Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1330: Five Flower Soil

Jiang Cheng didn't find another way at all, so he could only pass through the gates and walk straight on. There is no other way.

Just like this, a few people walked straight ahead, and walked a long way through the four doors.

Uncle Wang, are you tired? Jiang Cheng saw that Uncle Wang's footsteps were a little vain at this time. After all, the age is really not young, Jiang Cheng himself feels a little strenuous for such a high-intensity exercise, let alone Wang Shu.

It's okay, go ahead. Uncle Wang took a breath and said slowly.

Or take a break. I don't know how far I will go, it is already one o'clock in the morning. "Jiang Cheng looked at the time and said.

A few people sat on the ground like this. The tomb was too dark and cold. Jiang Cheng felt that there was a cold wind coming up from below while sitting on the ground.

He remembered that he was still carrying a few sleeping bags, so he took them out and gave them to Uncle Wang and Qi. "It's too cold, use this. You can increase the temperature. Adjust from here. Jiang Cheng pointed to the thermometer in the sleeping bag and said. Jiang Cheng has modified these sleeping bags before, so you can adjust the temperature. I didn't expect it to be useful at this time. .

it is good. Thank you, brother. In fact, Ah Qi is also very sleepy, and the eyes that have cried today look even more tired.

Jiang Cheng was also very tired, and felt that he was going to fall asleep as soon as he lay down.

But Jiang Cheng still slept very restlessly all night, and finally only slept for four hours. Jiang Cheng woke up at five o'clock. But Uncle Wang and Aqi still did not wake up.

Jiang Cheng went to the nearby Shimen alone and closed the door. I took out the computer I took with me. He now wants to simulate the geographic location here directly with a computer. See if there is another way here.

Jiang Cheng swiftly operated on his fingertip keyboard. In the end, he realized that there was indeed no other way. There were ten doors here. In this situation, Jiang Cheng knew that he had to go straight forward. Way, you can only see the innermost situation when you walk out of this door.

Jiang Cheng looked at it and it was past seven o'clock. Put away the computer and went back. When he walked to the sleeping place, Jiang Cheng saw that Uncle Wang was already awake, eating with water and food in his hand.

"Xiao Jiang, are you back? Do you want to eat? Uncle Wang shook Jiang Cheng's contents.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, I have, you can eat it first.

Uncle Wang nodded and put the leftover food in his hand into the bag. "Did you just go to survey the terrain? Uncle Wang walked up to Jiang Cheng and asked, um, looked around here. Jiang Cheng said.

Alas, I am really relieved to have you. Otherwise I don't know what to do. Uncle Wang looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

At this moment, Ah Qi also woke up, "Hey, you are all up, am I dragging my feet? I just woke up. Ah Qi's tone is very sorry, but he looks very hazy, obviously he just woke up. Look like.

A Qi rubbed his eyes and walked to Jiang Cheng. Brother, shall we go now?

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Don't go in a hurry, go and pack up and eat something.

After finishing the seven moves quickly, the three of them continued to move forward. This place is really gloomy, and I never want to come again. "Aqi walked for a while and said,

Are you scared? The real tomb is about to be reached. "Uncle Wang said with a smile.

A Qi turned around to look at Uncle Wang, who seemed to be quite Hungarian as proof, how could it be possible, if I was afraid, I would not come.

"But what are you doing here as a kid? Uncle Wang asked.

I won't tell you, and I'm not a kid," Ah Qi said angrily as he looked at Uncle Wang.

Whoops, don't tell me yet," Uncle Wang said teasingly.

"What about you, you are so old, why did you come to such a dangerous place?" Ah Qi said not to be outdone.

Me, I did it for my daughter. "Uncle Wang's eyes suddenly became gentle," she was about the same age as you, looking at Ah Qi and said.

"Really, your daughter? Does it look good? A Qi rushed to Uncle Wang and said excitedly.

Uncle Wang's eyes suddenly became sad, but soon he lowered his eyelids and couldn't see the emotions in his eyes. Only when he raised his head again, his eyes were as usual again, "It's very beautiful."

Ah Qi still didn't notice Uncle Wang's abnormality, "Really, I want to see the photos!" Ah Qi was still very excited.

Photos? I don’t have them now. "Uncle Wang's mood is getting lower and lower, and he said dullly.

Ah, that's it. Ok. Then why are you here because of your daughter? Aqi asked.

Uncle Wang was in a bad mood at this time, and he seemed to be immersed in pain. Jiang Cheng also noticed that Uncle Wang's expression was a bit unpleasant. In such a dark and airtight place, if the mood is still so low, it is easy to suffocate.

"Aqi, come here, let me ask you something. Jiang Cheng said. It seems that Uncle Wang's daughter should be the cause of Uncle Wang's pain now.

A Qi glanced at Uncle Wang and ran to Jiang Cheng, "What's wrong?

In brother!

You take this and tell me if it lights up. Jiang Cheng put the ultrasonic locator in Aqi's hands and said.

When Ah Qi saw this strange-looking thing, he was immediately attracted. He held the locator and touched it left and right. It was like a child. This locator would only really light up when Qiu Qingqing was nearby. So now it won't light up anyway, Jiang Cheng asked him to hold it just to distract him first.

Fortunately, Ah Qi is completely attracted by the locator now. No more questions about Uncle Wang.

The front is the last door, everyone pay attention. Jiang Cheng said.

It's finally here. It's so far. Uncle Wang said with a sigh.

Well, it will be here soon. "Jiang Cheng said.

Soon they arrived at the innermost door. The door in front of them was completely different from the ordinary stone door before. There were some ancient patterns on the door that were completely incomprehensible, and there were still some organs on it. s things.

This one looks different from the previous ones. A Qi sighed.

Jiang Cheng took out one-time animal bag, put a piece of soil from the ground, looked at it, and analyzed the soil to know whether anyone had been here.

Is there any problem with these soil? Ah Qi came over and asked

I've seen it on TV before. If someone comes here, no matter how you pretend, the soil will be different," Wang Shu looked at the soil in Jiang Cheng's hand and said.


Yes, I will mainly look at the composition of these soils later, that is, to see if anyone has come in here. "Jiang Cheng said.

Jiang Cheng measured the soil in his hand and found that it was Wuhua soil. The so-called Wuhua soil was a certain amount of camouflage by the people who came here, but because no matter how the disguise, the soil at the door must be turned over, so this soil It is different from the soil in the normal tomb. It will have different colors and characteristics. These soils are five-flower soil, which means that people have come in here.

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