Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1319: Terrible

Suddenly Jiang Cheng seemed to hear a bird call outside the window. It was a cuckoo call. Although it was very similar, Jiang Cheng knew why there was a cuckoo call at this time. It should be the man who came to meet him just now. Jiang Cheng paced slowly to the door. As Jiang Cheng held the doorknob, some anxiety flashed in his heart. What if this man lied to himself. But Jiang Cheng hesitated for a few seconds, opened the door, and saw the man outside the door. At this time he was wearing a night gown. It seems to be fused with the night. Jiang was thinking.

"If you come out one second later, I might be leaving." The man said lightly, looking at Jiang Cheng with a bad look. Jiang Cheng felt that he must have seen through his thoughts about going out. I feel a little embarrassed.

"Come with me." The man asked Jiang Cheng to come out and closed the door. Jiang Cheng followed the man forward. Jiang Cheng, who had been beaten and beaten in before, didn't know the structure of this place, but now it is also There is no light, it looks dark, but Jiang Cheng can still vaguely see that this place should be a kind of temporary mobile board house, but there is obviously no such green mountains and green environment here, it looks more like a maze. Jiang Cheng felt that he had been going around, if it hadn't been for the man in front to lead him. I don't know where to go.

But before walking for a few minutes, he walked out of this place. Jiang Cheng saw through the moonlight that there was already a stone mountain in front of it. "Let's get there. You can go the rest of the way by yourself." The man said.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng is really grateful to this man. Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do in this environment.

But why are you helping me?" Jiang Cheng asked.

The reason? Cocoa. Just think it's my brain pumping, I suddenly want to do good. "The man smiled. Against the moonlight, Jiang Cheng saw the man's white teeth.

"I will repay you if I have a chance in the future." Jiang Cheng said.

"Repay? Haha, let's talk about it, let's talk about if you can escape the pursuit of those people." The man turned around after he said it.

The back of the man in the dark looked tall and slender, with some righteousness, Jiang Cheng felt that this man was definitely not one of those people. But Jiang Cheng didn't think about these things anymore. Speaking of which, I still have to leave here quickly and go to a safe place. But Jiang Chengyong didn't know where was the real safe place. So the only place I can go now is the oasis I saw before.

Jiang Cheng remembered that the car in his mustard bracelet should be able to walk here, Jiang Cheng thought, but the ground here is rugged. Sports cars are also quite difficult to walk. Take out an off-road vehicle.

Jiang Cheng used the analog locator he carried with him as the navigation in the car. Although it is not very accurate and convenient to get to the oasis, Jiang Cheng can see the general direction.

After driving the car, I drove a long distance quickly. But Jiang Cheng looked at the distance to the oasis still very far, and Jiang Cheng felt that he would not be there until at least tomorrow morning.

Even with such a good off-road vehicle, Jiang Cheng still had a hard time driving on such a road full of roadblocks, but Jiang Cheng's tracker never sounded, indicating that Qiu Qingqing will not be in this week. Jiang Cheng also drove the car intently.

Just walked a long distance. Jiang Cheng suddenly felt as if there was a car chasing him behind. Flashing himself with the light on. Jiang Cheng saw in the rearview mirror of the car and was startled for a while. There were two cars chasing after him. The headlight of one of the cars seemed to hit its rear hood.

Jiang Cheng could not see what the person in the car behind looked like. But now his heart can be said to really jump to his throat.

Jiang Cheng was really driving at the same speed at this time. But the front seemed to be a big rocky mountain, blocking the road, so it was the only way to bypass the front mountain. Jiang Cheng thought. But this has to go more. And this road is obviously not good.

But seeing that one of the two cars chasing him was almost by his side, Jiang Cheng clearly saw Jin in the car next to him holding a black barrel against him.

Jiang Cheng felt that it was really the wisest choice to install special glass when refitting the car. Then Jiang Cheng felt a strong vibration, even the entire body of the car moved a few times, but the glass that Jiang Cheng received attacked on the right side was still not broken, but because of the impact of the bullet, it formed in the impacted place. It has a vortex-like circle pattern.

However, because the person next to him slowed down just now, Jiang Cheng saw Zhuanwan ahead. Only one car can turn this turn. Now it is the best choice to solve them early here. Jiang Cheng knew that he could no longer be in this dangerous and passive position. It's time to fight back. As long as this one, I can completely ask them!

The two cars behind kept chasing him, Jiang Cheng felt that the cars were constantly being attacked by them. Although his car can withstand these imitations, Jiang Cheng still feels that the recoil of the car has become so powerful. Jiang Cheng felt a pain in his heart. This car can be said to be his favorite after modification. Now it can be said to be full of holes.

As the turning point in front was getting closer and closer, Member Jiang Cheng felt that the two cars behind had also thought about this bay and wanted to squeeze himself into meatloaf. Jiang Zai felt worried about his situation for a while. From now on, it was really difficult for him to get out of this Wandao when he was fighting alone. Kill the two cars behind you. But Jiang Cheng has no choice!

Jiang Cheng exhaled deeply, slammed on the accelerator when approaching the curve, and turned around the bay. At that moment, Jiang Cheng could clearly hear the sound of wind coming from his ears and the crash of vehicles behind him.

Jiang Cheng looked at the narrow path in front of him, and slowly stopped the car. Jiang Cheng got out of the car and looked at the two cars behind him. The people inside could not see clearly, but one of them could be vaguely seen in the dark. The car has been squeezed tightly at the turn just now. The crushed is beyond recognition. The car behind seemed to have crashed into the car in front, and the people inside couldn't see the shadow at all. It was really tragic, Jiang Cheng thought. But his car was also a bit horrible to be shot by those people just now. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng modified this car very well. You can still posture.

Jiang Cheng took a sip of water from "Seven Fifty Zero" and looked up at the sky. The moonlight was bright, but there were not many stars. I have to say that Jiang Cheng still feels a little aftermath, and his heart that has been pounding just now slowly calms down.

Qiu Qingqing still disappeared. No matter what she has troubles, it has created a certain obstacle for Jiang Cheng and her to go back. It can be said that if she can trust herself a little bit, such things will be resolved more quickly.

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