Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1360: Autopilot

"Xiaoyou Jiang doesn't know anything, let alone the people here, let's talk about fighting Tieshan and Tiger, but Xu Jianwu's group can't beat it. It really doesn't have any chance of winning.

That was before. It's different now. ""Jiang Cheng said and waved his hand," Ayan, showed his second uncle.

Ayan received the order and walked to the compound. I saw two clarinets suddenly protruded from the soles of Ayan's feet, and then, a large group of flames emerged from the clarinet, and Ayan flew into the air, sitting in the air with various difficult movements.

"They also have this kind of robots, which is far from enough." Jiang Wei said, indeed, with the technological innovation, the fights of the community now basically rely on robots, so that many unnecessary casualties can be avoided, although Jiang Cheng's robot looks no different from humans, but what role can it play in determining sacrifices?

Let's watch. "At this time, Ayan's arms and thighs flexed and stretched, and various parts began to deform. A few seconds later, a small fighter appeared in front of Jiang Wei and others.

At this time, Jiang Wei's mouth opened into a type 0. Everyone has robots, but who dares to have fighters!

"Jiang Xiaoyou this... will it be too exaggerated, this... will this scene be too big..." Jiang Wei was very worried.

Haha, don’t worry, second uncle, this is the ultimate killer, you won’t be able to use it unless you have to, look at this again. "Speaking, Jiang Cheng issued a command on the bracelet.

Following Jiang Cheng's order, a neat sound of footsteps reached Jiang Wei's ears, and he saw a square formation approaching him outside his villa.

The phalanx is composed of twenty-four big men, and at this time these twenty-four big men are walking toward themselves and others in neat steps. The courageous momentum carried by the twenty-four big men made Jiang Wei's eyes flashed brightly.

Second uncle here is a good robot in the help, can be discharged to compete. "Jiang Cheng said confidently.


Jiang Wei also wants to know where Jiang Cheng's confidence comes from. With a wave of his hand, a group of robots came out immediately.

Jiang Wei was assigning one of them, and Jiang Cheng dissuaded him.

Uncle, let's go together.

This, do you want to rely on more people to beat me? "No wonder Jiang Wei asked such a question. Jiang Cheng has obviously more people than Jiang Wei. Jiang Wei has at most ten robots here.

No, it would be better if I just send yours. "Jiang Cheng said confidently.

Well, don't blame me if you broke your robot at that time. "Jiang Wei still has confidence in his robot, which is the most expensive combat robot on the market.

I saw Jiang Wei manipulate the bracelet a few times, and then the robot on Jiang Wei's side rushed towards Jiang Cheng's robot.

The robot randomly assigned by Jiang Cheng still stood motionless, as if he couldn't determine his goal. Soon, Jiang Wei’s robot pounced on Jiang Cheng’s robot. Then, one of Jiang Wei’s robots pounced towards Jiang Cheng, and then the remaining robots pounced on Jiang Cheng’s robot one after another. Going up, Jiang Cheng's robot was soon covered with Jiang Wei's robot.

Jiang Wei looked at Jiang Cheng triumphantly, and the meaning in his eyes was clear. It's nothing more than your robot. At this moment, the abnormal change protruded. Jiang Wei's robots suddenly seemed to cramp one after another. If they had tendons, they would convulse all over, and then they would fall to the ground one by one, motionless.

This...what's going on? "Jiang Wei was dumbfounded.

"Haha, second uncle, robots also need to be mindful. You can't just know how to do it." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

After laughing, his robot is currently the most intelligent robot in the world. In terms of scheming, I am afraid that most humans can't match it, let alone these foolish robots. When Jiang Wei’s robot came into contact with Jiang Cheng’s robot, Jiang Cheng’s robot sent the virus to Jiang Wei’s robot chip. Soon, Jiang Wei’s robot was affected by these viruses. Robots are just pediatrics.

You deserve to be the chairman of a technology company. It seems that the Youth Gang is promising this time. "Jiang Wei sighed.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Wei, Jiang Cheng received a call from Li Shengli. Li Shengli is here to inform Jiang Cheng to report to the Wushi security team, so that Jiang Cheng can get some help from the security team.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and agreed. Li Shengli said that someone would come to pick him up. Let him wait a while downstairs in the company.

Jiang Cheng stood at the door as promised, and after a while, a domineering Mercedes stopped beside him. When the car door opened, the first thing that entered Jiang Cheng's sight was a pair of big long legs. These legs are well-proportioned and slender. The most terrible thing is that they are wearing a pair of black silk, which is very sensational.

Then, the upper body also came out. What came out was a young girl. Long wavy hair draped over his shoulders, a pair of big sunglasses, and a sensational smile on his face. The girl's figure is very good, and the two peaks attract people's attention very much. Her upper body was wearing a short short shirt with exposed navels, and her lower body was wearing short shorts. In terms of sensation, she was definitely the most feeling Jiang Cheng had ever seen.

When Jiang Cheng saw this woman, a word popped out of her mind.


When the girl got out of the car, she saw Jiang Cheng who was waiting here. She looked at the photos on the phone, then twisted and walked to Jiang Cheng's side.

Hello, handsome boy, you are Jiang Cheng. "The girl greeted enthusiastically. "Yes, I am. Are you Li Lao calling to pick me up? "Jiang Cheng's eyes kept looking at the girl, but his brain did not become dull. After three months of training, his ability to see people has also suffered. A lot. The moment this girl appeared, Jiang Cheng concluded that she was a practitioner, martial arts must be uncertain, and it seemed that she had other abilities.

"Yeah, little brother, let's go with them." The girl said, she stepped forward and prepared to hold Jiang Cheng's hand. Jiang Cheng was startled and stepped back subconsciously.

Haha, brother, what are you afraid of? If your sister can still eat, you can't make it? Let's go. "Speaking, taking the lead to walk into the car, Jiang Cheng also got into the car obediently.

After getting in the car, I saw the girl reaching for a certain position on the dashboard, and a machine sounded, "Hello, Ms. Fang, may I ask your destination."

Back to base. "The girl said lightly.

Okay, the route is being planned. Route planning is autopilot. "As soon as the voice fell, the car started. Then, the chassis seemed to be supported by something, and the whole car floated. But in Jiang Cheng's eyes, it was still a bit behind.

The girl thought that Jiang Cheng had never seen such a car, and she said, "Haha, little brother, don't be too envious of the scene, you will have everything later.

Jiang Cheng could not help but be full of longing for this place. The car finally stopped in front of a **** toy store after going around. The girl took the lead and walked in.

Jiang Cheng thought to himself, is the base here?

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