Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1317: sneaking

I don't know why Qiu Qingqing has no marks. This is not scientific. Jiang was thinking. Unless someone else came in, between myself and Qiu Qingqing. Jiang Cheng felt like goose bumps all over his body thinking about this. No more thoughts. Keep walking forward.

Jiang Cheng kept walking forward, not caring about the cold and gloomy here, what he wanted in his heart now was to find Qiu Qingqing as soon as possible, hoping that she would be well.

But there is no other way to this cave, only this one extends all the way forward. Jiang Cheng walked slowly for almost ten minutes. There seemed to be light in front of me. It should be the entrance to the Stone Valley. Jiang Cheng thought. But Jiang Cheng walked for another ten minutes before realizing that the light in front was still shining in front of him, and he didn't even reach him. Jiang Cheng stood still and looked at the front. No, Jiang Cheng thought. There is obviously a problem with this cave. This afternoon is like a sea market building in the desert. There is no hope at all.

Jiang Cheng thought about it carefully, Bai Ze said that this road is easy to walk, and you will be there when you go out. But it seems that it is not what he said. Bai Ze definitely had no reason to lie to himself. So what's wrong now. Jiang Cheng couldn't understand.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhou's wall in the light of the fire. There was nothing on it, and the ground was still rugged.

What is going wrong? Jiang Cheng looked forward, and there was indeed a clear light ahead. It seems to be within reach. Jiang Zai took a few steps forward. The light I just saw suddenly disappeared. Jiang Cheng was really surprised.

This light is certainly not real. Jiang Cheng thought. He squatted down and took a close look at the footprints on the ground. Looking back, there was really only one's own footprints, and there was no mark of Qiu Qingqing in front. The ground is full of stones and land. It looks like no one has been here. But precisely because it is so neat. Jiang Cheng felt that it was completely unscientific. In any case, if it rains and winds and the weather is not normal, the ground here must have been washed away. But it's so neat here. Jiang Zai felt that someone might have done it deliberately.

Then Jiang Cheng's guess at the beginning was correct. There are still people here. Jiang Cheng took out the ultrasonic sounder and looked at the display above. Jiang Cheng could be sure that he was the only one here. Jiang Cheng looked at the front and there was still light. Just go forward blindly. Jiang Cheng felt that sooner or later he would be exhausted here. Plus the air here is thin and cold. I can't hold it for long.

Jiang Cheng looked at the front light through the infrared detector, and he saw that the infrared well did not shoot out. In other words, this light completely blocks infrared rays. Then it is completely physical. Jiang Cheng realized that he had made a big mistake.

Jiang Cheng still had the detector in his hand. But this time he did not go to the light, he went in the opposite direction. Take a few steps. Jiang Cheng discovered that the light behind Yuan himself was gone. And the real light appeared before. Jiang Zai smiled and walked out.

The road just now is a blindfold made by people who have been here. The light that you see is just the light reflected on the wall. Going like that is just turning the map in place. Going behind you is the real correct route.

Jiang Cheng saw what they were talking about. As the name suggests, almost all stones here, all kinds of stones accumulate here. There are also big rocks. There are all kinds of strange rocks. Jiang Cheng looked at the stones on the ground and saw that there were still many stones of different shapes. Jiang Zai picked up a piece from the ground and looked at it. It turned out to be jade.

The weather here is still daytime. It doesn't look much different from the weather there. Jiang Cheng can be sure that there is no operation through time and space. But the temperature here is still very hot. It may also be that the cave is too cold, and Jiang Cheng is still not comfortable with this temperature. But it sounds like Flaming Mountain that Jiang Cheng had only seen on TV before. Although there is no red stone and scorching temperature. But here are almost all rocks and mountains. There are no vegetation or rivers.

The air is very dry.

Jiang Cheng looked up and saw that there were no humans, not even animals.

The environment is really bad. Jiang Cheng thought. Where can I find Qiu Qingqing?

Jiang Cheng took a few steps forward, and saw that there was really no grass here.

Just as Jiang Cheng lowered his head, he suddenly felt that his midfielder was being held up by something. Jiang Cheng stopped quickly.

He wanted to turn around and take a look, "Don't move! If you want to stay alive, a strange male voice came. Jiang Cheng had no choice but to stay still and stand still.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and looked at the gun against his waist. Jiang Cheng's heart palpitated.

Squat down and hold his head with both hands. "The boy continued.

Jiang Cheng slowly descended and heard a lot of footsteps. Jiang Cheng now knows that there should be other people coming. Be more vigilant.

Head, there is a sneaky person. "The person who threatened Jiang Cheng with a gun just now said.

Slowly, Jiang Cheng's head was lifted up. Jiang Cheng looked at the man in front of him, and it could be said that he was very fierce. His eyes looked at Jiang Cheng like patrolling prey. Jiang Cheng was really unhappy with such eyes. "Are you the spy sent over there?" The man said in a questioning tone, but Jiang Cheng heard the certainty in his tone. Jiang Cheng knows that he is now being treated as careful.

Where?" Jiang Cheng said.

Huh, pretending to be stupid? "The man smiled, and gave Jiang Cheng a contemptuous look." Take it away first. "The man said to the person behind him. Suddenly Jiang Cheng's eyes went dark. He lost consciousness.

After Jiang Cheng woke up again, he saw a dark room in front of him. It looks small and dusty. Jiang Cheng moved his fingers and found that his wrists were all tied together. But if you didn't enclose yourself, you should be sure that you can't call anyone even if you call for help.

Jiang Cheng looked at the room around him. The small one should barely be able to stand with three or four people. Only at the top, which is the diagonally above Jiang Cheng, has a small window. It seemed that the few bags of sunlight in this room came in through that small window.

Jiang Cheng tried to earn the rope from his wrist. Fortunately, I can easily break away from such a rope. Jiang Cheng moved his fingers and wrist slowly, and realized that he could still break the rope easily.

As soon as Jiang Cheng moved his wrist, he realized that there seemed to be some noise at the door. Someone should have come, Jiang Cheng heard footsteps.

Jiang Cheng hurriedly put his hands behind and pretended to be. Sure enough, the door was opened from the outside.

Jiang Cheng quietly looked at the door and saw three men coming in, wearing black clothes. They seemed to be the ones who came to see Jiang Cheng. The person in the lead saw Jiang Cheng watching him turn around and said to the two people behind him, "Woke up.

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