Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1347: Strong woman

Fuji Xun's headquarters, in the chairman's office.

Too much deception! It is so deceitful! If this revenge is not reported, how can I gain a foothold in Takeshi! Go, inform the financial department and snipe me on their stocks! "Chen Huateng was furious in the office and was about to go through the stock market. The war caused Jiang Cheng heavy losses.

But...but. "Chen Huateng's helper didn't know how to speak.

"If you have something to say! What are you doing?" Chen Huateng was in anger at this time. Seeing the helper like this, he was even more angry.

Mr. Chen, Existence Technology Co., Ltd. has not yet been listed, and we cannot start with the stock market..." the helper said cautiously.

Hearing the helper’s words, Chen Huateng was really going to be anxious, so let me find them trouble! Find someone to harass them! Give me to throw dung on them every day! I'm so angry, otherwise, how could he say such a lack of quality in his capacity.

Also, find me a commercial spy and steal their information from me!" Chen Huateng added again.

"Yes." The helper took his order and went out.

Huang Mao is a **** on this street. On weekdays, I live by collecting protection fees, bullying and fearing hardships, and I can't live up to it. I live in a muddle-headed manner with a few younger brothers.

On this day, Huang Mao was hit by a pie falling from the sky. The head of the security department of Fujisun Company came to him personally, asked himself to do something for him, and gave an extremely generous payment, which was enough to make Huang Mao worry about eating and drinking for several years.

Therefore, early in the morning, Huang Mao took his little brother and carried a big bucket to the gate of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. I don't know what's in the big bucket, but the few people standing in his Zhou State are all wearing masks and looking disgusted. It goes without saying what is in the bucket.

A few people arrived in front of the company, poked, and were about to start splashing. Suddenly, everyone just felt cool and whistling on their back, and everyone's head was blocked by a black hole in the muzzle.

Huang Mao was frightened on the spot, and hit dolazine on both legs.

Big brother, misunderstanding.

Huang Mao tried to make a few words with Jing Wei, but he didn't realize that he was ignored at all. Several people were pushed to the corner and squatted with their heads held.

At this time, Jiang Cheng also heard about this, and couldn't help feeling funny in his heart. The president of the Fuji Xun company, Jingran even used this kind of tricks. It seems that he is really angry. But this kind of psychological quality is not worthy of his identity. Since you want to play, then I will play with you. In Jiang Cheng's heart, bad water began to pop up again.

Three days later, it is now midnight.

Existing in the Science and Technology Co., Ltd., it is already pitch black, and the empty office building is very quiet.

At this time, a figure appeared at the gate of the research room. The man looked around, feeling that there was no danger, and opened the door of the research room with his fingerprints, and walked into the research room. Not long after, he walked out with a USB flash drive. Looking at the USB flash drive with the information in his hand, I thought of the generous reward that the person promised.

He couldn't help speeding up a bit. Soon, his figure melted into the night and gradually disappeared.

But he didn't notice that on the top of a screw on a wall facing the research room, there was an invisible red light shining. In this dark night, this red light looked particularly coquettish.

The next day, in the office of Teng Xun's company, Chen Huateng couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed looking at the USB flash drive in his hand. Humph, whatever your **** philosophy, if you have money, you don’t make money. Now you are happy. I didn’t make money. I lost my skills! Hahahaha!

Chen Huateng excitedly inserted the USB flash drive into his computer. After a while, a screen appeared on the computer, and Jiang Cheng appeared in the screen.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!" Jiang Cheng greeted him enthusiastically, but this greeting made Chen Huateng's heart skip it, and a bad premonition spontaneously emerged from the bottom of his heart.

I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be so interested in my technology. It's a pity that I don't want to make money as Mr. Chen imagined, but Mr. Chen doesn't need to let people splash dung. It seems that Chen always tears his skin. It just so happened. Recently, I felt that my company was not enough. Since Mr. Chen sent it to the door, there is no reason not to accept it. Hahahaha. "The picture came to an abrupt end here.

Chen Huateng's face is always uncertain. Listening to Jiang Cheng, this is the company that wants me? Just relying on his small company with a registered capital of one million, he wants to annex me too? It's really a horrible story.

But before Chen Huateng could figure out how to deal with Jiang Cheng in the next step, the helper pushed the door directly in. Just as Chen Huateng wanted to teach him a lesson, the helper spoke in a panic.

Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen is not good, the well department, the national tax team, the industrial and commercial team, the fire brigade, the network center and many other departments are coming! They say it is joint law enforcement!"

Chen Huateng was about to ask something more, but another team came in outside the door. The leader took out his work permit and pointed to Chen Huateng and said, "Hello, Mr. Chen, I am the captain of the municipal economic investigation team. We have received a report and suspect that you are involved in unfair commercial competition. Please go back with us to assist in the investigation. .

After hearing the words, Chen Huateng sat down on the chair and finished. This is Chen Huateng's only thought now.

The company is big, and there are a few people who don't have any **** on their butts, and they can't stand the investigation. Normally, the drips he drew up and down did not leak. Someone would come to investigate him, but today suddenly a joint law enforcement came and took him away. He realized that he had provoke someone who shouldn't be offended.

Soon, this matter was rushed to report by the major media. Suddenly, Fuji Xun’s stock plummeted. Just as the stock was about to fall, a powerful force began to buy Fuji Xun’s stock.

Soon, the stocks of retail investors on the market have gradually been absorbed. The internal chaos of Fuji Xun's company also gradually began. The shareholders were arrested and arrested, and they fled. The employees also lost their backbone, and the entire company fell into chaos.

After the chaos continued for a week, a very young woman entered Fujisun. This woman actually holds 40% of Fujitsu's shares, which is incredible in a listed company. There is no doubt that this woman is currently the largest shareholder of Fujitsu Corporation. Soon, the woman calmed down the troubles of the Fujitsu company, and made great efforts to reform, so that the Fujitsu company was re-operated. This woman is undoubtedly Jiang Qinger.

With the help of Jiang Cheng, Jiang Qing'er succeeded in becoming the president of Fuji Xun Company and became the image of the first strong woman in Wu City. Many people are full of curiosity about her, but Jiang Qinger usually stays simple, basically in the office, and rarely sees guests, so it seems very mysterious, but the business community in Wushi has since become more like Jiang Qinger.

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