Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1358: Umbrella

There is no shortage of people in my company at present, but this kind of scientific research personnel is very lacking. Although he can come up with very advanced technology at any time, it is not enough for such a large company to rely on himself alone. In the past few days, after understanding Zhang Mengmeng, Jiang Cheng has moved his mind. Wherever, Wushi really has a lot of delicious food! If you don't believe me, ask Qinguang!" After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, Zhang Mengmeng looked at Shen Qinguang.

Shen Qinguang was naturally on Jiang Cheng’s side. He nodded, and after swallowing the roast duck in his mouth, he said slowly: It’s nothing, it’s just some snacks, such as marinated tofu, dried squirrel, mandarin fish, plum cake , Watermelon Chicken, Beggar Chicken, Biluo Shrimp, Book Lamb, Honey Sauce Fire Fang...

Okay, don't talk about it! I have the money! Let's go eat now!" Zhang Mengmeng said and stood up.

Don't grandma, my business hasn't been arranged yet! Then when do you want to arrange it! I can't help it! "" Zhang Mengmeng is looking forward to it.

One day, give me a day to arrange it, and we will go back the day after tomorrow. !" Jiang Cheng said, he wanted to return to Wushi a long time ago, and Yanbang's problems here are almost resolved, and I can leave here tomorrow after I arrange some technical matters.

Then I will wait for you for a day," Zhang Mengmeng said and sat down and took a bite of the roast duck in front of him.

Two days later, at the entrance of Yanbang Airport.

Don't worry, boss, Yanbang has me here!" Shen Qinguang said to Jiang Cheng.

It took two days for Jiang Cheng to arrange Yanbang's affairs here, one day more than he expected, which made Zhang Mengmeng very dissatisfied, but there was nothing to do.

Just don't patronize picking up girls!" Jiang Cheng looked at Shen Qinguang in front of the old satyr with a light of liberation in his eyes.

These days Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng have both lived in the villa, and Shen Qinguang is not too arrogant, but he broke him. It is estimated that a woman will not be able to satisfy him tonight.

"Passengers going to Wu City, please pay attention. The flight is about to take off, please board as soon as possible." "A voice urging boarding came from the airport announcement.

I'll go now. I'll leave it to you. If you have any questions, please call Li Xian. "Jiang Cheng said, Li Xian didn't come to see him today because of family affairs.

Knowing the boss, it’s easy to go all the way! Get out, you can go all the way!"

That afternoon, Jiang Cheng and Zhang Mengmeng arrived at Wushi Airport. As soon as he left the exit, Jiang Cheng noticed Jiang Qing'er who was already waiting there.

After a few days, Jiang Qing'er was even more beautiful, with a slender figure and a Qingling face, but he carried a very powerful aura, and the temperament of a domineering female president was revealed in Jiang Qing'er.

But when Jiang Qinger saw Jiang Cheng, her temperament suddenly changed, and she was immediately full of Xiaojiabiyu's feeling, which made Zhou's men very envious of Jiang Cheng. Jiang Qing'er looked at Jiang Cheng's eyes and made no secret of the love in those eyes, even Zhang Mengmeng who was on the side could feel it.

"Qing'er, you are here." Jiang Cheng was also very excited when he saw Qing'er coming to pick him up. In Yanbang these days, he is thinking about Qing'er very tightly.

"Is this Mr. Jiang?" Jiang Qinger'er was very excited when he saw Jiang Cheng's young sister Zhang Mengmeng, and he was half cold. I brought it back in a few days.

I'll have it in the future! But this woman is really big. . Jiang Qinger thought in her heart.

This is Director Zhang of the National Research Center. This is Jiang Qinger, the CEO of our company. "Jiang Cheng introduced to the two women.

You are Sister Qing'er. I heard Brother Jiang Cheng mentioned you when I was in Yanbang. You are so beautiful!

Where is the Mengying sister Yu Liang? She is the director of the National Research Center at such a young age! She is not a face!

After the two women exaggerated each other in this way, they chatted and chatted, leaving Jiang Cheng completely aside. This made Jiang Cheng feel very speechless about the friendship between girls.

It didn't take long for the two to return to their respective villas, and Zhang Mengmeng moved to Jiang Qinger's home. In Zhang Mengmeng's words, that is, "This uncle always looks at me with lustful eyes, which makes people very scared.

So after Jiang Qinger killed Jiang Cheng countless times with her eyes, she let Zhang Mengmeng live in her home, but why Zhang Mengmeng would be with Jiang Cheng, this had to be asked slowly later.

Just when Jiang Cheng arrived at his villa, he received a call from Li Shengli. Now Li Shengli was scared when he saw the call from Jiang Cheng, and always had a bad feeling.

"Jiang Cheng, are you home?" asked Li Shengli on the other end, still similar to the opening remarks at Yanbang Airport last time, and there is really nothing good Jiang Cheng thought in his heart.

Well, when I first arrived, just talk about it. "Jiang Cheng's heart rolled his eyes.

OK, then I'll be straightforward. You Wushi is not at peace recently. What do you mean?

In recent years, based on our investigation, the underground world activities in Takeshi have become more and more rampant, and the underworld groups have been banned. I hope you can clean up for me. "After Li Shengli on the other side finished speaking, Jiang Cheng here is about to sit poorly.

Brother! I'm a businessman reading! Just let me protect that little witch. Now let me rectify the underworld for you? Why don't the country raise so many people? I have to go as a businessman! "Jiang Cheng can't figure it out, is there no one else in the Special Operations Department of the Guoan Team!

Hey, don't worry, listen to me. The situation in Takeshi is a bit complicated. It’s not just that club activities are rampant. We suspect that there are senior mansions serving as their umbrella. You are a newcomer in the organization, but in terms of social status, you can reach a higher level than other members. So this matter belongs to you.

"Huh, don't give me this set, I don't do it.

You will be in charge of the underground world of Takeshi from now on.

Otherwise, you can't be with Qinger.

How to say? "When I heard this, Jiang Cheng was puzzled. What did this have to do with Qing'er.

Do you know Jiang Qinger?

When asked by Li Shengli, Jiang Cheng found out that his understanding of Jiang Qinger seemed to be limited to those after knowing Jiang Qinger, and he had no knowledge of Jiang Qinger's past or her family.

Help me with this, you will know soon. By the way, you can tell Jiang Qinger your identity, which is helpful for your mission. "Li Shengli said lightly.

Jiang Cheng pondered for a moment, then agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng fell into thinking about what identity Jiang Qing'er had and what it had to do with this task. Jiang Cheng now feels that his life is really not easy. Originally, he only wanted to be a business master, but he didn't expect to become a underworld master later.

Didi Jiangcheng's bracelet rang at this time. Jiang Cheng saw that it was a piece of information sent by Li Shengli regarding the current division of the underground forces in Wu City.

At present, the underground world gang in Wushi is Jiang Li, but there are mainly one big gang, the Iron Clan Gang, the Tiger Gang and the Qing Gang. .

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