Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1316: Entrance

I'm not hungry, you can eat first, even if I want to eat, I can go to Jiang Cheng to say.

it is good. "The boy smiled and picked up the chopsticks and started eating again.

Jiang Cheng watched the boy's movements slower than just before, but he still enjoyed eating. Think of the body that he recovered quickly just now, too. Since this Bai Ze can have some skills that special people don't have, such as the ability to perceive the existence of Baihuashi, then the characteristics of this body are nothing. Jiang Cheng thought.

The boy quickly finished another meal. Jiang Cheng now feels that this boy shouldn't just not eat and be full, but the more reason may be that he can eat well.

How?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Bai Ze was on the chair, looking very satisfied. "Hawk, really satisfying.

Is this enough?" Jiang Cheng smiled. "Do you know where Qiu Qingqing might go?

I don't know," Bai Ze looked at Jiang Cheng, his eyes flashed unnaturally, and he flicked to sit on the bed.

Don't you know? It's dangerous here. I'd better go out and find her. "

Jiang Cheng realized that Bai Ze might not want to say anything. But he can't force him. He said he was going out.

Huh? Wait, why are you so impulsive!" Bai Ze said, anxious in his tone

Jiang Cheng stopped and turned around to look at Bai Ze, but this place is so dangerous. Although I don't know where she is, it is better than sitting here. "Jiang is talking.

You just go out aimlessly, what if you are also in danger later?" Bai Ze said.

Jiang Cheng stood there and didn't speak. He just looked at Bai Ze, knowing that Bai Ze must know something. But now he doesn't know why he is reluctant to say.

Bai Ze looked struggling, and it took a long time before he said, "It's not that I didn't say it deliberately, but it is too dangerous there. I don't know if Sister Qingqing will go.

You say, where is it?" Jiang Cheng asked.

When I first arrived here, I had almost complete amnesia. I didn't know who I was or that my body was different from others. But one day we went to Wanshi Valley. We worked there during the day, but one night I woke up suddenly, without warning, I woke up, and then as if being deliberately guided by someone, I went to the depths of the Stone Valley, but what happened later I don't know anymore, I was still in bed when I woke up the next day. ""Bai Ze looked at Jiang Cheng, with a cautious expression on his face. It seems very afraid that Jiang Cheng thinks it is fake, and then? "Jiang Cheng asked without any expression.

Then those people found Baihuashi in Wanshi Valley. "Bai Ze said. "That was the first time I felt like I was a little unusual, but I didn't dare to tell anyone, until later I found out that if they found a white flower stone somewhere, then I was in a dream before. Anyway, I went there inexplicably at night. "" Bai Ze said.

Jiang Cheng watched Bai Ze finished speaking with relief. He should have been suppressing it for a long time-Ming, Jiang Cheng thought.

"Then no one found out." Zhou Guo sometimes has those people in black here. In the evening, Bai Ze went out like this, with great goals.

I also find it strange, but I often only remember the place the next day, and I don’t remember the rest. "Bai Ze said.

After listening to this bizarre story, Jiang Cheng didn't feel too surprised. He had already guessed it himself. But I did not expect that he was unconscious.

Qiu Qingqing should know your difference. And have you only found white flowers in that stubborn stone valley before?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Yes, Sister Qingqing should know. And I think there is only this place. "Bai Ze said, "but it's dangerous there. If Sister Qingqing doesn't go there, wouldn't it be even worse if you go."

"But now I have to go there first." Jiang Cheng didn't think that it would be impossible to wait anyway.

You lie down first. I go first. "Jiang Cheng said to Bai Ze that I would go with you. After all, I was also someone who had been there.

No, after all, your imitation is still not good, and if we are discovered, we will become more troublesome. "Jiang Cheng said. If you insist, you still have to do it yourself.

Bai Ze still insisted on getting up, but he called out as soon as he sat up, which seemed to have affected the imitation mouth. Jiang Cheng hurriedly walked over and saw that the wound that was almost healed just now opened again. Blood oozes.

"Look, can you go like this? Isn't it sure if you go?" Jiang Cheng said and gave Bai Ze a glass of water.

Bai Ze took a sip and breathed slowly. Looking at Jiang Cheng, "Then you must remember. Don't go to those colorful stones. Don't go anyway.

Jiang Cheng looked at Bai Ze seriously. Nodding seriously, "Don't worry. I won't go anyway." Jiang Cheng said.

Bai Ze nodded comfortably, "Then you go. Pay attention to safety. If you find Sister Qingqing, come back first. We will go find Baihuashi together later." Bai Ze said.

Jiang Cheng nodded and agreed. In fact, this is still difficult to achieve. If a strong person like Qiu Qingqing can't find Bai Huashi, how can he be willing?

Come back. But let's find her first. Jiang Cheng thought.

Where exactly is Wanshigu? "Jiang Cheng asked.


[Youyou Reading] "Just walk on the trail in front. There is a small tree river.

There is a cave after entering. After you enter, it is the entrance of Hard Rock Valley. This is easy to find, and there is no danger. But you still have to pay attention to safety. "Bai Ze said.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said that he knew, "There is nothing else to say, just the same thing, don't take risks." Bai Ze said.

Do not worry. You take good care of the imitation. They can't do anything to you at the moment. "Jiang Cheng said. Now that he and Qiu Qingqing have rescued Bai Ze righteously, those people will certainly not embarrass him.

Jiang Cheng went out after he settled down, and according to Bai Ze's statement, he reached the trail ahead. Jiang Cheng saw that this trail was where he and Qiu Qingqing had just met her brother. The desk and computer were still there.

But her brother should have gone to dinner just now. Jiang Cheng glanced at it and continued walking forward.

Soon I arrived at the cave that Bai Ze was talking about. It seemed that there was nothing special about this cave, but it seemed that someone had lived in it.

The stone bed near the door is clean.

Jiang Cheng walked deep. Found this cave is really deep. It's not as shallow and small as the cave entrance. Jiang Cheng walked in, his feet were very uneven. On the contrary, there were many stones on Jiang Cheng's feet.

Walking in the cave, Jiang Cheng felt getting colder and colder, and the cold air was escaping from the bottom of his feet, and Zhou Guo had no other light source. Jiang Cheng felt that it was getting darker and darker. Gradually I can't see anything in front of me. Had to take out a fire fold from the mustard bracelet. In this way, there is a feeling of light and a little warmth.

Jiang Cheng saw through the light that there was nothing blocking in front. Just walking in peace, Jiang Cheng saw that there were no footprints on the ground.

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