Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1318: Stone Valley

People behind also walked in. Jiang Cheng saw that the door was opened and the light outside came in. Jiang Cheng always felt that he should have been in a coma for a long time, at least it should be night. The result is still so bright now.

"Why do you wake up so soon? It's impossible." A person came from behind and walked to Jiang Cheng's side, looking at Jiang Cheng and asked in confusion.

who cares. Anyway, I just woke up and can do business. Is it possible that you hope he has been fainted? "The man at the front said.

One of the men came to Jiang Cheng and said, "Go find the boss and I will look at him here.

The two remaining people turned around and left without any objection. The remaining man looked at Jiang Cheng. With the light coming in through the door, Jiang Cheng saw that this man was standing in front of him, but he was taller than himself. Just now it seemed that he was also a bit taller than the two next to him. He had been looking at Jiang Cheng. Wei Wei's raised eyes are narrow and energetic. The five people are all three-dimensional, and the facial lines are sharp and tough. To be precise, the five of this man is outstanding, and the look in Jiang Cheng's eyes is more like pity. Jiang Cheng is a little confused about what identity this man is

Jiang Cheng just looked at the man quietly, motionless, without any expressions. "Are you really a spy?" the man asked.

What do you think. "Jiang Cheng asked back.

"I think? Huh." The man laughed a few times, looking a little helpless, I don't know

Jiang Cheng felt that this person was really weird. Jiang Cheng thought that he and Qiu Qingqing were arrested by the masked man before, and now they were arrested as theirs, and he didn't know if he was so careful. Jiang Cheng laughed at himself. But the man in front of him seemed more like a spy than himself. Whether it was his strange attitude or his compassionate look.

Forget it. What does it have to do with me~. "The man smiled." But I don't think you should be very careful, at least you won't do anything for them.

"Can I escape?" Jiang Cheng asked lightly. It's like asking an acquaintance if he eats so casually.

The man was suddenly stunned, watching Jiang Cheng not come back to his senses for a while, it was really funny. "The man said, "Are you begging me?"

Of course not. I don't know who you are. Besides, you have no reason to help me. I'm not that stupid yet. "Jiang Cheng said.

The man stood up, looked outside the door, then looked at Jiang Cheng, and suddenly pulled out Jiang Cheng's hand and saw that Jiang Cheng had broken free from the rope. Suddenly smiled. The expression in Jiang Cheng's eyes was a little hard to say.

Of course you can escape, but I have to help you. "The man said.

Jiang Cheng didn't have the excitement and excitement that a man imagined, but still sat quietly on the spot. Slowly looked at the man, "So what? Will you help me?

It depends on your performance. Even if you leave here today. I'm sure. We will still meet in the future. "The man said slowly.

Who can tell the rest. "Jiang Cheng said.

Hehe, you should be able to go out tonight. But after tomorrow you will be in danger. "The man said and took a cigarette out of his pocket. Slowly sandwiched between his fingers.

But if you are really a spy, if you are really" the man said slowly, lit the cigarette, took a sip, and the smoke that he slowly exhaled made his face a little hazy.

"What about me, does anyone remember me? Does he remember?" the man said slowly.

Jiang Cheng heard the man's words clearly. Although he spoke very quietly and slowly, Jiang Cheng still didn't understand what he was going to say. But he clearly felt the man's deep sadness.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and just sat quietly, and the man quietly finished a cigarette. Just put the cigarette **** on the ground and put it out, Jiang Cheng saw the boss in their mouths coming at the door. The two people just followed behind him.

This man called the boss looks really dangerous. Fully possess all the appearance characteristics of bad guys. At this moment the boss walked to the man just now, "How?" the boss asked.

Say nothing. "The man said lightly. He is a lot taller, and has to lower his head to speak when speaking. But there is no hint of humility on his face.

An obvious impatient look appeared on the boss's face, and he slowly walked to Jiang Cheng's side, "Don't tell me now, you will suffer tomorrow.

Jiang Cheng looked at the cruel look that suddenly appeared on the man's face. A very fierce look was shown towards Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng had an unknown premonition in his heart. Jiang Cheng's hand slowly held the rope behind him. "Let him think about it," the man just said suddenly.

The head's hand that was originally in his trouser pocket was also taken out. Jiang Cheng's heart that had just been hanging upright slowly fell to the ground. It was really too dangerous just now, Jiang Cheng thought. The cold sweat in his hands can almost wet the rope. He was really afraid that the man would pull out the gun just now.

The boss glanced at the man, then didn't turn around to look at Jiang Cheng again, "Yes, good." The boss said lightly, as if the things just didn't happen at all.

The boss and the two people who had just walked in went out again. At this time Jiang Cheng and the man just now remained. "Don't sleep at night (the king's).

The man said, and he was leaving.

how about you. Nothing will happen. "Jiang Cheng asked. Jiang Cheng just saw the ferocity of these fierce men. It's really fickle. As long as it's a moment, maybe the head will fall. Jiang Cheng's heart is a little uneasy at this time.

I am completely sure now, you are definitely not among those people.

The man said with a smile. "You don't need to worry about me. I have been here for many years. I still have the ability." The man said lightly and left.

Jiang Cheng looked at the back of the man turning and leaving, suddenly felt that his back was deeply desolate. There is a kind of gloom inside.

Jiang Cheng didn't know why this man wanted to help himself. Of course there is no reason, but Jiang Cheng feels that he can trust him. one way or another. Now I only have this relatively safe method.

Until the evening, Jiang Cheng never dared to close his eyes, and of course he did not idle. Jiang Cheng took out the computer operator in the mustard bracelet and looked at the surrounding terrain and terrain. Jiang Cheng found that there was an oasis going forward here, but the record was only a few words. Jiang Cheng had to turn on the analog locator. That is, the map of the entire Rock Valley by the field investigators.

Of course Jiang Cheng didn't see the colorful mountains and rocks that Bai Ze said. Jiang Cheng looked at the locator he gave Qiu Qingqing before. It did not show that Qiu Qingqing was near here. Looks like there is no clue. Jiang Cheng thought.

Slowly Jiang Cheng put away the computer and checked that the time was ten o'clock. There was no sound outside. Jiang Cheng was still a little worried. As soon as I arrived here, I was arrested as a spy, and I really responded to Bai Ze's words. It was really complicated for a while.

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