Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1352: Stingy

Shen Qinguang doesn't steal people and he doesn't work hard. He is completely relying on his true ability to pursue women. This is also an ability. To be honest, Jiang Cheng still has some appreciation for Shen Qinguang in his heart. Excellent appearance and outstanding ability, if such a person can use it for himself, Jiang Cheng is full of confidence in opening the Yanbang market.

So when Shen Qinguang was very unwilling to lose his job, Jiang Cheng was even happier.

Give you another chance? Are you sure you want a chance? No matter how hard you are, no matter how tired you are?" Jiang Cheng asked.

As long as I don’t lower my job or reduce my salary, it doesn’t matter if I get tired!" Shen Qinguang only needs these two points, and he doesn’t have any other opinions. As long as he has money and status, is he still worried about having sex? Looking at Jiang Cheng There seems to be a sense of relaxation, of course Shen Qinguang has to seize the opportunity.

Well, I opened a branch in Yanbang, how about you go and show me?" Jiang Cheng said very casually.

Go to Yanbang. . "Shen Qinguang hesitated a bit. Yanbang was not familiar with the place where he was born, and it was also the capital of Hua's family country. I don't know how deep the water there is, so how dare you go down?

Seeing that Shen Qinguang seemed to hesitate, Jiang Cheng went on to say, "Since there is no one of us there, the position of the chairman of the branch still belongs to whoever enters. If you don't want to go, then I will find someone else." Jiang Cheng looked indifferent.

Shen Qinguang was hit immediately. Taking pictures of Huongfu, he assured Jiang Cheng, "Don’t worry, President Jiang, I will take care of the branch!

The mountain is high and the emperor is far away. This is the thought in Shen Qinguang's heart. This time, the entire Yanbang branch has the final say, and then it's not just how you want to pick up girls.

It seems that after seeing Shen Qinguang's thoughts in his heart, or having planned in his heart, Jiang Cheng decided to go with Shen Qinguang.

Knowing Jiang Cheng's plan, Shen Qinguang's face was immediately drooped.

President Jiang, didn’t you say that I should be the boss by myself? Where do I go when you go!""

Jiang Cheng certainly understands Shen Qinguang's Xiao Jiujiu, and Jiang Cheng doesn't mind this either.

"Of course you were asked to be the boss, but now Yanbang doesn't have anything. Then go by yourself. You choose the branch address to pay for it? Jiang Cheng took him a look.

"Of course, President Jiang must take care of such a big event himself." Hey. Shen Qinguang was extremely shameless, and his face changed when he said it changed.

Then you go back and prepare, we will set off tomorrow. "After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Qing'er beside him.

At this time, Qinger no longer has any complaints against Jiang Cheng. Bi Jing Jiangcheng has disappeared for so long because he is running for the company's affairs, and the sudden appearance of Jiang Cheng today makes Jiang Qinger feel a little sweet in her heart, feeling Jiang Cheng Should care about yourself.

Qinger, I will trouble you to look after the company during this time. "Jiang Cheng said very softly.

Jiang Qinger's heartbeat immediately missed a beat. He had never called himself Qinger before, and he used such a gentle tone. But I blame myself for listening.

Upon seeing this, Shen Qinguang made a very witty haha ​​and left. This move made both Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qing'er feel that Shen Qinguang still had a foresight.

"We two go out for a walk?" Jiang Cheng felt that it was not a wise thing to stay in the store all the time. There were a dozen waiters lying on the ground. It's a bit horrible.

"Well" Jiang Qing'er responded a little shyly.

The night in Wushi is crazy. The colorful neon lights on the street add a lot of flavor to the night of the city. Under the neon lights, various invitations and craziness are happening in every corner of the city. People turned into wolves in such a dark night, indulging in their oppression all day.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qing'er are walking on the street. Jiang Qing'er feels that time has returned to that night. The scene of her and Jiang Cheng walking in the virtual world seems to be at that time, Jiang Cheng's image in her heart began to change. Before they knew it, the two had already walked back to the community where they lived, and walked to the door of Jiang Cheng's house.

Okay, I'm home now, go back soon. "Jiang Qing'er said to Jiang Cheng. But at this time, her heart was full of reluctance. Say goodbye at this time, and I don't know when the next meeting will be.

"I'm going to Yanbang tomorrow, don't miss me too much during this time!" Jiang Cheng said humblely.

"I miss you, so many men chase me, I don't have time to miss you. Jiang Qinger is very charming.

Humph, who dares to chase you! Come and I will fight one!" Jiang Cheng said very domineeringly.

What does it matter to you if others chase me? Who are you! Why are you hitting others!

Just because I like you!" Jiang Cheng blurted out. Jiang Cheng regretted it as soon as he spoke.

So what? Go home, I'm going home. "Jiang Cheng turned around after speaking.

"You wait." Jiang Qing'er's voice came from behind.

After Jiang Cheng said, he turned around and was about to ask Jiang Qinger what else was going on, but he didn't expect that before he could see anything clearly, he felt a black shadow super rushing over by himself. Feeling a bit of warmth and softness. It felt like he had left his body before holding the *** clock. Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Qing'er running home, feeling very warm in his heart.

At this time, a plane was flying from Wushi to Yanbang.

Jiang Cheng and Shen Qinguang were sitting in the economy class. At this time, Shen Qinguang complained. The two dignified existences at the highest level of Technology Co., Ltd. came to squeeze the economy class! This is incredible!

But in Jiang Cheng's words, there are too many places to spend money in Yanbang, so I can save a little.

At this time, Jiang Cheng's heart is beautiful. Last night it was when Qing'er kissed him separately, which made Jiang Cheng's whole person almost floating. After living for so many years, he still wants an old virgin, and this is suddenly kissed, making him feel that virgin spring is coming.

Soon, the plane landed at Yanbang Airport. The two got off the plane while being watched by the stewardess.

Boss, where are we going now?" Shen Qinguang asked. He thinks Jiang Cheng should decide where to live. He can't treat himself badly when he lives in this area. He is still waiting to go to a good place to pick up girls!

I don’t know, it’s the first time I have come to Yanbang. "Jiang Cheng looked as if it had nothing to do with him.

The first time?! Didn't you arrange this for more than a month?? "Shen Qinguang feels pitted.

Yes, I have been thinking about it for more than a month. Didn’t this come after thinking about it? "Jiang Cheng looked at Shen Qinguang with a stupid look, wondering how this person would ask such a silkworm question.

"..." Shen Qinguang was speechless, how could there be such an unclear boss.

In the end, the two found a hotel and moved in. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng was not stingy and frantic, and the money to be spent was still spent. Let's go out tonight and have a good night, and we will start to plan tomorrow. "Jiang Chengdao, to be honest, he has no plans, just take a step.

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