turned his head to find that Qiu Qingqing had already started eating. It looks really hungry, but even so, Qiu Qingqing's eating is still very elegant. Jiang Cheng looked at it and thought.

"Why don't you eat it? Brother Jiang? Xiaoqing asked, taking a look at Qiu Qingqing next to him.

Ah good. You eat too. "Jiang Cheng just watched Qiu Sheqing think about something, Qiu Qingqing drank a sip of tea, and suddenly smiled. Jiang Cheng heard the laughter and looked up at Qiu Qingqing, saw Qiu Qingqing's playful smile, and immediately lowered his head to eat. .

Xiaoqing watched the performance of the two people, and some sullen eyes flashed in his lowered eyes. It's not like ordinary innocence at all.

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