Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1342: dividend

No, go in, there will be important guests coming later. "Jiang Cheng looked into the distance and said thoughtfully.

For Ten Thousand Realms, Jiang Cheng has absolute confidence. He believes that since these young people can get news, those big guys will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and they will definitely come to him impatiently and ask for it. You can do it only by waiting at home.

Time passed a little bit, and gradually, it got dark.

At this time, four cars stopped silently at the door, and a dozen well guards got out of the car. Then, two old men got off the two cars separately.

Old man Li, he is very impatient. "An old man said with a smile to another old man.

Old man Zhang, aren't you too? I hurriedly hurry, and it's just about the same time as you. It seems that you are not stupid, you know what Ten Thousand Realms mean to us. "The old man called the old man Li replied unwillingly.

Haha, then look at the attitude of the children, let's go, let's go in. "The old man surnamed Li said that he had already started. When Old Man Zhang saw this, he quickly followed.

In the hall of the villa, Ayan had already soaked up the finest Pu'er, and Jiang Cheng was also waiting on the sofa. At the moment they entered the community, Ayan had already shown the well, and there were four people coming in, except for the two elderly people, all with weapons. At the Hua's house, this was only possible for the super bosses. The identity of the visitor can be seen from this.

Two old gentlemen, who can I look for?" Ayan asked while standing at the door. The girl looks good. The first reaction of the two old men was the same, and they didn't even notice that it was a robot. "Let's find Jiang Cheng, isn't he?" "The old man surnamed Zhang said. Ayan, let them in!" Jiang Cheng’s voice came from the hall

Seeing that Jiang Cheng didn't come out to greet the two old people, they couldn't help but glance at each other. Just kidding, the identity of the two of them is equal, let alone the two people walking together, just thinking that they are going out to inspect, where the official of the border will not come out to greet them in person. Here today, I received such a cold reception

Haha, interesting and interesting. "Old man Li smiled, he has always been outspoken and careless about these subsections.

In the lobby of the villa, three people were sitting face to face, a stunning woman stood aside, and two of the old men were talking to the young man without saying a word. A strange atmosphere formed in the entire lobby.

It was Jiang Cheng who broke the atmosphere first.

The two of you came to me so late, maybe not just to see me. "Jiang Cheng looked at these two old men with a normal expression. He knew in his heart that these two are definitely big men. From their aura, it can be seen that they are definitely not the kind of small buildings surnamed Wang during the day. of.

Xiaoyou Jiang, I won't go around with you. We are here for the Ten Thousand Realms. "The surnamed Li looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

Jiang Cheng didn't answer, but was in danger. I knew it was looking at them like this, as if waiting for something.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's appearance, the two old men cursed in their hearts at the same time, Little Fox. "Jiang Cheng didn't answer, let them talk, and immediately took the initiative, and he and others are here to ask for technology, it is impossible to not speak like him, then what is Zhao doing?

Let's introduce it first. , This is Zhang Yi, the commander of the Yanbang team. My name is Li Shengli, which is also the team's. "Jiang Cheng was startled when he heard that Zhang Yi was from the Yanbang team. This is nothing, but Li Shengli's background is not small!

The current Patriarch of the Li family, the former head of the Federation team, the seven senior leaders have now retired, but the descendants have gone up from the top. It can be said that the Li family shook, the Hua family shook three times, just such a big boss, now Doing self-introduction in front of myself, how to think how to stimulate. He didn't dare to be big now, this old man didn't know how much he had contributed to the Hua family, and he was absolutely worthy of respect.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng hurriedly greeted the two old men. But in terms of Ten Thousand Realms, he still didn't mean to let go. After all, he was counting on this system to give him a foothold in this world, but when he heard that the two were always on the team, Jiang Cheng got a new thought.

Ahem, that thought, Xiaoyou Jiang, this time we are here to hope that you can lend us the Ten Thousand Realms system. We hope that this system can be used for team training. "Zhang Yi said bluntly. They were excited at the first sight of the Wanjie system. Virtual reality can completely simulate the real situation. Imagine if this system is used to simulate actual combat, then the Huajia team's combat Ability, that will increase exponentially!

Li Shengli thought further. This system is not only for the team, if it is used for scientific research! All kinds of substances can be simulated in the ten thousand worlds. If scientific research and development are carried out in the ten thousand worlds, does it mean that the Hua family can not bear any trial and error costs in the research from now on! What an expense it would be! So these two rushed from Yanbang to Wushi to discuss with Jiang Cheng face to face.

"Um, two old gentlemen, this system belongs to the rice company, and I am just a project leader." Jiang Cheng still wants to make another fake.

Xiaoyou Jiang has no sincerity. We have all found out that you just handed over the system to the rice company to operate, and took a draw from it. In this way, if you hand over the system to the state to operate, we will give you a 1% bonus every year. You have to know that the operation of a country and the operation of a company are not a concept at all. "Zhang Yi said, obviously coming here prepared.

Indeed, if the state is to operate Wanjie, it can be said that Jiang Cheng's revenue will be doubled. But if Jiang Cheng cared about the money, he would do it alone at the beginning, and he would not have the turn of the rice company. It can be said that Zhang Yi looked in the wrong direction.

Mr. Zhang, I am not very interested in money. For the Wanjie system, I hope it can be civilianized, rather than being taken as one's own by a certain aspect. Can you understand what I mean?" They were two big men, but Jiang Cheng said neither humble nor humble.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, a light flashed in Li Shengli's eyes. It seemed that his previous preparations seemed to be looking in the wrong direction. However, it should be too late to correct his mistakes, Li Shengli thought in his heart.

"Don’t worry, Xiaoyou Jiang, we can find a compromise. What do you think about this? You open up an independent space in the world and leave it to us. Only the team has the right to use it. We pay you every year. See how it is, how about 10,000 yuan per square meter, and I promise that there will be no hindrance to the development of the rice company in the future... Li Shengli looked at Jiang Cheng and said, thinking that there is nothing to refuse now. There is a reason, you know, one of my own promises, the rice company can be said to be able to fight for decades. The leader of the Huajia enterprise is basically the rice company. The reward can be said to be very generous. But Jiang Cheng still shook his head.

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