Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1348: emergency

Huajiaguo, Wushi.

The buzz in the business world some time ago, so far, many people still think of it as weird.

The leader of the Tianchao Internet Technology Company, the industry player, Fuji Xun Corporation changed hands almost overnight, and the former chairman Chen Hualuo was also imprisoned for economic crimes. A small network technology company with a registered capital of only one million has officially announced that it has become a major shareholder of Fuji Xun, and has become the head of Fuji Xun. Everything was completed in just a few days, which is incredible to everyone.

Currently, Quanhua’s technology center has two cities. Sun Jing and Wushi. And Wushi's grid team is mainly controlled by several giant companies. In addition to Fuji Xun Company, there are also Rice Company, Koala Company and Jingxi Group.

Koala Company is also a network technology company, whose main business is box and games. It is a new company that has started in recent years and has a vague tendency to grab food from Fujisun.

Jingxi Group is an established e-commerce group, mainly engaged in online shopping malls. It is one of the few domestic e-commerce groups that can compete with Yanbang’s Ali Mother Group. The boss is Liu Qiangxi.

Now, Fujitsu no longer exists, replaced by Existence Technology Co., Ltd. All businesses of the original Fujitsu Company were operating normally, and Fujitsu Corporation became a subsidiary of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. Therefore, Existence Technology Co., Ltd. suddenly became the top three technology company in Wushi.

Jiang Cheng looked at the information in front of him and couldn't help but feel a headache. Although I said that the Fujitsu Company had been annexed, but my own son, Existence Technology did not have any business for some reason. It stands to reason that everyone can see the prospects of virtual reality systems, but no customers come to the door.

Indeed, everyone knows the prospects of virtual reality systems, but no one dares to be the first to eat crabs. Regarding this technology, the country's attitude is still unclear, and few companies are rushing to do this. You see, Teng Xun is hiring people to talk about business, and even the boss is talking about it. Existence Technology Co., Ltd. can't afford it. So the current situation of existing technology companies is completed.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Cheng patted his thigh and made a decision. Starting today, there are technological errors that are taking on tasks, we do it ourselves!

Soon, a piece of news spread throughout the scientific and technological circles.

The first virtual reality game created exclusively by Existence Technology Co., Ltd. with a huge investment will be released in two months.

This news quickly ignited the technology and gaming circles. Virtual reality games have been put forward very early, but there is no real mature virtual reality technology support, so those games quickly cooled down. However, there is a difference between Technology Co., Ltd. They have truly mastered the virtual reality system technology, which is well known, and there is the foundation of the old game company Fuji Xun. It is conceivable that this will be a revolutionary product in the game industry. .

According to the announcement, this game will be Fuji Xun's only game that is completely free and without props. This is a boon for gamers all over the world.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was playing a gunfight game called Escape from a Deserted Island at home. However, unlike other players, Jiang Cheng is playing a virtual reality version.

Yes, this is the game mentioned in the announcement of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. in the morning. Jiang Cheng has successfully completed the game, but the graphics and details are not perfect, so the release time is set two months later.

Jiang Cheng called Jiang Qinger to play with him, otherwise there would be no one in this game, how boring. The two of them sat on the sofa just like that, and didn't make any movements, but from the expressions on their faces, it could be seen that the two of them were still having fun. The facial expressions that change from time to time, either tight, long, excited, or upset, show the excitement of this game.

Unconsciously, it was dark, and finally, the two people quit the game. Oh my god! "It's so interesting! This is completely different from the feeling of playing on a computer! It's so cool!" Jiang Qinger said as soon as he quit the game. It was really exciting. Jiang Qinger believed that this game It can certainly be popular all over the world.

You will follow up on the later stage of this game tomorrow. It is not suitable for all costs, and you must keep improving!" Jiang Cheng solemnly ordered. He decided to use this game to open up the reputation of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. so that the world should know Existence Technology Co., Ltd.!

Two months later, Existence Technology Co., Ltd. officially held a press conference and released this global virtual reality game called Escape from the Wilderness.

The game is still logged in by the rice bracelet, as long as you bind your own rice bracelet d account online, you can download it.

The game is a turn-based battle royale mode. Each team game will be played by a hundred players, and the player will become a special person in the game. In each team game, players will take a plane to this deserted island, and the players will choose their own landing place. There are weapons, medicines and other resources on the desert island. There are also occasional airdrops and bombings.

The game will end only when there is only the last player left on the team, the only surviving offended player is the winner.

There will be an area designated as a safe zone in the game, and the safe zone will continue to shrink. People outside the safe zone will be poisoned and corroded. Only quickly entering the safe zone can be protected from poisonous gas.

As soon as the press conference was over, the number of visits to immediately skyrocketed. It was not that this situation was anticipated in advance, and the technical staff had done a good job of maintaining the website in advance, so this amount of visits would be enough to crash the website.

The game is still only released in Huajia District, and people from abroad can still watch it eagerly. It is said that foreign websites continue to protest, but Jiang Cheng will not care about these voices. Before there is a suitable agent, let the foreigners envy and hate it or!

The sales volume of the rice bracelet (Qian Li Zhao) has also doubled because of this game! Lei Bin almost laughed from ear to ear, since Jiang Cheng authorized the system to himself, the benefits of the rice company can be said It is Rijin Doujin. This is going to be posted!

Soon, this game set off a hot lake of escape and killing in Huajia Country. Everyone has played gun battle games. But what about virtual reality!

That kind of immersive feeling. It's all oneself fighting. Everyone more or less has his own dream of fighting. To be able to enjoy the fun of the game so happily, it was impossible to think of it before! Soon, the name of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. entered everyone's field of vision. Jiang Cheng was gradually known to many people.

As for Jiang Cheng, he still has nothing to do at home. Jiang Qing'er handles the company's affairs, and Jiang Qing'er can handle everything in an orderly manner. This makes Jiang Cheng feel how correct it was to dig Jiang Qing'er.

The company gradually got on the right track, and everything was normal for the game. There were no emergencies. Jiang Cheng's small life was very peaceful and comfortable. But in sharp contrast to him, the Koala Company at this time.

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