Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1355: Family power

"I must protect Director Zhang! I'll hang up if nothing is wrong, and see you old Li." After speaking, Jiang Cheng hanged up. At this time, Jiang Cheng was shocked. In front of the state power, there really is no secret at all.

Heard it, it was not originally, but now it is. "Jiang Cheng said helplessly, and as he said, he took the suitcase in Zhang Mengmeng's hands. Then where do we live, Brother Jiang Cheng?" Zhang Mengmeng asked. Live in my house.

Oh, loneliness is not good! Will you bully me in the middle of the night!

I still have a person! "Then what if you two bully me!

Don't worry, I can't run away if I bullied you, and there will be another woman in Ding Neng tonight. Hehe. "Jiang Cheng thought of today's sales of beautiful women, with a lewd smile on his face.

Ah, brother Jiang Cheng, you are so lewd! Jiang Cheng's face blushed. "let's go!"

The two drove a car and returned to the villa. At this time, Shen Qinguang was still in the villa, using the bracelet, and someone had a good chat.

Jiang Cheng said to Shen Qinguang: "From today onwards, this beauty also lives here but for your safety, I advise you not to make her mind. When Shen Qinguang saw Zhang Mengmeng's appearance, he almost left saliva, especially that. The harvest was difficult to grasp with one hand, which made Shen Qinguang very excited.

But when Jiang Cheng said so, Shen Qinguang seemed to understand something. ! I understand, I understand, Jinwu Cangjiao, I am definitely not so good for your person. Hey! Hello, my sister-in-law, my name is Shen Qinguang. "Shen Qinguang would be wrong, and enthusiastically shouted a sister-in-law

When Chang Mengmeng heard Shen Qinguang calling herself this, her face turned half red.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng hurriedly came up to make the rounds, Director Zhang, let me go to the room.

Ah! As soon as you come, you will take people to your room, what are your intentions!"" Zhang Mengmeng cried out with his arms in his arms.

"It's taking you to your room." Jiang Cheng had a black line, wondering if this person is really the director of the scientific research center, why is he not serious at all. After sending Zhang Mengmeng upstairs, Jiang Cheng went downstairs and discussed tomorrow's plans with Shen Qinguang.

At present, the two of them don't have any foundation in Yanbang, but Jiang Cheng suddenly thought that the relationship between Mr. Li should be able to find a better office place for them. So Jiang Cheng immediately called Li Shengli.

"Lao Li, Director Zhang, I have already arranged, I have something I want you to help." Jiang Cheng's posture is still very low when asking someone to do something.

Say it. "Li Shengli had guessed seven or eight points in his heart. With his ability, how could Jiang Cheng's purpose in coming to Yanbang be hidden from him.

Sure enough, Jiang Cheng said: "I am going to open a branch in Yanbang. The address of this company has not been determined yet. Look....

This kind of trivial matter, let it be, I will let someone go to you later, and he will do it for you. "After speaking, Li Shengli hung up.

Jiang Cheng listened to a busy tone, but he was still very happy. After all, there was Lao Li who came forward, so this matter was still very helpful.

At this time, Zhang Yumeng's cry came from the building.

Jiang Cheng! Come here! "The cry was very rapid, Jiang Cheng thought something was wrong, and hurried up.

I forgot to take a bath towel when I took a bath, you can help me to take it!" Zhang Mengmeng said in the bathroom. At this time, there was a sound of water in the bathroom, apparently taking a shower.

Jiang Cheng is already very speechless at this time, is this really a high-tech person? Is it too nervous?

Jiang Cheng walked into the room, Zhang Mengmeng's surname Li Du had been opened and placed on the floor. Jiang Cheng stepped forward and saw that he almost squirted a nosebleed. At the top of the luggage, there was a small pink inner inside impressively. Jiang Cheng resisted the impulse, turned down again, and saw another pink vest with cartoon patterns printed on it. This is tempting crime!

Finally, after a hard struggle, Zhang Mengmeng's bath towel was successfully handed to her. At this time, Jiang Cheng was already a little bit overwhelmed. With the little witch in his heart, he quickly went downstairs.

No words for a night, it's time for the next day.

It was already eight or nine in the morning. When Jiang Cheng was still lying on the bed, the bracelet vibrated. Jiang Cheng saw that it was a strange number.

Hello, who is it?

How are you Mr. Jiang Cheng? "A strong man's voice came from the other end.

I am, may I ask if you are.

"I was sent by Li Lao to help you choose the company address. When will we have time to meet?" the man on the other end asked.

Ah, from old Li, hello, hello, I'm free anytime, call me when it's convenient for you.

OK, see you this afternoon. "Ok.

In the afternoon, Jiang Cheng arrived at the agreed place, which was a cafe. Also accompanied by Shen Qinguang and Zhang Mengmeng. Originally, Jiang Cheng didn't want to bring Zhang Mengmeng, but the little witch insisted to follow her, otherwise she would respond to her to her head and say that she had abused him. Jiang Cheng had no choice but to bring it together.

There were no people in the cafe at this time, except for the waiter, there were only one or two tables of guests. There is a table where a man is drinking coffee alone.

The man is very decent in a suit, revealing an elegant temperament all over his body, and he can tell that he is from a famous family. As soon as Jiang Cheng entered the door of the coffee shop, the man looked over, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Immediately stood up and greeted Jiang Cheng.

You are Mr. Jiang Chengjiang. My name is Li Xian and I am the grandson of Lao Li. "Li Xian introduced himself to Jiang Cheng.

"You are Lao Li's grandson!?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. He thought that Lao Li would randomly send someone to do this for him, but he didn't expect to send his own grandson.

Li Shengli's grandson is considered to be the top three-generation family power in Yanbang. It goes without saying that Li Xian himself is not simple. After graduating from Yanbang University five years ago, Li Xian started his own business without relying too much on family power. Mainly relying on its own strength to single-handedly founded today's Huajiaguo first-class technology company, the main business is robots.

It really surprised me Mr. Li to come in person"!" Jiang Cheng said from the heart.

Grandpa explained, let me listen to Mr. Jiang's words. "Li Xian said that a comfortable smile appeared on his face.

Thank you very much, thank you!" Jiang Cheng was very excited, if someone with such a high status came to do something for him, then this kind of trivial matter would not come by hand.

"I don't know what Mr. Jiang is planning now?

After a few people took their seats, Li Xian asked Jiang Cheng. On this trip, Li Shengli told him that he must use the best attitude towards Jiang Cheng and never offend him. Therefore, Li Xian is still curious about Jiang Cheng. At present, we plan to fix the company's address first, and talk about the others later. "Jiang honestly tells the truth. At present, he does not have any long-term plans.

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