Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1331: Burial chamber

Someone has been here. Jiang Cheng said. Try to push the door. Did not push away.

Ah? How is it possible? Only a few of us came down just now. Could it be the one who was here before? Ah Qi shivered a little.

Jiang Cheng nodded. Now it seems that only this one may sacrifice, but these people are still not inside. This is an unknown number, and if they are inside, it is really a bit scary. Jiang Cheng thought.

And how do we get in now? Uncle Wang looked at this seemingly ancient door and said.

Jiang Cheng found that the text on this door really didn’t recognize it. He didn’t seem to know where the text was, and there were some very abstract paintings, so he couldn’t understand it.

What is this? Ah Qi asked when he saw something like a button next to it. What happens when this is pressed? Ah Qi looked at this button curiously.

Jiang Cheng also saw this button that was incompatible with this simple door. It looks abruptly decorated with this door.

Don't click this yet. Let's take a look at the meaning of this door. Jiang Cheng said. In fact, this button looks really strange. He didn't know what to do.

"I also think this thing is abrupt, so I shouldn't be able to move this.

Uncle Wang said.

Jiang Cheng looked at the pattern on the door. Apart from a strange line of text, there was only one pattern, which looked like a woman doing it. The appearance of the woman can't be seen clearly, but what can be seen is that this woman is thin and dressed in a cloak, doing it in front of a case, and there are many people wearing sheep's head and bull head masks behind. In front of the woman is a very turbulent river. At this moment, the woman seemed to be forgetting what was poured in the river in front of her.

Do you know these words? Brother. A Qi asked.

Jiang Cheng shook his head. He really hadn't seen these words before. He didn't know what the words meant. But looking at this picture, Jiang Cheng felt that the person in this tomb was most likely a woman and a witch. people.

But why is such a woman buried here? And so far Jiang Cheng hasn't felt any connection with Bai Huashi.

Try it. There is only this button now. Jiang Cheng felt that there was nothing wrong with pressing it down. And now that there is only such a button, only press this

"Really? Then I pressed it. A Qi pressed the button and said. Looking at Jiang Cheng. Still a little uneasy.

Really, don't be afraid, just press. "Jiang Cheng said.

Ah Qi still looked a little worried, and he hesitated to press the button. All three of them stared at the door blankly, expecting to open, but also hoped that there was no danger.

Uncle Wang and Qi also looked at this door motionlessly, holding their breaths. Waiting quietly.

While Jiang Cheng pressed the button, there was still no movement and no sound at this door. For a moment Jiang Cheng felt that he could hear a needle dropped.

Just when Jiang Cheng felt that this button seemed useless, the door in front of him suddenly opened, and after a very heavy sound, the door opened.

What followed was a smell of dust and corruption. From the outside, it was dark inside, and nothing could be seen.

go in. Jiang Cheng said with a flashlight. "Still be careful.

Uncle Wang and Aqi nodded and followed Jiang Cheng into the tomb, walking at the same pace.

Jiang Cheng saw that the road here was almost all dirt, and there were some stone sculptures beside the road. Should I take a break first? Jiang Cheng asked. After all, it's been a while. Uncle Wang and Aqi are a child and the other is an old man. After all, they can't keep up with their physical strength.

"Then sit for a while. I'm a little tired." Uncle Wang said.

Jiang Cheng also sat down slowly, "Ah! Ah Qi suddenly yelled, and the person who was going to be on the ground suddenly jumped up. What is this, blame everyone. Ah Qi said. Holding the flashlight in his hand I took the photo, oh! God, brother! Ah Qi suddenly jumped next to Jiang Cheng, holding Jiang Cheng’s arm and not letting go.

Jiang Cheng watched as sweat oozes from Aqi's head, and his face turned pale. Looks like I was very frightened

Ah Qi kept his head tilted, not looking forward, "Look over there." Pointing to the place where he was just sitting.

Jiang Cheng also looked at it. It turned out to be a skeleton. It looked like a person who had been dead for a long time. He was also in a sitting posture. Just now, Ah Qi should be completely seated in the arms of this skeleton, and his arm was also broken. Up.

It looked terrifying, no wonder Ah Qi was taken aback.

"Are people dead here? It's really scary." Ah Qi said in a panic after seeing the skeleton.

Jiang Cheng took a flashlight and illuminated the roadside in the distance, and found that there were many skeletons here. It seemed that many people had really died here. All three of them stopped talking for a while.

"It's okay, let's go, what are you afraid of." Jiang Cheng patted Ah Qi on the shoulder and said.

Ah Qi still looked at Jiang Cheng with some fear, "I still feel scared. So many people have died here. It must be dangerous inside. Ah Qi is full of fear and anxiety about the situation inside.

It might be a funeral. Don't be afraid, let's go. "Uncle Wang also came to comfort A Qi.

Really? Why don't I feel like it. "A Qi said with deep doubts.

Anyway, it is not safe here anymore. Let's go. Jiang Cheng said.

A Qi nodded slowly, got up and followed Jiang Cheng and Uncle Wang, but he took every step carefully, following Jiang Cheng step by step.

Jiang Cheng smiled as he looked at Ah Qi, but he walked forward with great care.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Cheng saw the real tomb in front. It seemed that it should be the main tomb, and it was at the end of this tomb.

Is it coming? Uncle Wang asked.

probably. Jiang Cheng said. Looking at Ah Qi and Uncle Wang who were following him, Ah Qi still held the locator he gave, and was looking forward to it. It seems to be waiting for it to light up.

Come, give it to me. Jiang Cheng asked Ah Qi, stretched out his hand and said.

Ah Qi still looked reluctant. But it was given to Jiang Zai. Why is it not bright?

It's not bright. Jiang Cheng said something casually.

"Oh. Qi looks a little disappointed.

Jiang Cheng saw that at the end of this tomb was a sarcophagus that looked very old. It was covered with dust. There are a lot of candles next to the sarcophagus, which seems to be for lighting here.

Jiang Zai also took out the fire fold and lit these candles. When lighting the candles, Jiang Cheng found that there was lamp oil next to these candles. It seemed that it was not too long ago. It seems that these people have handled the soil at the door very well. But I forgot to deal with this detail.

"Do you want to open the coffin? A Qi looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

It may be opened. Are you afraid?" Jiang Cheng asked.

A Qi shook his head, "Are you afraid of Uncle Wang?

Uncle Wang smiled, "I haven't seen anything at my age, so how can I be afraid of this.

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