Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1328: idea

Jiang Cheng slowly looked at that strand of hair. He really didn't notice this strand of hair just now, this one is really too small, and the color is completely inconspicuous. So Jiang Cheng didn't see it at all.

"Your eyes are too good. Xiaokang. I can't see it now.

Uncle Wang smiled and said, "I am old, presbyopic, and I can't see such a small thing at all.

Jiang Cheng held his breath and kept looking at this hair, and blew it away for fear of breathing problems.

The rest of them were afraid to speak when they saw Jiang Cheng's cautious appearance. Looking at Jiang Cheng quietly.

This hair is not long, no more than twenty centimeters, but it looks too thin. Jiang Cheng wondered if anyone could have such thin hair.

And half of this hair is inside the door. There was still half of it outside. Jiang Cheng had never worked **** this kind of cipher. He felt a little embarrassed for a while, but he had read a book before.

That book probably talked about the Mohist school of organs.

But they were all wooden organs, could it be the same as this one? Jiang Cheng had some doubts in his heart.

But in analogy, the way to open the mechanism is to cut off the half of the hair outside.

Jiang Cheng slowly walked back a few steps. When he felt that his words would not affect the hair, "I think we should cut off the outside half.

"Cut it directly? There will be no problem," Xiaokang asked with some uncertainty.

I'm not sure, but this is my suggestion. "Jiang Cheng said.

A Qi looked at that strand of hair and then at Jiang Cheng. I believe Jae, I think he should be able to open this door.

I also think just do what Xiao Jiang said, after all, there is no other way now. It's really not a big deal, you can't get in. Uncle Wang said.

Xiaokang still hesitated, did not speak for a long time, looked at the hair hesitantly, okay. I have no other tricks. "

With everyone's consent, Jiang Cheng stepped forward slowly and cut off the half of the hair that was outside. He started very slowly, and his heart was still jumping.

As Jiang Cheng cut the hair, the whole cave began to shake, and many rocks fell from above, and the ground kept shaking. Jiang Cheng felt that he was going to fall apart.

What's wrong! Uncle Wang quickly held onto a raised stone next to him and said in horror.

The people present were a little panicked. They all held things they could rely on to ensure their safety

Jiang Cheng was also a little worried when he saw this scene. It seemed that he had made a mistake in his guess and that this hair could not be cut off.

"Everyone, don't panic, wait first. Don't rush out. Jiang Cheng saw Xiaokang as if he wanted to go out. He quickly blocked the way.

But Xiaokang seemed to have not heard Jiang Cheng's words, so he kept walking forward, "Xiaokang, stop first. Uncle Wang was also anxious when he saw it, and said.

A Qi and Uncle Wang were still holding the raised rock next to them tightly in place, and did not leave.

Xiaokang stopped when he heard Uncle Wang's words, and turned around to look at Jiang Cheng and the others, but he still looked frightened and still didn't want to listen to Jiang Cheng's words.

Staying here will die. You look here. Can I still bring it? I said just now that I shouldn't have that hair cut off. "Xiaokang complained.

You wait, you may be dangerous to go out like this. Jiang Zai is still blocking Xiaokang. Now that something like this is happening in the cave, there must be noise, and maybe it will bring other dangers here.

Xiaokang heard Jiang Cheng’s words and just continued to look at Jiang Cheng, but still did not change his thoughts of leaving here.

Brother Xiaokang, wait," Ah Qi shouted to Xiaokang. At this time, he was already completely unsteady, and the ground kept shaking. Ah Qi felt that he was about to fall, but he wanted to let go. Go and pull Xiaokang back.

Huh? Aqi, don't go first, it is dangerous for you to let go," Jiang Cheng shouted.

Yes, Qi, don't go, even if you go, you may not be able to bring Xiaokang back. How dangerous. Uncle Wang was also shouting.

However, Ah Qi looked at Jiang Cheng hesitantly, and then at Xiaokang who had walked about 100 meters, his face was very unbearable. But Xiaokang did not look back.

Jiang Cheng of course knew that Xiaokang didn’t trust himself very much at the beginning, which led to the current team face, but now is not the time to think about it. When it is difficult to protect himself, he watched more stones fall from the top of the cave, and the ground was shaking. It's very powerful. Jiang Cheng felt that he had been vibrating with the ground, and gradually couldn't grasp the raised stone in his hand.

At this moment, a scream suddenly spread, ah, the voice was loud and it came from the direction where Xiaokang left. The voice is also very similar to his.

Isn't it, Xiao, Xiaokang brother? Ah Qi was shaking a little, with deep fear and distress.

This voice should be well-off, Jiang Cheng thought. At this moment, everything calmed down, the rubble no longer fell, and the ground no longer moved. The whole cave calmed down, as if everything was an illusion just now. But everyone's heart is not as calm on the surface, the three of them didn't speak, and just looked at the ground quietly.

After a long time, there was still no one to speak. Jiang Cheng took the lead to walk in the direction where he had just gone out of comfort. Just a few steps, Jiang Cheng heard the normal **** smell, Jiang Cheng cried out in his heart!

After a few steps hurriedly, he saw Xiaokang lying on the ground. At this time Xiaokang had no normal health and vitality. He was lying in a pool of blood, motionless and without any anger. His upper body was completely pressed by a large rock.

The raised part of the big stone was directly inserted into Xiaokang's body, looking very miserable.

Jiang Cheng ran to Xiaokang and called Xiaokang while shaking him! Wake up, hello!

Xiaokang moved suddenly and spouted a mouthful of blood. He slowly opened his eyes with great difficulty, looking very painful, and his brows were also frowning. He looked at Jiang Cheng with difficulty, his lips kept squirming, as if What to say.

Jiang Cheng stretched his head next to Xiaokang's head, listening to what he was saying with difficulty, but still couldn't hear what he was going to say.

At this time, Aqi and Uncle Wang also ran to Jiang Cheng, "Brother Xiaokang!

A Qi shouted, feeling crying.

Ah Qi also threw herself down beside Xiaokang, her eyes flushed.

Brother Xiaokang, how are you!

Xiaokang's face was laboriously squeezed out a smile, looking at Ah Qi, finally he could make some intermittent voices, "Don't cry Qiqi.

This, this is me, I, "Before I finished talking, Xiaokang spewed out a mouthful of blood, and at this time, the front of his clothes was almost red with blood.

Well-off, stop talking. Let's find a way to get you out first.

Uncle Wang looked at Xiaokang and couldn't bear it. Hurried over and said. No, no, listen to me, Xiaokang continued to speak and his voice became weaker and weaker, "I didn't listen, I didn't listen to Brother Jiang Cheng's words, that's why. I, really, really blamed myself. Xiaokang said He said and laughed a few times.

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