Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1351: Unfamiliar

Qing'er, are you willing to be with such a poor ghost and unwilling to accept me? You refused me because of him before? "Shen Qinguang pointed to Jiang Cheng and asked.

Jiang Qing'er almost burst into laughter. You even pointed to your big boss and said he was a poor man. . Really courageous. Unfortunately, no brains. Jiang Qinger felt very funny in her heart. But her face did not show it.

He has no money, I have, I support him. "Jiang Qing'er said lightly, a touch of shyness still appeared on his face, and I don't know if it was really shy or was it for Shen Qinguang on purpose.

Boy, acquainted and leave Qing'er quickly, how much do you want to make a price, or I will make you look good! Do you know who I am, the general manager of Existence Technology Co., Ltd.! Do you know Existence Technology Co., Ltd. hillbilly! Do you think you Is it worthy of Shang Jiang Qing'er! "Shen Qinguang heard Jiang Qing'er's words, and his heart was even more angry. The man in front of him is still being raised! If you lack a man, look for me! Shen Qinguang has a heart to Jiang. Cheng is even more angry, and wants to use his financial resources and identity to pass Jiang Cheng.

It might be useful to change to a little man who is really kept, but this person is Jiang Cheng! The big boss of Wushi No.1 Group, Jiang Qinger’s boss, his Shen Qinguang’s boss, was pointed at the nose by a subordinate. Scolding, Jiang Cheng, who came with an attitude of watching the excitement, found it interesting.

Wow, the general manager of Jiangcheng Technology Co., Ltd. That must be very rich.

I can earn tens of thousands in a month!" Jiang Cheng said with a face of a hillbilly, pretending to be surprised.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Shen Qinguang almost spit out old blood, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands? How could a general manager of his own dignified salary only have a monthly salary of hundreds of thousands! He is insulting himself! But looking at Jiang Cheng's face The appearance of worship, he did not know how to happen.

Yes, there are tens of thousands. Do you know the gap between us! If you are acquainted, leave as soon as possible, otherwise, I will ask someone to interrupt your dog legs! "Shen Qinguang became a little impatient and began to tear his skin.

Jiang Qing'er on the side couldn't listen anymore, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Jiang Cheng again. Jiang Qinger had to stand quietly. This Cai fell in Shen Qinguang's eyes, and only felt that they were showing their affection to themselves, the anger in their hearts!

As the saying goes, jealousy makes people crazy. Shen Qinguang was already burning with jealousy at this time and couldn't bear it anymore. He whispered a few words with the boss who had rushed to the side, and then the boss called all Nearly twenty men of the waiter in the group surrounded Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qing'er.

This is what you communicate with me, don't blame me for being ruthless! Hit me! I will be responsible for the death!" Shen Qinguang waved his hand, and the group of waiters greeted him. Then, a miserable voice rang. Listen. At this shout, Shen Qinguang felt very upset. Humph! Fight with me, you country boy wants to grab a woman with me!

However, after listening to it, Shen Qinguang felt something wrong, why the sound of each call was different, it seemed that they were not the same person.

The boss seemed to have also heard something wrong, and hurried to turn on the light. All his employees had already been lying on the ground. And Jiang Cheng stood there unscathed, looking at them and Shen Qinguang with interest. At this time, by Jiang Cheng's side, I don't know when three more big men appeared.

Just kidding, Jiang Cheng, a chairman, can he go out without a bodyguard? These three big guys are the bodyguard robot arranged by Yan. In this era, it is estimated that even the bodyguard of the leader is not an opponent of the robot he developed.

"President Shen, if you have something to say, everyone is a civilized person, why bother?" Jiang Cheng looked at him jokingly, with a smile, watching Shen Qinguang's heart straight hair.

you. . Who on earth are you!" Shen Qinguang felt a little confused. Those three people had been guarding Jiang Cheng. They were obviously Jiang Cheng’s personal bodyguards. But Jiang Cheng, who looks like a hillbilly, could have such a powerful bodyguard. Even Jiang Qing'er's bodyguard is not so good!

My name is Jiang Cheng. "Jiang Cheng looked at Shen Qinguang and spit out these four words faintly. His face still had that kind of harmless smile on humans and animals, but that was what made Shen Qinguang guilty.

"Jiang Cheng...Jiang Cheng...ah! Chairman! You are the chairman of Existence Technology!" Shen Qinguang couldn't help calling out. He was about to collapse at this time.

What kind of humiliation did I make! It would offend the chairman of the board to be a girl! I will definitely not be able to get along with this company in the future! The whole Wushi doesn't know if there is any place for him. Now in Wushi, is there any company that doesn't give Jiang Cheng a bit of face? As long as Jiang Cheng has a word, what company dares to ask himself. I blame myself for being okay with the idea of ​​my boss! It should have been thought that Jiang Qing'er could be the chairman of such a large company at such a young age. There must be some insider information!

Chairman I was wrong! Chairman, I don’t know Taishan! Please spare me, Chairman! ""Shen Qinguang was already snotting and tearing at this time, and kept bowing to Jiang Cheng. The domineering appearance just now has already Nothing, but humbly instead destroyed his image again and again.

Jiang Cheng didn’t care too much with Shen Qinguang. Although he wanted to make Qinger but if it weren’t for him, how could he be Qinger’s boyfriend? Although it was fake, Jiang Cheng was still very satisfied with him, so he was very satisfied with Shen Qinguang. He was not too disgusted, everyone was a man, and Jiang Cheng's mood was understandable.

Shen Qinguang in front of him was still apologizing, Jiang Cheng directly waved his hand to interrupt his offer.

You won't use it for work tomorrow. "Jiang Cheng said lightly. His expressionless face made Shen Qinguang almost scared to pee. Where can I find a company with such a good treatment?

"President Jiang! President Jiang, give me another chance! President Jiang, I know I was wrong! I will never hit the idea of ​​a woman in the company again, President Jiang!" Shen Qinguang said with a sad expression. There is also this identity, where to go for soaking is not soaking!

At this time, Jiang Cheng's eyes were whirling, and he knew what bad idea he was making.

In fact, Jiang Cheng was making a bad idea.

After so many Tianjiang Cheng did not show up, he was not playing, but planning to enter the Yanbang market. He decided to open a branch in Yanbang, which will truly make Existence Technology Co., Ltd. become bigger and stronger! Jiang Qing'er is here, Jiang Cheng is very relieved, Jiang Qing'er's ability to do things is absolutely nothing to say. But when he arrived at Yan Bang, he was unfamiliar with his place and life, and there was no one who could share the burden for him. Whether this was worrying, Shen Qinguang hit the muzzle of his gun.

Although the real person Shen Qinguang is lustful, there is nothing to say about his ability. Being able to clean up such a big and bad male in such a short period of time, at least the ability is not worth mentioning. As for lust, which man is not lustful.

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