Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1356: Chamber resistance

"I don’t know if Mr. Jiang has any plans for robots. Li Xian suddenly asked. Regarding the robots around Jiang Cheng, Li Xian heard Li Shengli mention it. If it is exactly what Li Shengli said, then Jiang Cheng has the robot technology in his hands. , Completely beyond the current era of technology, this is very likely to bring about a technological revolution!

This. . I haven't thought about it. "Jiang Cheng said. Indeed, at present, he has not considered using robotics to make money, but this is also a way. Bi Jing technology is only meaningful when used. Before Li Xianlai, he had a bold idea in his mind. That is to directly let Jiang Cheng use technology to invest in his company.

Although my company is already a domestic first-class technology company, it is still very inadequate in terms of technology. At present, it mainly relies on foreign technology, especially core technology, which is imported. Once foreign cooperation is interrupted, then Li Xian The company will be plunged into a dead end. Li Xian realized this problem very early, but couldn't find a solution. But after Grandpa mentioned Jiang Cheng's robot last time, Li Xian's mind became active. If you can get the technical support of Jiang Cheng, then the sharp company will surely show up in the world!

But all this is based on Jiang Cheng's willingness, so Li Xian now has to find a way to get Jiang Cheng's support.

I have a proposal. I wonder if Mr. Jiang has heard of Charm Technology Co., Ltd.?" Li Xian asked.

I have heard of a company that specializes in robots. What? "Jiang Cheng is a little strange, why did Li Xian suddenly ask this?

"That's my company. If Mr. Jiang doesn't dislike it, I can exchange company shares for Mr. Jiang's technology!" Li Xian looked at Jiang Cheng and said seriously.

Shen Qinguang on the side was anxious when he heard Li Xian's words, if Jiang Cheng used technology to invest in a new company. Then, isn't the chairman of Rhinoceros himself going to waste!

Fortunately, Jiang Chengjing did not agree with Li Xian's proposal.

Haha, thank Mr. Li for his kindness, but I came to Yanbang this time to open a branch, and I have no plans to buy shares of others. Jiang Cheng refused with a smile. If he takes a stake in his company, what about his own Existence Technology Co., Ltd. Jiang Cheng also intends to make his company a world-class giant!

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Li Xian couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He couldn't get Jiang Cheng's support. With the strength of his company, the goal of owning his own core technology could not be realized.

"But..." Jiang Cheng continued. Li Xian lifted his spirits upon hearing these words. But what?

But you can cooperate with my company!" Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

You mean..." Li Xian's eyes lit up as if he had thought of something.

Yes, we can reach a strategic level of cooperation. I can give you the latest technical products every year. We will not get involved in the robot. The core technology will not be disclosed to you, but you are allowed to research. We want to do it. . "Jiang Cheng said, as soon as he finished talking about the others, he was not calm.

Team worker?!!" Several people called at the same time, causing the waiter next to him to look frequently.

Do you want to shout with a loudspeaker?" "Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "No, boss, aren't you just laughing, you don't know how high the entry barriers for team workers are, right? Those are the procedures...Shen Qinguang stopped talking here, because he wanted to sit up The identity of this person around.

Who is this? The eldest grandson of the Li family!

The power of Yanbang Jiang Li, and all kinds of powerful and powerful people are emerging in an endless stream. Those who have good things have made a rough division of Yanbang's power.

The top forces of Yanbang are mainly five big families, Zhao Qian Sun Li Wang. Among them, the Zhao family is the most, and the other four are divided into courts. Downward, there are personal powers with enormous powers or wealth, far incomparable with family powers.

In the Li family, it can be said that in Yanbang, except for a few people from the other four families, the rest can be completely ignored. Now the eldest grandson of the Li family is his own, it is not difficult to intervene in teamwork.

Li Xian also understands this truth. If you want to get Jiang Cheng's technology, you must pay something. Jiang Cheng's conditions are not unreasonable. It is simply giving himself the core technology for nothing. These expressions are not justified. But this is also a big deal, and I can't decide.

Seeing Li Xian's hesitation, Jiang Cheng smiled, did not say anything, but manipulated his bracelet a few times. Soon, Li Xian's bracelet rang.

This is the worst kind of weapon I have so far, so take a look. "Jiang Cheng said.

When Li Xian heard it, he manipulated the bracelet and looked at it. As time passed, Li Xian's facial expressions became more and more exciting, and soon he couldn't calm down.

"I'll go back and discuss with my grandfather now! I'll contact you later!" After speaking, he hurriedly left, there is no such thing as calmness and the elegant shadow before, as if he has changed himself.

Boss, what did you show him, so excited?" Shen Qinguang asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just show him a rubbish." Jiang Cheng said lightly.

Shen Qinguang and others looked at Jiang Cheng indifferently, as if he really lost a piece of rubbish, but could **** make the grandson of the dignified Li family behave like this!

The remaining three people continued to drink coffee. I have to say that the coffee in this restaurant still tastes good.

It was night in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Cheng was chatting with Zhang Mengmeng in the villa. Through chatting, Jiang Cheng has a general understanding of Zhang Mengmeng.

Chang Mengmeng is an out-and-out Xiao Tian オ. He graduated from Yanbang University and entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the age of fifteen. At the age of eighteen, he had already published papers internationally. During this period, he also produced many new high-tech products for the country, covering various fields. It can be said that It's a pervert. She is twenty-two years old this year and is already a director.

It can be said that Mayfair exists as a national treasure. Zhang Mengmeng has no hobbies, just likes to eat, at this point the country has certainly spared no effort to satisfy her.

However, according to Zhang Mengmeng, she was a little tired of working for the country, so she ran out some time ago to relax. She didn't want to come back, but she barely returned to Yanbang after her boss told her everything good. But he was still reluctant to return to the laboratory, so Jiang Cheng protected Zhang Mengling.

After gaining a general understanding of Zhang Mengmeng, Jiang Cheng can be regarded as knowing what kind of abnormality is around him. When I was about to chat with Zhang Mengmeng a little more, Li Xian called in.

"Mr. Jiang, are you free now, let's talk." Li Xian's voice was very solemn.

Yes, where to meet?

After a while, Jiang Cheng and the three reappeared in the coffee shop where several people had visited at noon.

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