Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1326: trust

Jiang Cheng watched the boy firmly reject him, and did not continue to take off his clothes. The boy smiled at Jiang Cheng, "I will run up first, and it won't be cold anymore." He ran away after a while. Jiang Cheng also had to admire his vitality.

Alas, young people are so angry. Haha. The middle-aged man behind looked at the direction the boy was running away and exclaimed.

Jiang Cheng saw that this middle-aged man was wearing a black suit. He was a very slim fit and looked very unsuitable for mountain climbing. But his steps did not become inconvenient because of the shackles of his clothes. On the contrary, in Jiang Cheng's view, he walked steadily and briskly.

Jiang Cheng quickly chased after the boy in front of him. It was obvious that there were still people here, so the more you go up, the more dangerous it is. At this time, no one can stand alone.

Soon a few people walked together. It really looks like a team like this. "We all met together, and it is also very fate. The girl in the couple said.

Yea, haha. The boy catered to his girlfriend beside him.

The rest of the people looked cold. No one responded to her, and the couple looked a little bad.

After walking for a while, a fork in the road suddenly appeared. At this fork in the road, it is impossible to tell which way to go. Jiang Cheng thought to himself.

All the people present stopped here, looking very confused. Was wobbly where to go. At this moment Jiang Cheng suddenly felt that the ultrasonic analyzer in his pocket had changed. Jiang Cheng took it out and found that the direction indicated above was to the right, which means there were people on the right.

At this moment, the couple seemed to have made a decision. They went to the left without notifying the people behind, "Go here. As Jiang Cheng said, they went to the left.

But the couple ignored Jiang Cheng. The girl turned to look at Jiang Zai, her eyes filled with disbelief. Why should I believe you? The boy asked.

Jiang Cheng felt that these two people were really inexplicable, and even if they were not quiet along the way, they came to question himself at this time.

The rest of the people didn't ask Jiang Cheng, they all followed Jiang Cheng and chose to go to the left with him. The couple saw that Jiang Cheng ignored him at all. Looks even more angry. The girl turned her head and left. The boy also followed behind.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what was there, but it would definitely not be very safe, but this was the path they chose.

"Brother, how did you know to go this way?" the teenage boy asked.

"He looks like a very powerful person. Follow him! That's right! The extreme sports youth said. Oh, yes, my name is Xiaokang.

The young man took off the hat he was wearing, showing his white teeth and smiling at Jiang Cheng and the rest.

Well-off is a very healthy complexion, it looks like it should be in the sun all year round. Looks healthy and energetic.

What do you do. Asked the middle-aged man who seemed to be healthy.

"I am a tour guide. Xiaokang said with a smile. "I have walked almost all the mountains in this world.

"All mountains? So cool, the boy looked at Xiaokang with admiration.

Am I cool? That's it. This is my dream, of course it has not been completed yet. But the main peak of Yuejian Mountain is what I have always wanted to come. This is a rare opportunity. "Xiaokang said.

But it's you, you are so young, why are you here? Xiaokang asked the little boy.

I am not young anymore, I am sixteen years old. I am an adult!

The boy said disapprovingly.

"Good, haha. Sixteen years old is not too young, do you know how old I am? The middle-aged man next to me said.

"I don't know, I think you and my father are about the same age." The boy said sincerely.

The middle-aged man and Xiaokang laughed again after hearing what the boy said. I am bigger than your father, I am fifty. The man said.

"Fifty? How could it be possible, you look like forty at most. Xiaokang said with a surprised look.

Jiang Cheng also found it incredible. This man looked like a middle-aged man, and he was really well maintained.

"It's really fifty. I didn't lie to you. The man said with a smile. "You young people, you all want to call me uncle. The man said with a smile.

That said, I have to really call you uncle. The boy said seriously.

Everyone present was moved by the cuteness of the little boy. Really cute boy.

"What about this brother. You look so amazing. The boy looked at Jiang Cheng and said. Jiang Cheng has not spoken. It attracted the little boy's attention.

Why do you think I am great?" Jiang Cheng asked a little funny.

Well, you just knew you want to go from here. It's really amazing. The boy looked at Jiang Cheng admiringly.

Jiang Cheng didn't know why these people who had never met before trusted him so much. You can follow yourself here. Why do you trust me so much?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Me? I don't think I know anyway, so I followed you." Xiaokang said with a smile.

"Yeah, I just think you are very reliable. Just follow you. Who are you?" The middle-aged man also asked curiously.

I'm here to travel. I usually like to study geology. "Jiang Cheng said.

"How do I call you?" the boy asked.

"I'm Jiang Cheng."

"Brother Zai! Hehe!" The boy smiled and approached Jiang Cheng. He took Jiang Zai's arm.

"My name is Wang. You call me Uncle Wang." The middle-aged man said.

"I'm Ah Qi," the boy said. You can call me Qiqi, my friends call me that. "The boy said with a smile.

"Qiqi, you are so cute. Xiaokang touched Aqi's head and said.

Several people walked for three hours in a row. The weather here has gradually become darker, but because the people present, including the uncle in his 50s, also walked quickly. Did not hold back at all.

it's dark. Let's find a place to rest and rest. It’s not safe at night here. "Jiang Cheng said.

Several people nodded in agreement. "But is there any here? I think it's a way to go up at least a few hundred meters. Qi said.

Jiang Cheng saw that the geological survey instrument showed that there should be a cave one kilometer ahead. "Go ahead one kilometer and you'll be there. Everyone stick to it.

A Qi looked at Uncle Wang with some worry. "Okay. I can hold on.

Uncle Wang smiled at everyone.

Along the way, the river did not see any plants growing here.

It's just some gray rocks, it looks really desolate here.

After walking for a while, there was a cave in front of it. It looks like the hole is not small. Jiang Cheng felt that it should be enough to accommodate these people.

Brother, you are really amazing. There really is a cave here. A Qi exclaimed. Looking at Jiang Cheng admiringly.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing, "Let's go. Go in."

"But you are really amazing. I have been a tour guide for so many years, and I can't predict whether there will be any caves or not. Xiaokang looked at Jiang Cheng in admiration.

"Yeah. It's really a hero who grew up since ancient times. We old things are not good." Uncle Wang should have gone a lot. Some panting.

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