Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1361: Single-attribute

"Don't think about my little brother, the base is not here, I'll buy a few sets, otherwise you need to do nothing later, just a little bit." The girl smiled.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but pause. Seeing this, the girl couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Cheng knew that he had been fooled by this woman, and several black lines flashed across his forehead. "What a fairy." Jiang Cheng thought lightly in his heart.

Enter the store. The shop is not big, and the girl walked directly to the toilet. Jiang Cheng followed closely behind him and entered the bathroom, there was nothing special. I saw the girl take off her sunglasses, put her hand on the bottom of the dryer, and looked at the mirror. At this moment, an electronic sound sounded, "Verification passed. Then, the wardrobe behind her opened from the middle to the sides, revealing A channel.

Go in, I have to leave beforehand. "The girl turned around and left after she said it. What a strange woman, Jiang Cheng thought in his heart.

Entering the passage, the closet behind him closed automatically, and then someone came out and led Jiang Cheng in. After turning around, I came to a gate. The gate was as high as two Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng could see that the gate was made by the hardest kind of metal found on the earth. In other words, it was a hundred years ago that made the world fearful. It’s estimated that it will take two nuclear weapons to attack this gate. When the person stood in front of the door, a probe automatically extended and scanned the person's whole body up and down. Then, the door slowly opened, and after the person invited Jiang Cheng in, he walked out. , There is no word in the whole process.

At this moment, there is an ordinary person here, and he will definitely be taken aback by the sight in front of him.

At the end of the passage, there is a laboratory-like place, but it is not scientific research figures in white coats that shuttle through it, but a group of people in suits and leather shoes with dignified faces. The whole secret room is full of seriousness and efficiency.

Various seemingly mysterious instruments are constantly working. Various data are calculated by various instruments and then transmitted to where they should go. There are only the working sounds of the instruments and the personnel in the entire laboratory. The sound of walking is 180, and there are very few unnecessary sounds that are all in order.

"How about it, okay?" Just as Jiang Cheng was watching here, a middle-aged man's voice sounded behind Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was taken aback, and turned around to take a look. He was a middle-aged man with a handsome face.

This man's show top is not the biggest feature, but the big belly is. His beer belly is enough to dwarf most middle-aged men and feel ashamed. The first feeling it gives people is nouveau riche.

Uh, who are you, this uncle?" Jiang Cheng asked, this man seemed to feel like a nouveau riche.

Uncle? You call me uncle? Call me big brother! . No! Called the captain! ""The man suddenly became anxious when he heard Jiang Cheng call his uncle. Isn't this an insult! Is he so old?

Um... Captain?" Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled, how come another captain appeared.

I am the top person in charge of the Special Operations Division of the Takeshi Security Team. Everyone calls me the captain. "The middle-aged man Xiuding said.

Uh, it sounds very prestigious. "That's!" The middle-aged Xiuding said tenderly. So why do you look like a nouveau riche?

You are a nouveau riche! Your whole family is a nouveau riche! I am like this for a special reason! I am 30 years old this year, OK?" said the middle-aged uncle Xiuding.

Jiang Cheng said, almost spitting out old blood.

Go out and say fifty people are too young to call it young! Are you telling me you ten? I look so stupid?

Uncle, you teased me? Thirty? I'm still eighteen this year!" Jiang Cheng said mercilessly, the person in charge of the **** doesn't seem to be tuned at all. There is also this place, although it looks like various instruments Very advanced, but in Jiang Cheng's eyes, these things are really indistinguishable from primitive people. The level of science and technology in this era is still much worse than I thought.

Okay, you will believe it later. Do you know what you are here for this time?" the person in charge asked.

"I know, let's see what technology you have that can help me, but it doesn't seem to be right now." Jiang Cheng said mercilessly, without showing any affection to this person in charge.

The person in charge was not angry, and smiled and said, "Haha, these are of course nothing to you as a scientific and technological talent! The main purpose of this visit is one. Have you heard of ability training?" When it came to this ability training, the person in charge looked obviously serious.

Ability training medium? This is really unheard of. "Jiang Cheng thought about it carefully. Indeed, he had never heard of this name before.

Ability Medium, as the name suggests, is used to cultivate abilities. The person in charge said lightly.

Supernatural powers?! "Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, there really are supernatural powers in this world?

I could see the doubt in Jiang Cheng's heart, the person in charge motioned Jiang Cheng to go with him, and introduced

There are no wonders in the world of Wangan, and supernatural powers naturally exist. A hundred years ago, a lot of supernaturalists appeared in our region, and their abilities are not the same. After these hundred years of development, the world of supernaturalists has gradually become standardized and has a complete division system. . "The person in charge said here and stopped for a while. At this moment they walked to a door again, and the person in charge walked in with Jiang Cheng after various verifications.

This is also a laboratory. The difference is that there is a large ground container, and the container contains... It's a human being! Jiang Cheng looked at these and was shocked. Could it be that genetic experiments are being done here?

The person in charge ignored Jiang Cheng's horrified eyes, and continued to say that at present, the powers in the world are roughly divided into three categories, those with elemental powers, those with beast powers, and those with main powers. And these three types of supernatural beings are divided into the supernatural beings of innate sacrifice and the supernatural beings of acquired being. The supernatural beings of congenital animals are the supernatural beings who are awakened by themselves. These people are often born with supernatural powers, and after a certain period of time, they will awaken on their own and become supernatural beings. The acquired supernatural ability relies on genetic drugs to form supernatural powers, and the success rate is extremely low, but the ability will be stronger than the inborn supernatural ability.

A person with elemental abilities, as the name suggests, is a person who can use various elements of time for his own use. Basically, they are all those who belong to the animal power alone. It is not ruled out that there are many people who belong to the animal power. However, most of these people are weak, and very few people have cultivated to a high level.

Beast powers refer to powers that are related to various beasts, and even transform into beasts to fight. Such powers tend to have stronger combat power but the original powers refer to those powers that rely on themselves Use a part of itself, such as perspective. The reason why the person in charge has such a huge stomach is because he is also a supernatural power, and his supernatural power is his stomach! This is also a strange thing.

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