Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1367: ferocious

Liu Tian smiled and beckoned, called the waiter on the side, whispered a few words in his ear, the waiter nodded after receiving the instruction and went down. After a while, the waiter came to Tranquility In front of.

At this moment, the waiter was standing in front of Tranquility with a bunch of ninety-nine flame attack roses in his hands.

This beautiful lady, Master Liu would like to invite you to enjoy your face and drink a few glasses. This is a little bit from Master Liu. "Speaking and handed the roses to Tranquility.

Tranquility was surprised at this time, and then two blushes appeared on the cheeks at both ends of his face, with a shy look on his face. That look is so pitiful. She nodded gently, and under the leadership of the waiter, she came to a box.

Liu Tianxiao opened the box when the waiter went to invite Tranquility. Bi Jing's box was easy to handle. As he waited anxiously in the box that was about to be unbearable, Tranquility finally arrived at the box under the leadership of the waiter.

The waiter had already retired wittily. At this time, there were only Jing Jing and Liu Tianxiao in the box.

"Hello, Master Liu, this is Nana." After Tranquility confirmed that this is today's goal, she spoke first.

Na [Anonymous Novel] Na, good your name, nice! I am Jin, you should know it. "Liu Tianxiao said proudly. He believed that this woman must know who she is and will obey her very much.

People know, Master Liu. "Said quietly, without forgetting to cast a wink.

Liu Tianxiao couldn't bear it anymore and didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so he hugged Ning Ning directly. Unexpectedly, Ning dodged Liu Tianxiao's bear embrace.

"Oh, what are you worried about, Young Master Liu! You just wanted to be like that when we met, hate it!" Tranquility pretended to be shy, which made Liu Tianzai unable to control herself.

What happened just after meeting? Of course you can come when you see it. Come on, baby! "Say, Liu Tianzai is in a bear hug again. This time, Tranquility did not escape, letting Liu Tianxiao hug him. Then, a strange pink light flashed in his eyes.

Charm skills are activated. Quiet ability is a kind of mutant elemental skills, as long as the target is not a higher level than your own ability.

The skill effect is 100% effective. After being hit by the charm skill, not only will he obey her with all his heart, but also fall into a kind of illusion, such as now.

Tranquility had already smiled at Liu Tian, ​​but Liu Tian still had a smile on his face, and he was still saying, "Hey baby, you have a great body!

Obviously, Liu Tianxiao fell into what kind of illusion, but it was a blessing to have such a spring dream.

"I have a mission here." Tranquility said to the communicator.

It didn't take long before Jiang Cheng and Counting Sheep walked in, and as soon as they came in, they saw Liu Tianxiao, who was doing movements on the side, working hard into the air. I have to say that Liu Tianxiao's words are really small, and I really feel sorry for those women, and they must not be satisfied.

This, how can we take him away like this?" Jiang Cheng asked Xiang Ningjing with a smile.

You can have a fight with him, help him solve it and he will recover. Little handsome guy, I don’t know if yours is better than him! "Speaking quietly, he made a stab at Liu Tianxiao's place, and then walked out of the box. Watching Jing Jing walking out of the box, Jiang Cheng thought to himself, what a fairy!

But in the end, they didn’t take much effort to bring Liu Tianxiao out of the golden years. After all, Tranquility won’t really be left alone. She just opened her mouth, and Liu Tianxiao followed Tranquility with her own stubbornness. gone. But Jiang Cheng and others went out after a while. So in the eyes of others, it's just that Liu Dashao had another top quality and took it out to be happy.

After a few people brought Liu Tianxiao out of the golden years, they sent it directly to the Qingmen, and handed them over to the people of the Qinggang. On the Tiger Gate side, it should not have reacted so quickly that this thing was done by their Qing Sect, and it would take a lot of time to even discover that the young gang leader is missing. Besides, Liu Tianxiao will not really disappear.

And recently, the main force of the Qingmen is planning a big move in the Qinglongtang in the northern part of Wu City.

That night, the three branches of Tekken Gate in Wushi were smashed and suffered heavy losses. According to the report, the three clubs were attacked at the same time, and it was a premeditated attack, because at the beginning of the attack, all signals within a radius of 20 miles from the three clubs were blocked and all distress messages were not sent. Those who went out and attacked were all good hands in good hands, absolutely elite, but being able to attack three branches at the same time is not something ordinary forces can do, and even Qingmen and Tigermen want to be alone. The tasks are very laborious.

Did they cooperate?

Did they cooperate?

At this moment, most people’s thoughts are, after all, with the strength of any of their homes, it is impossible to make this action. Therefore, time, the underground world of Takeshi is violent, and all forces have converged a lot, and they are ready to hide in the dark , And watch the changes.

Tiechaomen headquarters, north of Wushi, Wushi Tiecha Co., Ltd. That’s right, the form of Tekken’s existence is in the form of a company. Tekken’s main business is to deliver goods, relying on the delivery of goods and the supply of subordinate gangs to make ends meet. The members of Tekken are the employees of the company, and chairman Yu Zaitian is the master of Tekken.

Yu Zaitian seems to be only in his thirties, a little thin, his face looks very white, not like a black boss at all, but like a teacher. But no one would dare to provoke him because he was thin, because everyone who provoke him died. During the day, they live by delivering goods, but at night, almost all the entertainment venues in the northern part of Wu City are their venues. There are many thugs under the Tekken Men, and there is a 50-person robot team, which is personally in charge.

At this time, he was throwing angrily on the table.

"Can anyone tell me what the **** is going on!" He smashed the latest MAC on the table to the ground. Suddenly, this computer worth 80,000 yuan was broken into several pieces.

Several Tekken executives stood there brilliantly, not daring to talk. Who would dare to touch the bad at this time? It is said that the sect master is a supernatural person. Back then, the sect master relied on his own pair of iron fist gates to knock down the world. It is said that a hundred catties of boulders can also punch Explosion, if such a pair of iron 挙 fell on his head, how miserable the result would be.

At this time, Yu Zengtian's pale face was full of hideous writings. Three points! Three! I have a total of four branches, and I was destroyed three overnight, and I don’t even know who the other party is! Is there anything more aggrieved than this!!

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