Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1368: Dharma on the spot

Yu Zaitian looked at this group of trash under his men, and was almost out of breath. He did not doubt the Tiger Gate and the Blue Gate. But he is also one of the three major sects. Why doesn't he know the relationship between the three major sects. If he wants to cooperate, the possibility of sacrifice is as small as that of a certain island being sunk by a meteorite. The struggle of the three major sects started from the first day of their existence, and there is almost no possibility of adjustment. If it is not cooperation, but an arbitrary single family, it is even more impossible. Even if you cancel the three major branches yourself, you can't do it overnight! Could it be the supernatural power of the Qingmen? But there is only one superpower, are they more than one?

Yu Zaitian left thinking and couldn't think of the result, he became more irritable, and only his roaring and touching objects echoed in the entire office.

On the other side, Tiger Gate Liu Zhuangshi also received the fact that the three branches of Tie Fist Gate were destroyed overnight, and he suddenly thought of Jiang Cheng. But he also had the same doubts, could it be that Jiang Cheng could not be a clone, how he destroyed three branches at the same time. Liu Zhuangshi couldn't think of it.

At this time, his ring rang, and Liu Zhuangshi saw that he had sent out to find Liu Tianxiao's men. Last night Liu Tianxiao didn't return all night, and Liu Zhuangshi couldn't contact him anyway, so he sent his hand to find him in a hurry.

Hello, is there any news?

"The sect master, found the young master." said the other side.

"Oh? Where?"

In a hotel, with a woman. It looks like I drank too much last night.

Got it.

Liu Zhuangshi heard the return from his subordinates and put down the newcomer. At this time, the entrance of Room 4066 of the Exhibition Hotel. "Liu Tianxiao" was furious there.

"Do you have to take care of where I go? What's wrong with I bring someone to play with?" Liu Tianxiao shouted, and kicked a member of the Tigers next to him. The man got a kick but didn't give up. Dare to lift.

At this time, a big man came over.

Excuse me, master, this is also the command of the master, and the master is also worried about your safety.

Don't use my dad to press me! Now I know I am safe! Can I get out? "Liu Tianxiao" scolded these people unceremoniously. However, the big man in front of him seemed to be used to it, and he didn't show any unhappy expressions.

"Yes, Master, let's leave now." After speaking, he left with a group of little brothers, but he was thinking in his heart that this second generation ancestor would die on a woman's belly someday.

Liu Tian smiled when everyone had left, smiled weirdly, turned around and entered the room. Tranquility was sitting at the table in the room at this time.

How's it going?

Quietly asked.

"Haha, these silly people are gone." Liu Tianxiao said, a blue light flashed across his face, and immediately, this face changed its appearance. This is not who counts sheep.

It turned out that they had arranged this a long time ago, in order to let the Tigers find out that their young master is missing later, so that the Tigers will not act on the Qingmen, so that the Qingmen can free up their hands to deal with. Iron Fist Gate.

"That's all right, let's go.

"Do you really want to do a fake show?" Counting the sheep said with a smile. Oh? Handsome guy, do you really want it?" Tranquility said, a charming look gradually appeared in his eyes.

Don't, sister, I'm joking. "Counting Sheep was shocked and hurriedly left the room.

The green door at this time, in the conference room. The senior management gathered here again. Unlike the last time, everyone who came to the meeting last time had a sense of ambition and anxiety. At this time, everyone had a smile on their faces. How long has it been, and how long has the Qingmen raised their eyebrows. Since the conflict inside the gate, the Aomen has been restrained everywhere, and the site has been constantly being swallowed. Now that the Aomen has not started to take back its own territory, but it can destroy the three branches of the Iron Fist in one night. This will clearly understand the Aomen. The strength of this also gave them a reassurance. Jiang Qing'er sat in the first place and looked at the appearance of his subordinates, and knew that he was fed this reassurance pill.

That's right, the three clubs that smashed the iron fist door were just an appetizer, a means Jiang Qinger used to motivate his men. Now that the morale has been raised, it is time to return all that Qingmen lost in the past.

Jiang Qing'er looked at these happy men with rippling faces and smiled softly.


At this meeting, Qingmen formulated the right strategy for a comprehensive counter-offensive, and decided to attack the Tigers first. Why is it Tiger Gate? First of all, Tiger Gate is closest to the Blue Gate, and many of their sites are in handover places. If you first want to fight with Iron Fist Gate, you will inevitably not stumble yourself. Secondly, after the last incident of the Tie Fist Gate, it is now the end of the holiday season to be a human being, and now it is fighting Tiger Gate, so there is no need to worry about any small moves in the Tie Fist Gate. In the end, the young sect master of Tiger Gate is still in his hands, this is a trump card.

The Qingmen high-level decided to declare war from the battle for the territory. That night, the golden years of Tiger Gate. Just as everyone was indulging themselves and their wallets in their golden years, about 20 or 30 people in black rushed into the club with iron rods, yelled when they saw people, and smashed them when they saw things.

A big man in the lead shouted loudly: "The blue gate came to pick the field, and the unrelated people waited to leave quickly! The stick does not have eyes!"

When the people in the golden age heard this, they rushed to run outside. In the blink of an eye, there are only the Tigers watching the scene in the golden years. Call me. "The people from Tiger Gate rushed up directly and didn't say a word, but at this time everything is nonsense, and only the winner is qualified to speak.

The court immediately turned into chaos, but if you watch carefully, you can basically see that the chaos is on the Tiger Gate side. Every one of the people in Qingmen attacked in a very organized manner, and even the actions of the twenty-something people were the same, just like robots.

That's right! It's a robot.

Isn't this the twenty-four high-simulation humanoid robots Jiang Cheng handed over to Jiang Wei! There is no end to the robots with human power, and after a while, the Tigermen people have fallen to the ground. The Golden Age, just like that, changed hands very easily.

That night, the owner of Tiger Gate was furious in the villa.

"Qingmen! You came to provoke me first, huh, let's wait and see. The next day, Jiang Cheng knew the results of the previous night, he was not surprised about this, but at this time, he had More important things need to worry about.

Early in the morning, Jiang Cheng received a call from the person in charge, and asked him if there was an urgent matter, and asked them to report to the base immediately. Therefore, Jiang Cheng arrived at the base early.

At this moment, the person in charge and the other four people were already waiting in the office. Seeing Jiang Cheng finally appeared, the person in charge cleared his throat and spoke.

The five of you are called over this time because there is a task for you. The person in charge immediately looked at Jiang Cheng. Seeing that Jiang Cheng did not answer, he went on to say, "The goal of this mission is to hunt down a traitor. The traitor defected half a month ago and took away a large number of documents. If you let him and If the person on the opposite side takes the head, the consequences will be more serious. Your task is to retrieve the documents before leaking them and rectify the traitor on the spot.

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