Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1335: Parallel world

The man is obviously much stronger than Aqi. As soon as he grasped Aqi's wrist, he broke it down. A cold sweat broke out on Ah Qi's face, looking very painful.

Just after Jiang Cheng took a step forward, the man behind took a gun at Jiang Cheng. "I advise you, don't be too impulsive. After that, the bullet doesn't grow eyes." The man said softly.

Jiang Cheng stood there and didn't go any further. At this time, he couldn't go head-to-head, but he couldn't let them stay so rampant. Jiang Cheng's heart was always on fire. The two men seemed to be just subordinates, but because they had guns, they could suppress him. Jiang Cheng thought angrily.

"Take them away? The man in the back asked the man in front.

Of course take it away. They are here for no reason, there must be a problem. "The man said.

Let's go! Don't play tricks! The man said to Jiang Cheng and his guns.

Qiu Qingqing still walked in the forefront, followed by Ah Qi and Uncle Wang in turn, and Jiang Cheng walked at the back and followed the man with the gun. Jiang Cheng just walked slowly, without any movement. He now felt that he wanted to see who these people were.

I lowered my head, listened quietly, cleared my throat, and started talking.

I know you must have a lot of questions to ask. These questions will be gathered here at night! I will tell you in detail when I start to eat! Now it is mainly about the things that Space-Time Messenger needs to pay attention to.

Strictly confidential, it is forbidden to divulge all information related to Time Express and all other information (except in special circumstances).

It is forbidden to engage in acts related to illegal crimes, and all acts that violate the privacy of others are prohibited (except in special circumstances)

You must keep smiling and treat your customers politely! Service attitude must be excellent!

The company prohibits collusion, and company colleagues must be able to love and help each other.

At present, there is only such a provision that anyone who violates this rule will directly clear the relevant memories and fire the company. If there are any new rules in the future, we will talk about it at that time.

The main thing I want to say is this. If I don’t understand, I can ask on the spot.

What do you mean by special circumstances? A man asked.

Special circumstances refer to doing good deeds and breaking the rules. For example, when you meet a trafficker, it is not considered a violation of privacy to save children. In order to save the lives of others, the moment of rescuing others from this area to another area is not part of the exposed situation. Of course, you don’t want to cheat on this kind of thing. You will strictly investigate every time that the investigation is untrue. The company cannot be blamed. All the consequences of doing good deeds will be borne by the company. The company will encourage you to do good deeds and do good deeds frequently, which will be good for you in the future. "I will explain.

All the employees nodded and understood what I meant.

I must be polite to my clients. Can I resist when people abuse or beat me? A girl asked.

"Of course, we will not accept such customers, and the company's employees will not be bullied by others! If someone actively does this to you, the express system will passively return the order, and unfortunately the person who fired.

Of course, this limitation is that you cannot proactively provoke others.

Everyone nodded!

Can the company really date and fall in love? The round low voice asked! The voice was low, but people heard it.

"Haha" the boys laughed, and the girls couldn't help but laugh. You misunderstood, okay?! People think.

I was surprised, and then said seriously: "As long as you are really in love, the company will not stop you and will support you. If someone gives up on the company's employees at the beginning, this is also a direct dismissal! Is added to the above rules.

People are very happy. These are handsome guys and beauties. Of course, there are many singles. You can find an internal employee to do it. It will be more convenient to go out in the future. You don’t have to worry about leaking company secrets.

An interesting shopping story

Nice to meet you! Of course, I am very happy! Every company is the same! The emotions of employees are often related to the company's performance! The happier the employees! The more serious you are when you do something! The more natural the company's performance Good! I don’t want the company to fall into the quagmire of stagnant water! Therefore, we must give our employees enthusiasm and hope!

Watching the crowd gradually calm down! I asked: "Are you familiar with the industrial and commercial team?

"My uncle belongs to the industrial and commercial team! I don't know if I can," a male employee raised his hand and said.

Someone agreed! I’ll continue! Let’s stay with the person chatting now! Others receive orders from the back of the website and start working! If you can find other channels to accept orders, that would be even better! The courier does not have a basic salary! It depends on how much income you can get! The charging standard Renfang website already exists!

I don’t have to say that! Everyone knows! Looking at the excited people, the eagerness will be clear! Everyone is waiting for what I say!

Listen to the news like that! Except for the person who spoke just now! The others will be gone immediately, go pick up the courier!

I see everyone is gone! I asked the people who stayed! "What is your name? Is it clear about the process of starting a company?"

My name is Liu Yi! My uncle works in the industrial and commercial team! Of course, he obviously wants to start a company!" said the male employee proudly!

"Then, the registered space-time express company will be handed over to you! You have written all the company's qualifications! You can do anything with your ID card. I asked!

Of course there is no problem! Give me a day to deal with it! Liu Yi confidently answered.

"How much? What information?" I will ask!

Boss, you don’t have to worry about money! Now you don’t need money to register a company! You just need some money! Just a few dollars will do! You just need to give me your ID and mobile phone number! Liu Yi seems to know what I am thinking! Say it!

I nodded! This Liu Yi is a smart person! Then gave Liu Yi his ID card and mobile phone number.

"Then you can do it first! I patted Liu Yi on the shoulder and said.

Yes! I will deal with it as soon as possible! Take the ID card in my hand!

Liu Yi promised to come! Then he disappeared!

I watched Liu Yi leave! I don't worry about anything anymore!

Where is here.

Jiang Cheng was very confused.

This is a place where you can't see your fingers, all around it is dark, as if you are closing your eyes.

But one thing Jiang Cheng can feel is that he is not on any planet. Because he obviously felt that he was no longer controlled by gravity.

"The system detects the surrounding environment.

Okay, the surrounding environment is being tested. drop. . . . drop. . Environmental testing is complete. You are now in a temporal black hole in the universe. The system detected Jiang Cheng's environment.

Space black hole? What is that? Jiang Cheng is very puzzled. He seems to have never heard of this term.

Spatial black holes are born in the universe and consist of countless space particles. Behind each spatial black hole is a parallel world. There are as many parallel worlds as there are black holes in the universe. "As soon as the system's voice fell, a light source appeared in front of Jiang Cheng's eyes. Gradually, the light spot became bigger little by little, and soon he swallowed Jiang Cheng whole body.

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