Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1362: Fire Bar

At present, the world's supernaturalists are divided according to their ability from low to high, roughly divided into one to ten, and ten levels. There has not yet been a level ten ability. The strength of the power is determined by their own mental power, the stronger the mental power, the stronger the power.

The person in charge said here, so he didn't talk about it, because the two had already reached the destination this time.

This laboratory is not big, just like a classroom. There are not many instruments, only the rectangular instrument placed in the middle is the most conspicuous.

That is the ability training medium. "The person in charge explained to Jiang Cheng from the side. Everyone who enters the special operations unit will come here to use this machine for testing.

Everyone who enters the special operations area will come here to use this machine for detection. This machine can automatically detect whether you are an innate ability person. If you are an innate ability person who has not yet awakened, it will use your ability. Awakening, if it is not a supernatural being, you can decide whether to accept the cultivation of an acquired supernatural being according to your wishes. "The person in charge finished speaking and signaled the surrounding staff to start preparing.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng still felt a little bit resisted. Strictly speaking, I am no longer a person on this planet. If I go to the test, it will not detect any problems.

That uncle... Captain!

Oh.... . Captain, I won't check it out, I don't want to be a superpower. "Jiang Cheng said.

How many people are lining up to become supernaturalists! If you are not a special operations team member of supernaturalists, you can only be in charge of clerical positions in the base, and you are not qualified to go out and do missions. I heard that you are really in charge of Jiang Qing'er's house now..." The person in charge pretended to mention Jiang Qing'er unintentionally, which made Jiang Cheng had to subdue.

If this is placed before the task, then if he is unwilling, there is no way to kill him. But Jiang Qing'er didn't want to leave it to others, after all, it was his own Qing'er.

"I do!" Jiang Cheng said.

That's right. No, let's go in. "The person in charge pointed to the classroom-sized laboratory and signaled Jiang Cheng to enter.

Jiang Cheng opened the door and walked in. The staff inside had also been ordered to instruct Jiang Cheng step by step.

After half an hour.

Jiang Cheng was already lying naked on the culture medium. As the staff gave instructions, Jiang Cheng felt a burst of electric current flowing from the instrument into his brain, stimulating his nerves.

Pain, this is what Jiang Cheng feels now. At this time, Jiang Cheng no longer knew who he was and where he was. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was pain.

Jiang Cheng's consciousness was gradually sinking under this severe pain, and Jiang Cheng only felt that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Just as Jiang Cheng's consciousness was about to dissipate, a torrent of heat flowed from Jiang Cheng's brain to his body, nourishing Jiang Cheng's limbs and joints, and Jiang Cheng's consciousness returned.

At this moment, a voice rang in Jiang Cheng's mind.

Due to the special energy stimulation from the outside world, the black technology system has been upgraded! At present, it has been upgraded to the ability black technology system, and the ability section is opened. Check host body data.... . Drop! Data detected as

Name: Jiang Cheng, Don't: Male Ability: Thunder Ability Level: Ability Ability: No Mental Power: 500 Comprehensive Evaluation: Middle and Lower. Drop! Turn on the ability evolution function.

Following the series of prompts in his mind, Jiang Cheng also completely regretted that this system could be upgraded? What is this power evolution system? Just as Jiang Cheng felt suspicious, the voice in his mind rang. The power evolution system is a system made by the power black technology system for the power system of the host's current world. The host can use this system to practice powers according to the plan made by the system. And there are abilities in the system, and ability skills are provided to the host, and the host can choose according to his needs.

When Jiang Cheng heard this, combined with the situation that the person in charge had just introduced to him, Jiang Cheng understood in an instant that in this world, he was about to embark on the path of superpower.

Jiang Cheng slowly opened his eyes, in a daze, he saw a big fat face, scared Jiang Cheng subconsciously pushed forward, only to hear "Ah yo", Jiang Cheng saw that this was not responsible People.

"What the **** is Jiang Cheng! The ability awakening is amazing!" The person in charge complained to Jiang Cheng, **** his **** in close contact with the floor.

Jiang Cheng looked at his hands in surprise at this time. I didn't use much strength just now, so why did I fly out? At this time, Jiang Cheng felt unspeakably refreshing and full of power.

Sorry, I didn't control it all at once. "" Jiang Cheng stepped forward and helped the person in charge up.

Alas, since you are an individual, I won't care about you. "The sadness in the person in charge at this time has disappeared, replaced by a kind of fanaticism, this feeling is like Jiang Cheng in front of him is a peerless beauty who has met once in a hundred years.

Not a peerless beauty, but a once-in-a-hundred-year encounter is true! Since he entered the Special Operations Department, he has witnessed many power awakenings, but it was the first time I saw the awakened person with a third-level power! I didn’t even hear it before!

The cultivation of supernatural powers is very difficult. The supernatural powers of the elemental type need to practice in places where the elements are rich, while the beast powers have to rely on various large supplements to cultivate. It is a very costly superpower. There is almost no good way to cultivate the power of the body, it can only let the power grow naturally.

The person in charge is currently a level 4 ability person, but as a body ability person, he can grow to level 4, which can be said to be very heavenly.

But just seeing Jiang Cheng's test report, this genius was also severely hit. Upon awakening, he is a third-level ability person, and it is also an ability of the Thunder system that is known for attack power. This really hits the bearer hard. Only he himself knows how much he has suffered in the middle of rising. But Jiang Cheng easily reached the third level so easily, which made him very unbalanced.

According to the regulations, the third-level ability person can already lead a small team and become a small team leader, so after reporting to the boss, the person in charge brought Jiang Cheng into the office.

The person in charge took out a certificate and handed it to Jiang Cheng, saying, "Jiang Cheng, from today on, you will be the captain of the second team. The appointment will come down tomorrow. You will come here tomorrow and meet your new team member. "After speaking, I walked away. Only Jiang Cheng was left alone in that face. Is there any mistake? I have just joined the organization for a few months before becoming the captain. In a few days, it will be my turn to do this as the person in charge, Jiang Cheng thought badly.

The next day, according to the location sent by the security team on the bracelet, Jiang Cheng came to the base of the second team. It's in a bar called the Fire Bar. The Burning Fire Bar is located in the city center, the location is very good, and the decoration is considered luxurious. At night, the traffic here is very huge. But since it is daytime, the bar has not yet opened. The door was hidden. Jiang Cheng pushed the door in. The bar is very dim. The stools are all on the table, obviously not yet open for business.

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