Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1329: The end

Jiang Cheng didn't speak either. In fact, from the looks of it, Xiaokang had no chance of surviving. Now let him say everything he wants to say.

Speaking is also getting more and more strenuous.

Brother, you save him quickly, you save Brother Xiaokang, he really won't work. "Aqi's eyes [Penquge] tears also slipped from the sockets at this time. The whole person was plunged into great sadness.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ah Qi and looked very unbearable, but he really had nothing to do, he had no way to save Xiaokang.

Qi, don't cry, listen to Xiaokang as if he still wants to talk to you.

Uncle Wang saw Xiaokang watching Ah Qi all the time, as if to say something.

Ah Qi pressed her head tightly to Xiaokang's mouth at this time, for fear of missing something.

Brother Xiaokang, say, I'm listening. "Aqi wiped his eyes and said.

Jiang Cheng saw Xiaokang shaking his hands and trying to grind out something from his pocket, but at this time his body seemed to be out of his control. Can't get anything out for a long time.

In the end, he took out a jade pendant, which was a jade pendant in the shape of a ring. It looked like the head was full, the green was crystal clear, and the color was full.

You, you hold it. Xiaokang handed the jade pendant to Ah Qi.

Ah Qi took it and looked at Xiaokang's dying appearance, and could hardly restrain her grief, and big tears fell on Xiaokang's face.

You, take it, this is me, my mother gave it to me. My mother is the only concern in my world. If you have, in the future, if there is a well-off, what else will you say, but at this time there is already a lot of blood spraying from his nose and mouth.

I know, I know, you want me to take care of her, don't worry, brother Xiaokang, I will treat her as my mother. Don't worry, stop talking. Ah Qi used her hands to block Xiaokang's nose and mouth. It seems that the blood won't come out like this.

Ah Qi cried fiercely. The hands were also very red with Xiaokang's blood. But Ah Qi still said, "You will be fine. Brother Xiaokang, you still said you want to take me abroad. You said you want to be a free tour guide. You said that the sunset in the desert is the most beautiful, and you said, you He also said, "Aqi is already speechless.

But Xiaokang always smiled faintly, not at all saddened by the imminent death. He kept looking at Ah Qi with a smile. As if looking at his beloved brother. He slowly raised his hand and stretched it to Ah Qi's face. But when he touched the (good) face of Ah Qi, Xiaokang's pupils dilated. The hand dropped. Motionless.

Brother Xiaokang, wake up, you! "Aqi took Xiaokang's hand and shook it all the time, but Xiaokang never moved.

Seeing Ah Qi doing this, Wang Shu turned around slowly, raising his hand as if wiping tears. Jiang Cheng looked at A Qi and was also a little moved. He seemed to be able to see A Qi and Xiaokang together before. They were talking and laughing right in front of them. He also thought they could be safe all the time, but suddenly something happened so soon.

Ah Qi kept kneeling next to Xiaokang, holding Xiaokang's jade pendant, crying. "Aqi, okay, don't cry anymore. Jiang Cheng said to Aqi. He touched Aqi's shoulder.

A Qi still didn't move, but just looked at Jiang Cheng, "What about Brother Xiaokang? Let's take him. It's so cold here, and he will be alone. A Qi said hoarsely and slowly.

A Qi's eyes were completely out of focus, and she seemed to be in a trance. Tears were also hung on his face, as if the spirit of the whole person had been taken away. He just took out a tissue and slowly wiped the blood on Xiaokang's face until Xiaokang's face showed its original appearance. Just stopped.

A Qi, I know you are very sad and can't accept it, but we are also sad, but we are so dangerous here, and we may die at any time. It is unrealistic to bring a well-off. Uncle Wang said to Ah Qi.

Ah Qi didn't speak, but looked at Xiaokang's body and kept silent.

But it seemed that he didn't want to listen to Uncle Wang at all. He just looked at the body stubbornly.

Uncle Wang looked at Jiang Zai helplessly when he saw Ah Qi not moving. Xiang Jiang Cheng cast his eyes for help.

Of course Jiang Cheng knew that he couldn't bring Xiaokang's body, but now he didn't know how to calm Ah Qi's emotions. "Qiqi is not that we don't bring it, but it's really dangerous here. We can put a well-off society first, and take him away when we come out. Okay?" Jiang Cheng calmed down Ah Qi slowly.

After Aqi heard Jiang Cheng's words, the expression on his face was a little loose. Can't you really take it? "Aqi 567 looked at Jiang Cheng. But Jiang Cheng knew at this time that he couldn't agree or soften.

Well, really can't. "Jiang Cheng said.

Ah Qi still glanced at Xiaokang's corpse reluctantly, frowning tightly, and after a while, it seemed as if he had made a sudden decision. Struggling inwardly, he took off his coat and wrapped it around Xiaokang. Put him in a gap in a rock recessed next to him.

Ah Qi became a little out of breath after doing all this. Jiang Cheng could see his inner struggle and reluctance. In the end, he looked at Xiaokang one last time and turned to Jiang Cheng's side, "Let's go.

Jiang Cheng was still a little worried about Ah Qi's state. Seeing him suddenly finishing his mood, Jiang Cheng felt even more uncomfortable.

Brother, it's okay, let's go, why are you so worried about me? What can I do. Ah Qi said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, just patted Ah Qi on the shoulder, and smiled comfortedly. For a child of this age, seeing such a scene, being able to do so can be considered a strong heart.

In this way, the three people came to the place where the tomb was just now. At this time, there were a lot of rubble on the ground, and the stone door of the tomb that was just closed was opened.

"Let's go in. Pay more attention to safety after going in. Jiang Cheng said to Uncle Wang and Qi.

Ok. Do not worry. Uncle Wang responded.

After entering, Jiang Cheng saw darkness. There was no light at all, and he couldn't see anything in front of him. Jiang Cheng had to take out the flashlight.

Uncle Wang at the back also took out a flashlight, and the two of them felt that their eyes were much brighter. At this time, Jiang Cheng saw that this was a straight passage. A stone road without any features.

After walking for about ten minutes, Jiang Cheng felt as if he was going to the end. At first glance, there is already a door here. I can't make it through. There is no other way.

There is a door here. Jiang Cheng said that he tried to push the door, only to find that it could be opened.

Jiang Cheng entered this gate and found that it was also a long stone road.

It looks exactly the same as the road just taken.

"Why is it so similar to the road just now? We are not walking through a maze, right?" Uncle Wang said.

This road is not the same as before. "Jiang Cheng said, "Keep looking forward.

Just like this, Jiang Cheng and the others walked a distance, but when the road came to an end, the same door as before appeared again.

Is this kind of door again? What's going on here? Uncle Wang asked.

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