Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1341: Earth template

Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Lei Bin has no doubts about Jiang Cheng being able to appear directly in front of him.

About Wanjie, I have a new idea. "Jiang Cheng looked at Lei Bin and said. Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Lei Bin also looked squarely. Seeing Kaxia's appearance, there must be a new breakthrough.

Soon, the time gradually moved to the latter half of the night, and as Jiang Cheng's figure disappeared into the Ten Thousand Realms, the secret conversation came to an end.

The next day, Rice announced that it would shut down the Wanjie server for maintenance. The maintenance time is unknown. This move has caused a lot of discussions among the outside world, who do not know what medicine is sold in the gourd of the rice company. However, the outside world continues to explore business opportunities in Wanjie. Rice is still overcrowded. For those companies that come to seek cooperation, none of the rice companies give a positive response. They all reply, “The Wanjie system is under maintenance. , All cooperation will be based on Wanjie 2.0. Please pay attention to our network, and relevant notices will be released at that time.

This makes the hearts of those companies itchy, but there is no way. In this way, the days passed day by day, and people's expectations for Ten Thousand Realms still did not decrease in any way. On the contrary, they became more intense. Finally, on this day, Rennet released an announcement, ""Wanjie 2.0 was officially released, and rice users can use it after updating the system. And to seek cooperation from game companies around the world to make the world's first virtual reality game. Facing global investment. "

With the announcement, people entered the system one after another. This time, people were surprised to find that Ten Thousand Worlds is really a big revision

First, the entire system is no longer based on the earth as a template. This is a whole new world. At present, only one large city has been opened, but this large city can theoretically accommodate an unlimited population because this city does not require residential reservations. Where do people live.

Each user will get a two-hundred-square-meter space of his own to make his own house! This space is coordinated by the user number, that is, a number corresponds to a two-hundred-square-meter space and the user is in this two-hundred square You can build your own house in a flat space! This alone makes most people crazy! You know, how many people in the world can't afford to live in their own house or can only afford a small house. In Wanjie, you only need to pay the price of a bracelet to get a house of 200 square meters! And you can decorate as you like without decoration fees! What does this mean! It means that in reality, you can get a house of two hundred square meters when you buy a house the size of a circle. The spirit of Baiping House!

At present, Wanjie will be composed of cities and regions. A city is divided into multiple areas, which can be roughly divided into entertainment and leisure areas, living areas, study and office areas, etc. People in each city who enter Wanjie will be assigned to the corresponding city according to their own network address. It is currently not possible to visit across cities. This feature will be launched soon.

Everyone's rice bracelet number is their ID number in Wanjie. Everyone can find friends, pay and other functions based on this code.

At present, the construction of various areas in the city has not been completed, and it needs to be handed over with various businesses to successfully open the business. It can be said that in order to use the right to use the store, all businesses will break their heads.

Now the outside world is going crazy looking for Jiang Cheng. One thing that can change the way of life of the whole world is in the hands of an unknown person, and anyone can be a little bit crooked. Now, the world's bounty for the source code of the Ten Thousand Realms system has reached 100 million US dollars, which is enough to prove what a terrible achievement this is.

The instigator of this incident is lying at home at this time, watching TV leisurely, eating snacks, and occasionally molesting and molesting the beautiful robot, living a very comfortable life.

At this time, Jiang Cheng's bracelet vibrated. A Yan also immediately said: "Sir, Jiang Qinger called you, do you want to answer?

Answer. "Jiang Cheng gave the order.

Hey, President Jiang, aren't you coming to work today? "Jiang Qing'er's voice came from Ayan's mouth. The trivial matter of Ayan being an all-round robot answering the phone is definitely not a problem.

Yes, what's the matter? "Jiang Cheng thought to himself, could this little girl miss me without seeing me all night~?

Someone is looking for you, like someone from a mansion. . Now Mr. Lei is talking with them, but they call for you. Are you here?

Jiang Qinger said.

"Oh, from the mansion, it came quite fast, you let them come to me by themselves, I'll wait for them at home." Jiang Cheng has no interest in running errands in these mansions. If it weren't for those who could really speak, I would only have to stray from the question for nothing, so it would be better to wait for them at home and look at the attitude of the mansion. So Jiang Cheng didn't wait for Jiang Qinger to say anything, so he hung up the phone. Before long, these people came to the door.

Hello, Mr. Jiang, we are from the National Network Research Center. There are three people with my surname. The person who spoke is obviously taking the lead. He has a lingering anger, giving people a kind of nostrils. feel.

Jiang Cheng lost interest as soon as he heard it, National Network Research Center? What the **** is that? These are obviously not the people he has to wait for.

Ah, Mr. Wang, Yayan, come, bring a bottle of mineral water, Mr. Wang must be thirsty. Mr. Wang, I won’t give it away if I have something to do. Take this bottle of water and walk slowly. "Speaking, Jiang Cheng took the mineral water in Ayan's hand and gave it to the king.

The surnamed Wang looked at the mineral water in his hand, and it was almost green and white. It has been a long time since no one has treated themselves with this attitude. I am the director of the research center at any rate, and I am also a division-level cadre! How many people are respectful when they see themselves, where is it like Jiang Cheng who directly uses a bottle of mineral water! And my purpose this time is for Those who come from the ten thousand worlds, if they can get through the ten thousand worlds and study their own future, it is limitless!

Mr. Jiang! But I am... "The surname Wang wanted to get two more sentences and was interrupted by Jiang Cheng.

Ayan, send them off for me. "Jiang Cheng is not polite. He doesn't want to waste time on these young men. He has a hunch that the real big shot will be coming soon.

Sir, please go here. "Ayan is very polite. Bi Jing is just a robot, she is still very gentle without the master's order to attack.

None of the three people named Wang realized that this was a robot. Seeing that Jiang Cheng didn’t care about him, the Wang named Wang was very angry, but didn’t know how it happened for a while, so they had to leave a word in grief, Jiang Cheng You are waiting for me, there is something good for you!" After speaking, he left with two of his men dingy.

At this time, Ayan spoke: "It has been detected that a person is hostile to her husband, do you initiate an attack?" At this time, Ayan's defense system, at this time, as long as Jiang Cheng nodded his head, the surname Wang will soon become one. Pile of mashed meat.

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