Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1337: Terrible impact!

The picture on the picture is an ordinary bracelet, with no features or highlights in appearance, and no changes. Suddenly, many people thought in their hearts that this rice company would not be at the end of the road and want to collect money. I don’t blame these reporters for thinking this way. The recent situation of Rice is really not optimistic. It has been a long time since Rice has produced a product that surprises consumers, and there are more and more negative reviews. It can be said that if there is no more product that can save the market, this veteran company will probably fall into a dead end.

So this conference can be described as the top priority. This is also the reason why Jiang Cheng is able to host this conference, because of his place of origin.

You can see this bracelet, this bracelet looks really different from other bracelets, but I promise! This will be an epoch-making bracelet! Why! The reason is simple! Four One word! "Speaking, Jiang Cheng paused, and there was no voice. Just when the reporters were aroused by curiosity, only four words remained on the big screen.

Virtual Reality!

The simple four words made all the reporters in the audience full of expectations.

The concept of virtual reality was proposed as early as a century ago, but I don’t know why. In this century, the exploration in the field of virtual reality has stagnated, only staying in the field of various simple virtual games. In the depths, no R&D institution can break through.

Next, I will demonstrate for you all. "Jiang Cheng said confidently.

With that said, Jiang Cheng picked up a bracelet from the demonstration stage and put it on his hand, raising his wrist to the level of his lips.

Hello Xiaoai classmate. "Jiang Cheng said to the bracelet.

I'm here, what's the matter? "There was a voice in the bracelet. This function is nothing amazing, a small company in Subian can do it, but the next sentence from Jiang Cheng puzzled the reporters present!

Connect to the virtual network.

Okay, connecting. . . The connection is successful and the virtual network has been entered. "As soon as Xiao Ai's words fell, everyone saw Jiang Cheng motionless, as if his soul was out of his body.

At this time, a meeting appeared on the big screen. Jiang Cheng appeared on the big screen. He was facing the audience in front of the screen and said lightly: "I believe everyone is very curious about the function of this bracelet? Very simple, virtual reality network...!

As soon as Jiang Cheng's voice fell, there was silence on the court. Jiang Cheng continued: "I am in a virtual reality network system now. Of course, there is no one but me in the system. Next, I will briefly introduce this system for everyone.

The virtual reality network system is the latest scientific and technological research and development result of the rice company. This is a system completely independently developed by the rice company. In the system, everything is virtual, and the world inside is a one-to-three world built according to the size of the earth. In other words, everyone can enter the world through the rice bracelet, and then interact with others in this world. This interaction includes, but is not limited to, face-to-face communication, hugging, quarreling, and doing things you love to do. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile, and a meaningful smile came from the audience.

But more people are still in shock. What does this technology mean? It means that human life will be changed!

Just imagine, through this virtual interactive system, schools, driving schools, as well as some companies, games, will bring huge disruption. This will be the overthrow of the entire human civilization!

Some responsive reporters have already called their editors and asked for headlines. Jiang Cheng looked at the reporters who were busy calling in the audience, and did not stop them from meaning, but looked at them with a smile, and then said that every rice bracelet has a virtual network permission attached to the rabbit fee. Of course there are many, many, this will be explored by all of us! Well, today's press conference is over!

For a company's press conference, this release may be the shortest in history, but the impact of this press conference may last for a long, long time.

After an hour, society was boiling. The first response was the three major communications companies.

This technology of rice can be said to be subversive, but as long as the place where the Internet is needed, it must be inseparable from the three major communication companies. This is confident that they still have it. Soon, the negotiators of the three major companies have arrived at the rice company .

Looking at the three negotiators in front of him, Jiang Cheng knew that from today on in this era, he Jiang Cheng will also shine brightly! He, and the virtual reality network interaction system he brings, will greatly change this era. !

Jiang Cheng is sitting in front of the office and planning how to use the virtual network system to get him to the peak of life and marry Bai Fumei. Just thinking of the happy place, suddenly a hand slapped him on the shoulder and interrupted his thoughts. Jiang Cheng looked at this hand and was startled. This is not Lei Bin.

Lei Bin, the current president and chairman of the rice company, is the grandson of the founder of the rice company Lei. Like his grandfather, Lei Bin has lofty ambitions and is a technology madman. Like to develop all kinds of interesting black technologies. Jiang Cheng was also full of affection for this person in his heart. Mr. Lei, are you looking for me? "Jiang Cheng has probably guessed why Lei Bin is looking for him, but he still understands and pretends to be confused. There are many things that others will bring to him the greater the benefit.

Haha, Jiang Cheng, come with me. "Lei Bin looked at Jiang Cheng with great satisfaction in his eyes.

It must be satisfied! The significance of the virtual reality system does not need to be repeated. For the rice company, it is more than just a life-saving straw. It is entirely possible for the rice company to climb more than a dozen steps in succession, directly surpassing the fruit company in the United States and becoming a giant in the digital technology industry. Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done. This is also one of the purposes for Lei Bin to find Jiang Zai.

When he arrived at the office, Lei Bin's helper brought a good coffee and walked out.

Jiang Cheng, I won’t say more if I am thankful. When you decided to let you develop the conference a week ago, you knew how optimistic I was about you. "Lei Bin looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

Jiang Cheng knew in his heart that Lei Bin had indeed given him great support, but he still had his own decision in his heart.

Mr. Lei, I know what you want to say, and I also know what terrible impact this technology will have in the next time. I am afraid that people will come from the country. Do you think you can face this? "Jiang Cheng Said straightforwardly.

It is conceivable that once the country knows about this technology, it will definitely be unable to restrain it from coming to ask for it. If there is no big backing then it will definitely be eaten up. If it were in the previous world, Jiang Chengquan didn't need to have such worries, but now it's different. He is alone now, without any influence. So he needs a strong ally.

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