Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1327: Ultrasound

Jiang Cheng took out a bottle of water from the mustard bracelet and handed it to Uncle Wang, "Let's have a drink."

"My God, where did you take it out? Ah Qi looked at the place where Jiang Cheng just took out the water in shock.

Xiaokang and Uncle Wang next to them also looked at Jiang Cheng's wrist in shock.

Jiang Cheng smiled and revealed the bracelet on his wrist. "this one."

What is this? Storage bracelet? Uncle Wang asked. Curiously looked at Jiang Zai's bracelet, and touched it.

Ok. Roughly the same. Jiang Cheng said,

"It's so cool, what kind of material?" Xiaokang asked, looking at Jiang Cheng's mustard bracelet.

Mustard. "Jiang Cheng said. Show them the bracelet generously.

Several people looked at Jiang Cheng dumbfounded, but their eyes were envious and curious. Jiang Cheng himself didn't want to hide it, and always let them see when he got along with these people. Might as well tell them directly.

Just when several people were still looking at Jiang Cheng's bracelet with great interest. Suddenly another loud noise was heard. It was exactly the same as Jiang Cheng heard before. Moreover, it was louder and louder, and Jiang Cheng felt that he should be very close to him. Sure enough, just as Jiang Cheng thought about it, a few stones on the cave really fell. Smashed on Xiaokang's body.

"Oh!" Xiaokang yelled and jumped away. Several people looked up at it to prevent being hit by a big rock.

Let's go forward, it's really dangerous here. Xiaokang said.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect the people here to be so close to him. In this case, it is still very dangerous. The nerves became very tense for a while.

"Everyone, follow, it's dangerous here! Jiang Cheng said as he walked in the front.

As he walked in, Jiang Cheng felt that the cave was much longer than it looked.

It seems that it is not easy to come to an end. At least there is still a lot to go.

The people behind should be in harmony, and they all walked cautiously. What Jiang Cheng is most worried about right now is the people who come out and get in the way. This is really troublesome.

Fortunately, after walking a distance, there is nothing blocking the way except for stones. The journey went smoothly. However, Jiang Cheng didn't let go of his heart, and he was still paying attention to the situation ahead.

After walking for a while, Jiang Cheng suddenly saw a stone door in front of him, "How come there is a door? Xiaokang looked at the door and said.

Yes, there are words on this! Ah Qi looked at the stone inscription on the door and said.

Jiang Cheng also saw that there were many engraved characters on this door that looked ancient and mysterious. This might really be a tomb. Jiang Cheng thought. Because the closer you get to this stone gate, the colder you feel. The feeling of bursts of cold rushing into the body.

This is really a tomb, my God, it's so gloomy. Uncle Wang looked at this secret room and said.

Who is buried in such a place? A Qi asked.

"Look at these words, it means that the person buried here should be a hundred years ago. There is no more information.

Uncle Wang looked at the above information and said.

Yes, this information is useless. Isn't it even more terrifying that this tomb was a hundred years ago? Are we going in?" Aqi asked. Somewhat scared.

"Let's go in and take a look. There shouldn't be a tomb without any reason. Xiaokang looked at Ah Qi and said.

"Yeah. I still have to go in. Don't be afraid. There are so many of us. You will walk in the middle later. Uncle Wang said.

"But let's see how to get in now. I can't open this door at all." Xiaokang tried to push the door, but found that it couldn't be opened at all.

Ah Qi also tried to push in the past, and it didn't seem to be loose at all. "This door can't be opened just like that." Uncle Wang said.

Jiang Cheng has been watching this door since just now, and he thinks there are still many mysteries on this door. This door must not be opened so casually.

But why should I just tell the people who come here? This is obviously a problem.

"There is no trace of opening on this door. It hasn't been opened in a hundred years, right?" Uncle Wang asked.

Jiang Cheng also walked to Uncle Wang and looked at the door. There was obvious dust on it, and there was really no trace of opening on the door, but Jiang Cheng learned that before the main peak was closed, You can still come in. It's impossible for no one to come in at that time. So it must be the people who came here pretending to be perfect.

Is it impossible to get in here? You don’t even see any handrails to go in. Xiaokang said.

No, someone must have been here. Look at the dust on the ground. Jiang Zai squatted on the ground and took a closer look.

What happened to the dust? A Qi also squatted on the ground and asked curiously.

"If no one has been here at all, according to the amount of dust accumulated on the door. The dust on the ground will definitely accumulate more. But look at this ground. Jiang Cheng pointed to the ground and said.

"Yeah. I think it makes sense for you to say that." Xiaokang agreed.

"Yes, this main peak was still open before. Someone must have come in." Uncle Wang said.

Jiang Cheng took out the ultrasonic analyzer from the mustard bracelet. I put it on this door and explored it, and found that this is a simple stone door. There is no special material. But Jiang Cheng felt the empty place. This stone gate is not completely solid. Some places in it are still empty.

Jiang Cheng looked at the wall next to this stone gate, and Jiang Cheng found that the color of the wall next to this door was darker than that of other places. Jiang Cheng walked to the wall, crouched down and looked at the corner of the wall, and found that there was a seam here. The seam was very small. If you don't look carefully, you can't see a seam here, but the color of the upper and lower seams is completely different. The color below is the same as the other walls.

Jiang Cheng suddenly had a bold idea at this time, maybe this tomb was not entered through the door just now. And you have to go in from the wall next to it!

"Brother, is there any problem with this wall? A Qi came over and asked.

It is possible to enter from here." Jiang Cheng said.

Go in here? No way. How can I get in! Xiaokang said in shock. Also walked to Jiang Cheng's side and looked at this wall.

Jiang Cheng is only guessing now, but he still looks at the wall in front of him seriously.

Uncle Wang and others next to him didn’t bother him. Although they were puzzled, none of them said their doubts. Almost all of them watched Jiang Cheng's study with bated breath. They seemed to have nothing special at all. wall.

Jiang Cheng was already largely certain that he should be able to enter here, but he still could not find the entrance.

How about? Can I go in from here? Uncle Wang walked to Jiang Cheng and asked.

Ok. But I haven't found the entrance to enter. Jiang Cheng said.

Chisel open? Smash open? Aqi smacked and said.

Jiang Cheng smiled, of course not. Look for it again slowly.

Brother, look at this!" Xiaokang said next to Jiang Cheng, pointing to a very small hair strand on the door.

What is this? Hair? "Aqi also saw it. Asked.

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