Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1336: New product launch!

Flower home country. Park 2100.

This is a city on the east coast. Tall buildings stand tall in the city. Buildings are connected by various tunnels. In the tunnel, unmanned floating cars are shuttled through them, and each car has reached the speed of sound.

On the street, in addition to humans coming and going, there are many robots of different types of work shuttled among them. Cleaning robot, patrol robot, nanny robot. Jiang Cheng was in it, as if he was in a future movie. This is an era where technological civilization is very developed!

Jiang Cheng casually recruited a driverless taxi, got in the car, said a place name, and drove to the destination.

Jiang Cheng sat in his seat and sorted out the information in his mind.

Jiang Cheng seems to have passed through. He found out after he came out of the black hole, and he passed through to a stranger. This person is also called Jiang Zai. He is currently an ordinary employee of the R&D Department of Rice Company, mainly responsible for the research and development of household technology.

And the world he is in now is the world he was born in!


But the difference is that this is an era more than a century later. The technology of the current era is much more advanced than before Jiang Cheng’s first journey! And in this era, people’s material life is also very rich, although Stars are still sought after by many people, but high-tech talents can also have their own fans! This is an era of strength!

After sorting out the information in his mind, Jiang Cheng returned to his senses. In this era, although there are not many super-perverted large-scale high-tech weapons, this is a high-tech civilian picture. The technology in my mind will be popularized in every household in this era. It will be a sense of accomplishment. One thing!

The car stopped at the door of Rice Technology Co., Ltd.

Rice Technology Co., Ltd. is an established technology company. The company was founded in 2010. At the beginning, it was just an optimization system for smartphones called smart phones. Later, it established its own mobile phone brand, Rice Mobile. Then gradually, from the mobile phone to the surroundings, it developed into a technology retail company.

The slogan of Rice Technology is to let everyone enjoy the fun of technology, and they do so. For more than a century, the rice company has always been able to bring the most advanced technology to ordinary households at the most common price, which really makes everyone enjoy the fun of technology.

Jiang Cheng liked this company very much when he was studying, and finally entered this company after his own hard work. However, Jiang Cheng of this era has mediocre qualifications and has not been able to provide excellent design and development, and his life is very desolate.

Combining the memories and experience left to him by Old Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng has roughly a new blueprint in his mind. He wanted to change the world and enter the company and his department. Jiang Cheng sat at his desk in a daze, thinking about what he should choose for his first product in this era.

Looking at his hand and brain, Jiang Cheng moved in his heart and placed the target on an item on his wrist, the bracelet.

The bracelet of this era is equivalent to the previous mobile phone. It integrates all the functions of a mobile phone and a computer, using a three-dimensional projection method, but in Jiang Cheng's view, this method has fallen behind.

According to the latest technology in Jiang Cheng's mind, people's instant messaging can be done directly through the brain, without using any equipment at all, but if you want to promote such advanced technology in this era, it is obviously not possible to do it all at once. It's done, so Jiang Cheng must do it step by step.

The first step is to reform the bracelet.

The application of the bracelet is very mature in this era, and major manufacturers seem to have reached a bottleneck, and there is no way to make more changes. The current bracelet is the master console of people's lives. Through the bracelet, people can control everything in their lives, such as smart homes, cars, etc. Therefore, if Jiang Cheng wants to reform, he must have a very practical breakthrough technology.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng discovered a very mature technology, artificial intelligence, in the technology tree in his mind.

In this era, artificial intelligence has already entered every household, but it does not mean that artificial intelligence in this era has been very mature. On the contrary, artificial intelligence in this era only has a little green edge.

Today's robots still only complete tasks in accordance with established procedures and do not have their own artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence is still the top priority in all technological developments.

Thinking of doing it (Wang Zhao Zhao), Jiang Cheng thought of this, and stood up, ready to go to the laboratory. However, when he turned around, he accidentally ran into someone and was full of emotions

Sorry, sorry. "Jiang Cheng took the initiative to pay.

Yo, isn't this Jiang Cheng, a great scientist. "A strange voice of Yin and Yang came into Jiang Cheng's ears.

Jiang Cheng looked up and saw that he was a fat man. Jiang Cheng searched his memory and remembered this person.

Xiao Jiajie, male, joined the rice company in the same year as Jiang Cheng. Xiao Jiajie is a bit clever, and a smart table lamp he recently developed has attracted the attention of the company. But Jiang Cheng is different. He has been in the company for so long and has made no contributions. Therefore, Xiao Jiajie is full of superiority when he sees Jiang Cheng. He thinks that he and Jiang Cheng are not at the same level. Jiang Cheng only said this strange yin and yang after hitting him.

A week later, the rice company held a new product launch conference.

Rice has a custom that whenever a new product is released, the project leader of the product will host the conference. Therefore, when the conference began, most of the media present were confused. Up.

Jiang Cheng walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage in a formal suit, and after bowing slightly to greet the reporters, he spoke.

"Okay, thank you for your support to our Rice Co., Ltd., and thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in our new product launch. I am the host of today's launch, and of course, I am the person in charge of this project. My name is Jiang Cheng. "Jiang Cheng looked at the audience and gave a brief introduction to himself.

Jiang Cheng? A name that has never been heard before, and the media in the audience looked at each other. Haven't heard what the name means? It means that this is probably a newcomer, and a newcomer is responsible for the project. It seems that today this super is a waste of time. Thinking of this, many reporters seem a little lacking in interest.

It seemed that the viewer had reached this point, and Jiang Cheng's mouth raised a slight arc.

Jiang Cheng has full confidence in his products. Now you are not interested. . . Hum. . Jiang Cheng thought with a dark belly.

Okay, time is almost up, then today's press conference will start at 017! Not much nonsense, as everyone knows, today we are going to release a new bracelet, so where is this new bracelet? Everyone, please look at the big screen. "After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, a picture immediately appeared on the big screen.

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