Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1350: Talent scarcity

Mr. Shen, what can I do? "Jiang Qinger asked faintly. The man who came in was called Shen Qinguang. He was a general manager of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. He took up his post through recruitment two weeks ago. Existence Technology Co., Ltd. has been continuously acquiring companies in recent times. , Resulting in some chaos in internal management and scarcity of senior management talents, so it was digged from other companies at a big price.

I have to say that Shen Qinguang still has some abilities. Since he came, the order of the company has improved significantly, and the operation of the company has become smoother. But there was one thing Jiang Qinger didn't like very much about this person. Since he came to the company in just two weeks, all the women who have not been hooked up by him in the company are almost ready to be integrated into a department. But it's me who has such a charm. What can others do with him?

No, he has targeted Jiang Qinger these days. A domineering female boss, this made Shen Qinguang very excited. Started a blatant pursuit. Although Jiang Qing'er is nominally his boss, Shen Qinguang still calls her Qing'er because he knows in his heart that this company values ​​him very much, so he does what he wants.

Qinger, look at the weather today. I happened to be invited by a newly opened western restaurant. I was invited to try it. The owner of that restaurant is my friend, so I want to invite you to go with me. Shen Qinguang looked at Jiang Qing'er with his peachy eyes and with a look that he thought was affectionate.

Jiang Qinger was uncomfortable with his eyes, and was about to refuse. But for some reason, I suddenly thought of Jiang Cheng who had lost contact for more than a month, and was very upset, just wanting to retaliate against Jiang Cheng.

Okay. "Jiang Qinger said. I felt that this was revenge against Jiang Cheng. As for why, Jiang Qinger himself couldn't tell.

Jiang Qing'er's approval surprised Shen Qinguang. This is not the first time he has invited Jiang Qinger, but every time he was ruthlessly rejected. This time he was also prepared to be rejected, but he did not expect Jiang Qinger to agree! Is it because he has so much The pursuit of heaven has had an effect? ​​It seems that we have to work harder in the future. Shen Qinguang thought in his heart.

If Jiang Qinger knew that he agreed to eat with him, he would feel like he liked his pursuit, I am afraid Jiang Qinger would even have the desire to die.

It was close to get off work in a blink of an eye, and Jiang Qinger and Shen Qinguang walked out of the company side by side, which caused a lot of discussion in the company. Various rumors began to appear.

There are a lot of Jiang Cheng's intelligent robots in the company, so the news soon reached Jiang Cheng's ears.

Jiang Cheng's heart was suddenly upset, Jiang Qinger was the woman he liked from the beginning. Although I usually don't care about her very much, it's not a cat or dog that can get involved. Soon, Jiang Cheng knew their destination tonight.

In the north of the city, in a newly opened western restaurant.

Since it is a newly opened western restaurant, there are not many customers now. Counting Jiang Qinger's table, there are only two tables of guests. The area of ​​the restaurant is large, so it looks a little empty.

In the center of the restaurant, a woman in a white dress is playing the piano, creating a lot of romantic atmosphere for the restaurant. I have to say that Shen Qinguang is really good at picking a place.

But Shen Qinguang did not lie. The owner of this western restaurant is a friend of his. No, his friend is serving them personally.

Photon, here comes, what to eat?" the boss asked.

Ask this lady, ladies first. "Shen Qinguang looked very gentlemanly.

Jiang Qing'er was also welcome, took the menu and flipped through it, and soon ordered a steak and a salad. Shen Qinguang asked for a steak, and the boss went to prepare to go wittily, and did not stay to bother Shen Qinguang to pick up girls.

After three rounds of meals, both of them had almost eaten.

How about Qinger, are you satisfied with the food?" Shen Qinguang asked. He still has programs to stay behind.

"Very good, thank you for the hospitality, Mr. Shen. I will go back soon." Jiang Qinger finished speaking and prepared to leave.

"Wait, Qing'er, why don't you worry?" Shen Qinguang said, and then wait.

As soon as Shen Qinguang's voice fell, the entire western restaurant suddenly went dark and plunged into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Qinger's face lit up, and a burst of candlelight lit up. At this time, a team of waiters came out holding a bunch of attacking roses and stood in front of Jiang Qing'er. There is a word on every bouquet of roses. Linked up is "Qing'er, I love you, be my girlfriend!"

With the ambiguous atmosphere under the candlelight and such a romantic confession, I am afraid that I will fall into any other woman. It is a pity that the woman in front of me is Jiang Qinger. Not to mention that Jiang Qinger seems to have a favorite in his heart. Even if it didn't, Jiang Qing'er would not like Shen Qinguang like this.

Jiang Qing'er was about to say no, when suddenly, a very disruptive voice rang.

"Yes, it's so hot, it's not enough for Qing'er to have such a wonderful scene without asking me to come." With the sound of this voice, Jiang Cheng's wretched figure also appeared, wearing sportswear, and his feet Wearing sneakers, just walked in, which seemed very incompatible with this scene. But that's how Jiang Cheng walked in and interrupted Shen Qinguang's confession.

When Shen Qinguang looked at the man in front of him, he only felt familiar, but he really couldn't remember who this man was. It seemed that he had only one side. It’s no wonder that Shen Qinguang has only been in this company for two weeks, and Jiang Cheng hasn’t appeared in the company for a long time. Shen Qinguang has only seen Jiang Cheng’s photos, plus Jiang Cheng’s inconsistency at this time. You can recognize ghosts in his costume.

Shen Qinguang looked at the man in front of him who could be called a beggar in his eyes, and said to Jiang Qing'er, "Qing'er, this is...?

Jiang Qing'er was about to introduce, and Jiang Cheng spoke first.

"I'm Jiang Qing'er's boyfriend!" Jiang Cheng said without blushing, his heart was not beating, and that serious look almost even believed Jiang Qing'er himself.

Jiang Qinger was about to refute, but before he spoke, he ran into Jiang Cheng's gaze. For some reason, Jiang Qinger swallowed back when he said that he was about to jump out, tacitly accepting Jiang Cheng's words.

Shen Qinguang was not calm when he heard Jiang Cheng's words. Your girlfriend? Fart! I haven't heard of Jiang Qing'er having a boyfriend since I have been in the company for so long. You dare to claim Jiang Qing'er's girlfriend if you come out. But because Jiang Qing'er was beside him, Shen Qinguang was not easy to have an attack, so he had to resist the unhappiness in his heart and look at Jiang Qing'er. The look seemed to be asking Jiang Qinger for confirmation.

Jiang Qing'er felt the eyes cast by Shen Qinguang, but she pretended not to see, and looked elsewhere, but her hand had already taken Jiang Cheng's arm.

Both men noticed at the same time, and the corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth were curved upwards, which in Shen Qinguang's eyes was even more provocative. Shen Qin was furious and couldn't help it anymore.

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