Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1357: Biotechnology!

How are you thinking about it?" Jiang Cheng asked. He confidently asked. He believed that no one would refuse the technology he took out. "I agree with your request. In the course of your company's operation, we will do our best Our efforts provide convenience for you, but what are our conditions?

The country is your only customer. It doesn't matter which team you sell to, but only our country!" Li Xian said this sentence very seriously, and his tone was full of irresistible flavor.

Jiang Cheng understands this requirement very well. It is impossible for the Bi Jing Li family to maintain a team enterprise for other countries!

Agree!" Jiang Cheng said very readily.

Okay, someone will come to you after the specific matters. We have already arranged the address of the company and selected the factory site. The rest is your own business.

I have to say that this Li family is happy to do things. It took less than one afternoon to complete the things that I wanted to help when I came to Yanbang. I only need to stay a few more days to arrange the things that should be arranged. Then you can go back to Takeshi.

What about the core?" Li Xian asked.

Jiang Cheng laughed, snapped his fingers, and suddenly a big man appeared out of nowhere, standing in front of Jiang Cheng and the others.

From now on, completely obey his orders. "Jiang Cheng said, pointing at Li Xian.

"The big man took Li Xian a lot, then stored all his information in his own database, and then responded, "Yes!" "Then I looked at Li Xian.

Li Xian looked at the big man who suddenly appeared in front of him. At first he didn't react. He was still thinking about who this was. Then when he heard Jiang Cheng's words and thought of his grandfather, he reacted. This is grandpa. The super-simulated robot mentioned!

From the outside, it is really impossible to tell that this is a robot! This is not only mechanical technology, but also biotechnology!

You can bring this robot back and study it yourself. You can do whatever you want, but I won’t reveal the simulation technology to you. I think it’s better for me to take charge of this technology for the time being. "Jiang Cheng said. The robot he gave is actually just an ordinary bodyguard robot. It has no value to him, but the biotechnology technology is very high-end. If it is revealed now, there will only be disadvantages and no benefits.

Li now nodded to express understanding. After a lot of this robot again for a while, Li Xianqiang resisted the urge to study now, and said to Jiang Cheng and others: "You haven't eaten yet, I invite you to eat.

Jiang Cheng and others agreed. Especially Zhang Mengmeng, the foodie, when he heard what he was eating, his two eyes immediately lit up, like a wolf.

Li Xian drove a few people straight to a quaint restaurant. Jiang Cheng saw that there was a large plaque hanging on the gate, and the words Quanjude on the plaque area were shining brightly.

Quanjude roast duck has a long history. It is said that it has been passed down since the Qing Dynasty. It can be said to be a Yanbang brand. If people who come to Yanbang don’t eat Quanjude roast once, it’s like a white visit. .

At this time, the front of Quanjude was full of cars, and people kept walking towards Quanjude, very hot.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng felt that there should be no place in his heart. As if seeing Jiang Cheng's mind, Li Xian said, "Don't worry about too many people and we will have no place. There will always be a few places that are empty.

That’s right, let’s not talk about Quanjude’s well-known hotels at home and abroad. Even some ordinary three-star hotels will have specially reserved empty boxes in case some big people come to eat because they don’t have a place.

Li Xian's identity, how could he queue up outside just like everyone else, waiting for a call. Seeing Li Xian made a call and said something, he hung up. Soon, a person in charge trot to Jiang Cheng and the others.

Mr. Li's presence is not far away! Mr. Li don't mind that the supervisor said very politely. As a supervisor, he wants to know some of the people in Yanbang who have a good face, and Li Xian is also a regular customer, so he can find Li Xian and others as soon as he goes out. "Director Xiao is polite. These are all my friends. Today, I am an **** and invited my friend to dinner. You must entertain me!" Li Xian introduced with a smile.

Haha, it must be, Mr. Li’s friend is our distinguished guest, and I will definitely entertain him. "The supervisor nodded to Jiang Cheng and the others.

A few people will come with me, and the boxes have been arranged. "Director Xiao finished speaking and led the way.

After Jiang Cheng and his party of four arrived in the box and took a seat, there were already waiters who brought the dishes one after another.

The main dish is naturally roast duck. And this one that appeared at the dinner table of Jiang Cheng and others is the most famous Yanbang duck filling.

The unique roasted babbler has a history of more than 300 years. As early as the Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, there are related written records of roasted duck and roasted duck. In the Ming Dynasty, roast ducks also appeared in the palace, but at that time most of the roast ducks were made of Nanjing Lake duck, which was small in size, which was inferior to the later Yanbang roast duck.

The origin of the name of the duck is because of the way the duck is raised. It is artificially stuffed directly into the duck's beak, so it is called the duck. The ducks raised in this way have strong digestion and fast growth. Feed regularly every day Tucked into the duck's mouth for 15 days, the weight of the duck can reach more than three kilograms, and in this way, the duck has more fat and better meat quality.

This kind of stuffed duck is roasted by Quanjude's secret method. It is delicious and unique. This is the famous Yanbang roast duck, which indirectly promotes the development of the duck breeding industry in Yanbang City.

Came up with the duck and was a cook. After everyone had gone through the roast duck, the chef sliced ​​the roast duck one by one on the operating table next to the dining table, and then sent them to everyone’s bowls. Everyone put the prepared lotus leaves in front of them. You only need a packet of roast duck for the sauce.

Jiang Cheng and several people were full of praise for the roast duck, and they gobbled it up, but Zhang Mengmeng seemed a little glum. Jiang Cheng thought about it for a while and understood the reason for it.

Chang Mengmeng has stayed in Beijing for so many years. There is something delicious in Beijing that she hasn't eaten. This roast probably doesn't interest her at all. Jiang Cheng said as he ate, "Mengmeng, are you tired of roast duck?

"Yes, I used to love to eat, but then I got tired of eating every day, and now I don't have the desire to eat something.

"Then how about I take you to Wushi to eat delicious food in a few days?" Jiang Cheng showed a lustful smile on the strange abduction girl, Mayfair. "Hey, uncle, you are so lustful, do you have an idea for me!" Zhang Mengmeng almost made Jiang Cheng spit out a roast duck, but he actually had some thoughts about her. But don't get me wrong. To be precise, she has ideas about her talent.

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