Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1349: Game culture

As mentioned before, Koala Company is a game company, but now, the life of Koala Company is really tormented.

According to the data provided by the feedback below, since the release of the virtual reality game of Existence Technology, nearly 50% of the players in the game business of my company have been lost. This is just a month! What kind of concept is this? Going to the streets!

Looking at the silent subordinates in the conference room, Ding Shi couldn't wait to smash the tablet beside him on everyone's face. When it was time to use them, they shirked each other's responsibilities one by one. There was no suitable solution. They were simply a bunch of rice buckets!

Ding Shi looked at them with a gloomy expression, and his eyes swept across the faces of the employees. No one dared to touch Ding Shi's eyes and bowed their heads.

Are we just sitting there waiting to die? The company spends so much money to support you and you are what I give back to me, right?" Ding Shi was very bitter in his heart. The virtual reality system could not be developed by his own company. Going on, the company can only go bankrupt.

At this moment, one person opened the door of the conference room and hurriedly walked in, walked to Ding Shi and whispered a few words, a look of surprise appeared on Ding Shi's face.

Go, we will meet them.

With that, he took the lead and walked to the meeting room. In the meeting room at this time, Jiang Qinger was sitting here quietly drinking tea, with a calm expression on her face, as if she was sitting in her own home drinking tea.

"Haha, President Jiang, what brought you here!" Ding Shi entered the meeting room and saw Jiang Qinger in front of him, and knew that it was Jiang Qinger, the executive president of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. So Ding Shi greeted enthusiastically. Even if it is a competitor, it is not yet time to get rid of the skin.

You must be President Ding, you have long admired President Ding's name!" Jiang Qinger also responded enthusiastically. This time, Jiang Qinger came with a mission.

After a period of hypocritical cold and warm questions, the two parties took their seats.

What?? Acquiring our Koala Company!" Ding Shi couldn't help but bounced off his seat in shock after hearing Jiang Qinger's intention.

Haha, Mr. Ding need not be so excited. We are here this time hoping to acquire Ding's company. "Jiang Qinger sipped a sip of tea and said lightly.

Yes, after Fuji Xun's company, Existence Technology Co., Ltd. again targeted Koala's. Although the size of Koala Company is not as big as that of Fujitsu Company, its expertise in games is by no means inferior to Fujitsu Company. Many of Koala's games have received very high reviews in the industry. But Koala is a very young company after all, and it is still not as good as Fuji Xun in many aspects, so Fuji Xun has been overwhelmed by Fuji Xun for so many years. But Jiang Cheng is fancy koala's game culture, so today Jiang Qinger came to buy this twilight.

"Mr. Jiang is really humorous. What is there to be missed by Mr. Jiang in our small company? In other words, we have no intention of being acquired." Ding Shi looked at Jiang Qing'er with displeased face. Even if Existence Technology Co., Ltd. is now a unique show in the country, it is still not enough for anyone to knead. The appetite for existing technology is too big!

"Didn't Ding always think that we are a little too deceiving? Or our appetite is too big?" Jiang Qinger broke through Ding Shi's inner thoughts. Then he said: "Ding President Ding's recent days should not have been easy, right? President Ding should know that our company will show its talents in games. In the game industry, there will be one and only one game company in the future, with technology. Don't be afraid you think we Arrogant, I believe we are qualified to say this. And you, if this continues, it will be a matter of time before all players will be lost.” Jiang Qinger said somewhat arrogantly. But these few words stunned what Ding Shi said.

Yes, others have not put themselves in the eyes at all. The other party can even acquire groups like Fuji Xun, not to mention oneself. From the current situation, the development of games in the direction of hyper-virtual reality is inevitable. But this technology is only in the hands of the existing science and technology family, and what to use to compete with others. Why compete.

If we are acquired, what are the benefits?" Ding Shi was a little relieved.

If we successfully complete the acquisition, then Koala will become a subsidiary of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. The general manager of the company is still your CEO Ding. In terms of company personnel, we will not interfere more and we will provide Ding with a virtual reality system for Ding to conduct game development. "Jiang Qing'er said his conditions in one go.

Before coming here, Jiang Qing'er knew that Ding Shi is a person with sentimental feelings about games. He likes to make games, 6 and it is a high-quality game. Otherwise, he will not lead the company to such a high level in just a few years. For talents, Jiang Cheng is still willing to delegate power.

Ding Shi couldn't help but feel excited after hearing Jiang Qinger's words. He is very longing for virtual reality games. He has also played the game Escape from the Wild, which really makes him tempted, so if he has the opportunity to create a virtual reality game of his own, then he will really be tempted.

Jiang Qing'er saw an emotional look on Ding Shi's face, but she did not go on, and chose the time for Ding Shi to consider.

"President Ding think about it carefully. If there is a result, call me. After Jiang Qinger finished speaking, he left with his helper. Ding Shi was left in deep thought in the meeting room.

Ding Shi's thinking did not last long, and he quickly made a decision. Rather than let the company go bankrupt like this, it is better to continue its existence in another form.

The next day, Koala Company announced that it had officially become a subsidiary of Existence Technology, and Existence Technology Co., Ltd. became Koala's largest shareholder. This news shocked Wu Shi, who had been calm for a few days.

Existence Technology Co., Ltd. but what kind of existence is it. A company with a registered capital of 1 million has become the number one network technology company in Wuhan City and even the top few in the country in just two months. The green reason is really puzzling.

Since Existence Technology Co., Ltd. became the largest group in Wushi, Jiang Cheng's life has become more indulgent. Often the group does not see people all day, and sometimes does not show up for a month. This makes Jiang Qing'er Very angry. Whose company is this anyway!

Jiang Qing'er got more and more angry, and slammed the folder in his hand onto the table with a snap. People don’t come, and the phone doesn’t tell him what he is, his housekeeper!

At this moment, a gentle male voice came from the door.

Qinger, who makes you so angry. "A man who looks very attractive to a woman. He has an angular face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a very well-proportioned figure. There is a hormonal smell all over his body.

Jiang Qinger looked up and saw him, but didn't have any special reaction. She didn't have any special feelings for this kind of man.

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